You make me laugh (or smile,) the funny, sweet, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the lazy way you let your Kong fall to the floor and wait for The Daddy or the Mama to pick it up…
You make me laugh.
He also has a tendency to give up on the Kong and wait for one of us to poke the treats out. You gotta love a dog that is confident his needs will be taken care of.
Your turn, what do your babies do that make you smile?
Sophie says
I’ve seen Gus do the same with his ball as Sampson! One of Gus’ endearing qualities is using his ball to request his needs be met. He will drop his ball in my lap if he wants to eat, wants to go outside, wants to play ball, or wants a snack! it is up to me to figure out which he wants. Just like a baby’s cries when each means something different. I just haven’t figured out the nuances of each ball drop in my lap. Usually, it is a matter of eliminating each possible need. He will not let it go, until I hit upon what he wants.
Like Sampson, how nice he knows that he will have his needs met. “Ain’t Life Grand”!!!!
Gus’ Mom
Molly The Wally says
That is what staff is there for LOL. Have a serene easy Sunday now.
Best wishes Molly
Laika says
Mom smile when we are begging for cheese 🙂
Two French Bulldogs says
We are something else. Mom always says we have some unique personalities
Lily & Edward
Sue says
LOL Jeffie does the same thing with toys… lounges on the couch while his minions return them to him. He’s trained us well!
Pamela | Something Wagging This Way Comes says
Honey does something similar.
Years ago, I read about a study of dog intelligence. The researchers claimed that border collies were more intelligent than golden retrievers because the BCs worked longer to solve a problem while the GRs looked to their people for help. At the time, I doubted their conclusion. After all, what is smarter than getting someone else to solve a problem for you?
Sounds like Sampson has that kind of smarts too. 🙂
Emma says
He has the humans trained! I just realized I’m not getting your posts in my email…grrr…I will try to remember to manually check.
2 brown dawgs says
LOL that would never happen in this house…no way kong would be left if it had treats in it.
lauranne says
You know they saying “you don’t have a dog and bark yourself!” :0D