Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – August 17, 2014
Emma asked, “I wonder what Aunty does to make her so special to him?”
She loves him unconditionally, just like he loves her. 🙂
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom asked, “How’s he doing this morning after that sprint? Any noticeable discomfort?”
He didn’t seem to. He is still stiff sometimes when he gets up, (which they tell me is normal) but he didn’t seem to be favoring the leg at all.
What the Fashionable Dog Walker is Wearing
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Well how about a doggie backpack with reflective strips on them?”
Good suggestion, I’ll keep that in mind.
Frankie and Ernie said, “Hunting and Fishing stores usually have some varieties of Lighted Hats and arm bands.”
Thank you! I don’t know why I don’t think to go to Cabella’s in the first place!
Jackie Bouchard said, “If we ever go at night when it’s dark, we only go if The Daddy can go along – and he carries the flashlight. And it’s a big ass light that doubles as a potential weapon.”
I like that. Considering the off-leash dogs I run into, a big ass light sounds pretty good. I would need to clip it on me somehow though, I just don’t have enough hands.
Blueberry’s Human said, “As you know, I often hike in the dark this time of year. I know I may be slightly twisted, but I prefer nothing reflective. Do you realize how much fun it is to notice other hikers and their flashlights coming down hill and then quietly slip off the trail to let them pass and then have them gasp in fright when they finally notice the dog and human standing stock still?”
OMG you are hysterical. I can see how that would be fun. But my dogs would be making noise, so it wouldn’t work for me. AND I wanted to tell you, I tried to comment on a couple of different posts on your blog, but for some reason, I could not. 🙁
I e-mailed my friend David a link and he responded with this,
“LOL AWWWWWWWWWW And I’m probably the only person you could dedicate a poopie list to, who is actually honored at the dedication! Most of my dog’s poops(especially when they go somewhere they shouldn’t, or when there is an audience) falls under the Aladdin Poop territory.”
Sand Spring Chesapeakes said, “Awesome, I think I love poop as much as you do, these were great!”
HAHAHA maybe one day I’ll dedicate a poop post to you. 😉
Frankie and Ernie said, “OKAY I (Frankie Furter) will tell on Ernie… he is a HANSEL.”
BWAHAHAHA Frankie, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Delilah is a Gretel. 🙂
One Person’s View said, “How about the Goldilocks? “This spot is too high. This spot is too low. This spot is too east. This spot is too west. AH! THIS SPOT IS JUST RIGHT!” Aka, the Poopie Dance.”
Dang it, I was trying to figure out Cinderella, but totally forgot Goldilocks!! Good one, I’ll have to go back and revise that list.
Pamela said, “I blew milk out my nose! I love your Grimm Poopie Tales. The worst one I’ve ever witnessed was Snow White and Rose Red, or the scary results when a dog eats your lipstick.”
Oh Pamela. How long have you been reading this blog? And you still eat and drink while doing so? LOL I checked for the Snow White and Rose Red post, but didn’t see it. **hint, hint**
Jackie Bouchard asked, “Do you have any idea how many words the book will be when you’re done? ”
How many words do your books have Jackie? I’ve read they should be between 80,000 to 100,000 words. But I also feel like I’m petering out. 🙁
Frankie and Ernie said, “WE thought you had a Picture of our DAD there.”
OMG could you imagine a picture of old sure shot’s butt on this blog? Your mom would not be HAPPY. 🙂
Hawk said, “Mushrooms do take on some weird shapes!”
They sure do! A long time ago, I wrote another post about mushrooms…
As for the Round Robin, Pamela had a suggestion, “As for your round robin, how about going with a C alliteration: critters, caring, curing?”
I’m thinking Caring for Critters.
What do you think?
Dr. Rachele Baker said, “I checked out your Facebook page and I couldn’t find any information about your book. What is the title of your book and what is it about?”
And All Things Collie asked, “What is your book about?”
I’m not sure I’m ready to divulge the name of the book yet, I guess you would call it a mystery or detective/action type book. Right now I think I’ve got all the action in the book, I just need to go back and enhance it.
That’s it for me, look for your e-mail about the Round Robin, coming soon to an inbox near you. 🙂
Molly The Wally says
Have a fabulous Friday and now we are wondering about the book title??????
Best wishes Molly
Sheena says
Mo is a Goldilocks! You’d think he was looking for an apartment, not a place to poop! Happy Friday!
lauranne says
Have a fab Friday! I think all dogs have a slight Goldilocks tendency, my two do for sure
Emma says
We have to agree with Blueberries human. In the mornings we never worry about being seen, so few others are out, we fee safe. The evening walk when the crazy people are racing in their cars to get home is when we worry. Mom used to carry a big mag flashlight when she had just one dog. It doubled as a weapon, but now she doesn’t have enough hands either.
Callie, Shadow, and Ducky's Mom says
Great post this morning! I plan my sips of coffee around reading your posts so I don’t end up spitting it out all over clean clothes. Now it’s time for the girls’ breakfast before I take Ducky to daycare. Give “Hansel” and “Gretel” a kiss for me, and an extra treat.
Jan K says
Mysteries/action books are my favorites! I think I might keep things under wraps as well if I were writing a book.
Blueberry’s Human’s comment cracked me up….now I’ll have to go check out her blog, which I am not familiar with (so many blogs, so little time….).
Sand Spring Chesapeakes says
What a fun post. So many laughs. Keep up the good work on your book and yes please come over here and kick those hunt test judges in the ass or at least have a drink with me, that would be too much fun. Love ya have a great weekend.
Mary says
I love all the great comments you get. So funny!
jan says
I’ve learned never to drink milk or coffee while reading Jodi’s blog. Siriusly we are looking forward to a whole book by you.
Two French Bulldogs says
A good follow up to a good week
Lily & Edward
Jackie Bouchard says
That’s why I don’t walk alone at night – no extra hand to carry the big-ass flashlight!
My 1st 2 books were both ~95K pages. My work-in-progress (which is done … and just waiting to see what happens as far as the agent situation goes… And BTW – ugh. The waiting!) is 88K.
I think I read that mysteries sometimes tend to be a little shorter – maybe in the 70-80K range, but don’t quote me on that since it’s not a genre I write so I don’t know for sure. 70K is not that far away! And if you feel like you are petering out, you can always jump ahead. (I do that all the time – I don’t write the books sequentially.) Maybe if you write the ending it will give you a boost to then write the necessary bits to link it all together. Good luck!
Pamela | Something Wagging This Way Comes says
BTW, you know if you really want to be safe and well lit on your evening walks you should just drive, right? 🙂
2 brown dawgs says
Nice wrap up of the week. Hope you had a nice weekend.