Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Laugh – July 27, 2014
Cupcake said, ” Mom tries to laugh with her mouth closed, but I usually get to lick her tongue a time or two. ”
BWA HA HA, I’ve had that happen too!
Emma said, “Just seeing our happy furry faces in the morning and hearing the thumping of our tails when we know Mom is awake makes her happy.”
Totally agree with that one. Sampson knows when I’m awake and that tail, oh that tail. I wish it could be an alarm clock.
Jan K said, “I love the look on her face!! ”
Isn’t it precious? She looks so coy and shy.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes said, ” I just posted what a ham and wordpress gave me a sassy error message telling me my comment was too short and I was to post something useful.”
I have no idea what that is about, but is it wrong to laugh?
First, any post on this blog about poop is sure to have some hilarious comments. Second, do yourself a favor and go back and read the comment left by Team Beagle Bratz, Diva Shasta takes the cake!!
Jan said, “It’s the Murphy’s Law of Dog Walking. Well played, Jodi.”
Well thank you Jan, that was the original title of the post and then I changed it. Why I don’t know.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes said, “Glory pooped in the pond yesterday.”
Are you kidding? How does she think it’s okay to poop there?
Jackie Bouchard said, ” the other one I’ve found to be true is – your dog will always poop once but still you’ll carry extra bags you never need. The ONE day you leave the house w/ one small bag – your dog will poop twice.”
Umm….I hate to disillusion you, but I carry one poop bag. I’m cheap. I use the same poop bag for both dogs poops. I suppose I should at least carry two. LOL
Lily and Edward said, “I pretend I’m gonna go poop than don’t, BOL”
LOL we have that too. Mostly it’s Sampson who assumes the position and then hears something, so he stops what he’s doing to be the nosey dog that he is.
Kimberly Gauthier said, “If halfway along our walk I notice that I don’t have as many poo bags as I thought, Rodrigo will take a 3rd poop and it’ll be just as big as the first 2 and a jogger will be coming down the road at the same time. Because of this, I carry way too many poop bags and if I don’t separate 5 before we start the walk, then while I’m trying to unroll and rip off a poo bag, 3 out of 4 dogs will take simultaneous poops and then the rabbit appears. *sigh*”
You have my sympathy. I have actually stopped to tear off a bag and looked up to have them both pooping! Synchronized shitting I call it. God I’m such a bad dog mom.
Lauranne said, “What’s Kefir? And in other news your blog just sassed me. I hit post comment and I got “ERROR: Your comment was too short. Please try to say something useful.” It was the last bit that nearly had me spitting out my coffee. You blog has judged me and decided my input it not useful – RUDE!!!!”
I’m not sure why the blog does that, but I do find it amusing. LOL As for the Kefir, it is similar to a yogurt in that it is made from milk. The processing is different and the Kefir has yeast as well as the probiotics. It is also pourable and while yogurt has a tart flavor Kefir’s flavor tends to be a bit more on the sour side. You can read more about it HERE.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes asked, “Awesome treat. Does it melt fast?”
Hello, I have a Lab, there is no such thing as melting when it comes to Labs and food. Siriusly though, I put the treats down on a towel, but I would say they don’t melt any faster than a Popsicle.
It’s Dog or Nothing said, “I had never thought to give my dogs Kefir. It’s so good for people!”
It is very good for you and for dogs as well. What I love best about it is that it is pourable which makes it easier to use (IMO.)
Blueberry’s Human said, “Oh goody! Someone else has heard of Kefir! I think my SIL actually makes her own…I’m not a big fan of it. It’s an acquired taste. ”
I do not make my own! But I do like the taste of it, of course I buy the flavored ones and I feed it to my grandkids.
Jan K said, ” I googled what it was, but I’m not sure where I would find it?”
It depends on your store, in some stores it is in the dairy case with the yogurt and in my local Stop and Shop it is in the Health food section.
Happy Birthday to My Heart Dog
Thank you to everyone who sent Happy Birthday wishes to Sampson, I think it was a wonderful day!
Jan K said, “I’ve been enjoying the pictures on Facebook today. From adorable puppy to handsome senior guy….love them all!”
I’m glad you enjoyed them Jan, for those of you who missed it, we shared our favorite Sampson photos on our Facebook page on Wednesday.
I would have to say this is too big for a nightly treat, but it’s perfect for a special occasion. What I do love about it is the versatility, you can use your pups favorites fruits and make it as fancy or as simple as you’d like. I just wanted his birthday treat to be special. And I should remind you that besides being a potential obstruction, peach pits also contain Cyanide, so be careful when using this fruit around your dogs. I bought the frozen peach slices and there were definitely no pits involved.
Emma asked, “His new toys are adorable. It the wabbit still alive?”
No Emma, sadly the wabbit did not make it. He has been de-stuffed and de-squeaked.
Jan said, “Love your creative ideas on ways to spoil our dogs. I’ve added pumpkin and plain yogurt to our weekly shopping lists and I am planning to make fruit themed faces so my dogs don’t feel deprived.”
SHUT UP. I turned Jan to the dark side!! First she uses siriusly in her blog post and now she’s making treats for her dogs!!
My work here is done!

This was a awesome FUF and I will try to post more than a two word comment so I don’t get sassed again and I’m glad to hear someone else got it too and I too found it quite funny. I can’t believed I missed Sampsons Bday and pictures, I will have to go back and look, I’ve been so freaken busy these days my head is gonna fall off. Happy Belated Bday Buddy! Yes Yes Glory shit in the pond. She was playing so hard then all of a sudden there was a turd floating. This is the second time she has done that! As for keeping Gambler and Glory apart when she is in heat, I didn’t have much trouble this year, I think because they think they are kin and I give Gambler the evil eye if he looks at her he didn’t try much. They are only in standing heat for a short time like maybe a week, each dog differs so I only have to be really careful then, and then we sleep on the couch and don’t go outside with gman. Now when Norman was alive and with Nellie in heat he was a lunatic, would chew though the wire cage to get at her. Boys!
Can’t believe that that’s another week over. Very pleased to see that I’m not the only one your blog has judged. I wonder if we should start support group?!
What a great FUF! I’ve totally given up on catching up on my blog reading and commenting, so this was perfect for me 🙂 I have so much enjoyed all the Sampson photos on FB. He reminds me so much of my Lucy!
We agree the week has flown by. Great follow up. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
How can it be FRIDAY again… already?
We love all the poop problems… Ernie is a Pooping MACHINE…
We’ve gotten the comment too short message on blogs too, weird. As for poop bags, Mom makes a game of it seeing how much poop she can get in one bag…she had 5 the other day (that is with 4 dogs). She loves to conserve on bags because with 3 dogs they go fast if you use one for each poop, but we always carry at least 2 just in case a bag has a hole or something out of the ordinary happens. The decision on how many bags to carry is nothing to be taken lightly – LOL!
Great follow up!
Oh and I wanted to ask, did you get the card I made for Sampsons birthday? I sent it to you through twitter, hope you got it!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Don’t be sassin’ JoAnn. Her dogs are big and many and will hunt you down. Ish. 😉
Looks like you’ve had a great week, poop bags not withstanding. What on earth does withstanding mean, anyway?
I’m glad to see that some toys don’t live very long in your house either! I’m going to look for Kefir next time I go shopping and give it a try.
I agree that tail thumping is a beautiful sound!
Oh no poor wabbit did not last long…lol. I guess that is half the fun.
I need a “Love” button for this one! Sorry it took me so long to comment, but you know how distractions are.