Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – June 22, 2014
Cupcake said, “Mug for the camera!!? Cupcake believes the camera was invented for her!”
LOL Cupcake! While Delilah will rarely (if ever) pose for the camera, when I try to take Sampson’s picture she has no problem photo-bombing it!
Emma asked, “Did he get a bath? ”
Actually this picture was taken after a walk in the rain, but he did in fact get a bath on Sunday.
Emma said, “You should also make sure she isn’t secretly drinking along side you…I know you like to imbibe with the stress of Sampson, perhaps she has secretly been doing the same.”
I have to watch her around my coffee because if I set it down and walk away, she will drink it.
Jenna, Mark “Husky-Crazed” Drady said, “Good ol doctor google! He has made me think myself, my kids, and my pets are all dying, more times then once!”
OMG I am always diagnosing myself! LOL And sometimes I’m right!!
Donna said, “So I’m not going to say “Don’t worry” cause I’m sure you will. But I will say, how often HAVE you worried, and it turned out to be nothing serious at all? ”
All the time Donna, that’s my strategy. 😉
Blueberry’s Human said, “My burning question about Delilah is – how did she get the (possible) liver infection? I’d want to know what causes that – is it random? something in her diet? a medication she’s on? did another dog have it in its poo and she sniffed it and that’s how it happened? I have a sickness – it’s called “needtoknowwhyitis”
I think we are soul mates. I am usually the exact same way I just dropped the ball this time. 🙁
Jan said, “Someone should probably sue Dr. Google for malpractice.”
Yes. Yes they should. I imagine it will be a class action lawsuit.
Pamela asked, “Are you beginning to wonder if the dogs are just trying to worry you to death so they can inherit your fortune?”
I would suspect that, IF there were a fortune, but sadly there is none.
Carol Bondy asked, “Hahaha…my house looks the same way…gates all over…is sampson ok???”
Ok is a relative word. Sampson is not doing as well as he could be and I have a post planned for Monday to fill you all in on where we’re at and what we’re doing to help him get what he needs.
Jenna, Mark “Husky-Crazed” Drady asked, “Question though, I understand the stairs to the couch etc….but how come the window and those things are all gated? Just to keep Sampson more contained until he is healed?”
That’s a great question. Sampson loves to run to that window and stand on his back paws and place his front paws on the sill. Since he shouldn’t be standing on those back legs just yet, I’ve blocked off that window.
Blueberry’s Human said, “A little side note – maybe he doesn’t like using the stairs because they are a bit narrow.”
God I love you!! So many people have said something similar but in a different way. I kept thinking they were suggesting the stairs were not deep enough, but you, YOU were very clear and now I totally get it!! We will be looking into getting a wider set of stairs!
I thank all of you who commented about when you post as well as those who commented on the article I shared. BTW that article was shared to me by Maggie from Oh My Dog.
Emma said, “The article on paid media is interesting. We have started changing what we do and what we expect in return. We have raised the bar in most cases. Sometimes we do reviews because it is a fun company and we just enjoy it, but these days, if it is not a paid review, the product has to be worth it to us in most cases.”
I agree, there are some products I would review because I love them or they are fun, but when I do a review I spend a lot of time writing the post, taking photos, etc. and personally I feel my time and opinion have value.
For more on this subject, join me on our Facebook page for further discussion.
2 Brown Dawgs said, “You schedule posts?”
Yes I do. If I don’t I will never get a post up. 🙂
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s Mom said, “I would have loved to hear your explanation of ACL surgery!”
First I said he had surgery on his leg and then when they pressed for more details I kind of said he hurt his knee like a football player does. LOL It was not my best performance. 🙂
Well that’s it for me, thanks for tuning in and have a great weekend!!

Blueberry’s Human could be right. Narrow stairs could feel like walking the plank!
Trying to decide if coffee is better than alcohol? I try to drink Gramma’s Manhattan, but Mom says no alcohol for dogs. It smells so good, though. I will bop over to fb to see what is happening there with the media topic.
This was a great follow up today! Firstly, thank you for answering my questions. I should have figured that Sampson shouldn’t be standing on his back legs, which is why even the windows are gated. Duh! BOL! And, what a great suggestion about the stairs being to narrow! That could very well be a hige part of his issue! And I love Jan’s comment about suing Dr. Google for malpractice!!! HAHAHA!!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
LOL I still say I must be doing my reviews wrong because they never take as much time as my regular posts. The training posts are very time consuming. The health series even more so which is why I haven’t had a post on that topic for a bit. 🙂
When we picked up Luke from the rescue transport, the first thing he did in the car was to try to get into my coffee, and he’s been trying to drink it ever since!
That’s my worry strategy too!!! If I think of the worst case scenario, and go over and over it in my mind IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. It’s the stuff that you’re not expecting that will get you.
I’m just glad I’m not the only slightly crazy one. 🙂
Great follow up hope all is well with the gang. Hugs
I’m glad my comment about the stairs could help!