Have you been to a toy store recently?
Typically when I shop in a toy store I have a specific item I’m looking for for my grandchildren. I go into the store, head right to the specific area, grab what I need and turn around and head right back out.
That all changed last Friday when my sister and I took our four-year-old niece shopping for her birthday.
My sister was looking for games to play with our niece in our hotel room, which is how I came across this.
I stood in the aisle at Toys R Us
I couldn’t control myself, I knew it was wrong but it was like my hands were being controlled by something other than my mind. I picked up the game and turned it over.
Feed and walk your little pup. When he makes a mess you clean it up!
My best guess was the ‘game’ involved feeding the dog something along the lines of play doh which would then come out the other end.
Once again it was like my fingers were detached from my brain. I youtubed it.
GAH it’s even worse than I thought! Do you see the excited looks and the clapping that’s going on? How about the joy on their faces as they pump that little handle and point at his doggy ass?
Do you think that will change the first time they stoop down to pick up a real doggy ass bomb? Or the first time the bag breaks and they juggle dog doo with their bare hands?
I know, I know, it’s teaching responsible dog ownership, but seriously folks, I think you’re pitching this product to the wrong age group.
As all this rushed through my mind I happened to glance over at the game right next to Doggie Doo.
I stuck my hands in my pocket and walked away.

I don’t even like poop bags!!! This is disgusting. The pop the pig is cruel. No wonder we have kids killing pets 🙁
That’s beyond comprehension! These toy makers will go to any and all extremes to make a damn buck — it IS disgusting! Can you imagine what OUR parents’ reactions to shit — pun intended — like this would have been when we were your niece’s age?! Of course, I doubt that the owner of the Wantagh 5 & 10 would have even allowed it on his store shelves, but that’s beside the point.
I don’t think either game is going to be put on my Christmas wish list. Wow just wow! (and that wow isn’t a good hell yeah wow it’s more of a FFS Wow)
OMD what next? Lavatorial humour that is not. Crikey someone must have been smoking some doo doo to come up with that. Yikes. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Ugh. What ever happened to Chutes and Ladders and CandyLand?
Thankfully, Mom hardly ever goes to a toy store. She feels old, but says all the time that line…back when we were kids…things have changed and often not for the better.
I am not sure that is responsible at all. I watched the youtube. :/ As I understand it, the object of the game is to first stuff the dog with pretend food and then magically it will take a crap and you win! I am not sure teaching kids that stuffing a dog with food is a good thing. The pig game is really bad.
hahahaha I’m sorry I laughed my ass off at this post and at the video. What next????? oh the pig that’s right!!!! Have a great day!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I have seen this before!!! Both of them!!!!! Well I can honestly say I would never buy these games for my kids!!! BOLOLOL!!
I mean…..if they wanna make a game out of it, I have 3 huskies….I could always give them some dice and tell them to roll the dice, and whatever number shows up, thats how many days in a row they get to pick up the dog poop! What do you think?? hahahaha!!! Let’s see them clap for joy then!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
As DACHSHUNDS… we are offended by this TOY thingy… Why couldn’t that have made it a Pooping SQUIRREL instead?
Oh my hell, that’s all I can think to say. Do parents really buy this shit? (no pun intended)
Mom loves toy stores. That is hilarious
Lily & Edward
Haha. I almost bought this for my cousin’s kids a few months ago. My brother had a game called Gooey Louie when we were growing up where boogers the consistency of gummy worms where shoved in this nose and if you pulled the one that was attached to something inside then the guy’s brain popped out of his head (or something like that). We all loved it. Kids are weird. They like gross stuff.
Generally I find many kinds of retail experiences stressful but toy stores are for me a unique form of hell. Fortunately I won a dog-themed game on a blog a few months ago and my niece will be getting that for her birthday!
She’s 6 now–I suppose not too long before I can get her bath & beauty-themed gifts, then alcohol and/or garden-themed gifts…but it’s safe to say I will never set foot in a toy store 🙂
Sorry, Jodi. I decided not to watch the video. After all, I just ate.
This reminds me of some candy dispensing toys that were popular in my office for a while. Little plastic cows would “poop” out jelly beans. Who finds that appetizing?
Yeah – I’m with Pamela – I didn’t watch the video either…. WTF are people thinking?? I’m glad I don’t have to go to toy stores. (Although… this gives me an idea. I actually have a scene in my current manuscript where the main character shops for her nephew’s bday… She just might have to see that in the store!)
Seriously?!?! I don’t go in toys stores anymore either. (Thank God) I think maybe there needs to be a little more competition in the board game market. That’s definitely not my kid’s Tamagotchi from the 90’s and THAT was stupid even then! Hahaha!
ha! I have this. My cousin got it for me as a joke but I used it at a water quality booth for work to teach kids about cleaning up after their pet. The kids loved it and I though it was hilarious.
Oh good lord. I don’t even know what else to say.