You make me smile (or laugh,) the funny, sweet, loving things my dogs do that brings a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you lay your head on our necks…like you just can’t get close enough to us….
This was taken when Sampson was still confined to his recovery room. Hubby would come home from work and come into our room to say hello and Sampson practically crawled on top of him.
He loves to lay his head on your neck or shoulder. Nothing makes me happier than to wake up in the night to find Sampson’s head on my neck or shoulder.
Your turn, what do your puppies (pets) do to make you smile?

I smiled a TON the other day! I gave all my huskies a bath and seeing them all wet and scrawny because of their soaked fur was just to funny!!!!
So glad Sampson has such great people who love him so much!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
That is a very charming habit. The most endearing thing our two do is to rush and get a soft toy to greet us when we come into a room or return home. Never fails to raise a smile.
Sampson that is so sweet and it made us smile too. Have a serene Sunday and let us all partake of some big easy today.
Best wishes Molly
Its amazing how they can make us smile and the wonder they bring by their unexpected and intelligent actions are a source of never ending joy. 🙂 Love the picture… 🙂
Love the fuzzy neck warmer!
That is so sweet…..I love it! I love when they cuddle and snuggle…Luke will put himself right up against me in the middle of the night, I love waking up to that!
I love when the dogs cuddle up real close, that makes me smile too.
Such a sweet picture.
Mom gets down low and I stand on my back paws and give a hug with my paws around her neck and we are cheek to cheek. She usually massages my long back while I hug 🙂 I bet that neck action feels nice too.
Sweet picture. I love when any two of my dogs make a human sandwich of me when I am in bed or sitting in a chair.
Cuddling ALWAYS makes Mom smile! That’s why every time she moves an inch away from me, I move 2 inches closer to her. It’s because she likes it!!!
Love and licks,
Our pups love to do that same thing, and I love it to. Your photo made me smile!
Love that picture! Sampson is just a big ol’ teddy bear!
Lovely photo. Gman will sleep like that but on the front of my neck at night. I love that feeling.
I have BD for the evening on friday and we curled up on the settee next to me. By the end of the evening he was laying fully across my lap with a big goof grin on his face!
That is so cute. 🙂
Awww!!! Blueberry does this to me when I sit on the ottoman (my thrifty version of dog stairs) at the foot of the bed when she sees I am getting ready to put my hiking boots on. She also does this first thing in the morning. This picture is priceless!