Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – April 13, 2014
Jan K said, “Don’t you just love the determination of dogs?”
Yes I do. I wish I was as determined as she is.
Roxy the Traveling Dog asked, “Is Sampson sad he can’t join her?”
Yes, Sampson is very sad. I think he’s even sort of depressed and I can’t blame him. He’s so limited in what he can do.
I Know Why They’re Called Labradors
Emma said, “Perhaps a general dogstacle would be appropriate as we all seem to be in the way of you busy humans. I guess there could be a catstacle as well. We often hear that we make better doors than windows at our house.”
He he he, yes I think both species are effective at being obstacles. The cats I had always liked to be weaving around underfoot.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Callie will let you step over her; but unless she’s sound asleep, Shadow will get up in mid-step and send you falling flat on your face.”
Yup. I can relate to that, although Delilah’s gotten better at letting us step over her. HOWEVER, if she’s awake you better watch out.
Blueberry’s Human said, “You know – I said it once and I’ll say it again…you need to have a video camera going at all times at your house. That is reality TV that I would love to watch!”……”I call Blueberry the Ninja Dog because she is always slinking in behind me and scares the crap out of me when I turn around and there she is.”
OMG you’d hear an awful lot of yelling and swearing. LOL
Colby said, “Unfortunately, a blind person cannot see Labradoors. As part of our guide dog puppy training we work with our Labs and do our best to make sure they are not obstacles for their blind handlers.”
That’s awesome Colby. You have my undying respect for that. I’d love to learn some of those skills.
2 Brown Dawgs said, “From small puppies my doggies learn the phrase “gotta move”. That means get the hell out of my way. Only I say it real cheery: “gotta move”. ..happy voice. But I am thinking the other.”
I usually say, “Beep, Beep” but when that doesn’t work I usually yell and swear. I’m a horrible dog owner.
Jessica asked, “I’m trying to decide if it’s *better* to know that Delilah is capable of loose leash walking or *worse.* What do you think?”
For me, its better knowing she’s capable of it. It gives me something to work towards.
Jenna, Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady says, “Three huskies who all want to be in the lead, and the only thing that has helped me with it has been using different harnesses to help with the pulling.”
I recently got a harness for Sampson that’s working rather well, BUT he is not at full capacity yet. So I can’t say with certainty it will help. But when he is 100% I’ll have them both on harnesses and let you know.
Jessica asked, “How strange. Is Sampson still on medication?”
Yes he is. He’s on Tramadol and Carprofen. But he’s never done that before. He only ever pooped in the house once and he was probably 3 months old when he did that.
Lauranne said, “Wow there are so many things wrong with this post – I’m not all squimish and stuff but yuck bare hands and even bigger yuck you offered it to your dog to eat!! You may have just earned the crazy dog lady title 2014!! I also worry far too much – do you think there is a way to get paid for it??”
First I should tell you raw fed poop is very hard and dry. I honestly couldn’t tell what it was until I’d picked it up AND I would NEVER let her eat the poop, it was an impulse just to see what she would do. To your question I would say, I wish there was, but I don’t think so.
Sheena asked, “Are you sure YOU didn’t leave that poop in the bed so your scent was there for Sampson? Lol! Perhaps you have totally lost YOUR mind and you we’re sleep pooing?”
No, I’m certain I did not poop in the bed, it was definitely one of the dogs.
Emma said, “Obviously you are way off track on this one. You can’t just blame the dog! I don’t think you have a cat, but if you do, that would be the perp in this case. What about hubby? He is the one that is usually in that bed isn’t he?”
No to the cat and no to the Hubby. He and Delilah have been sleeping in the other room.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom asked, “And, by the way, what’s that on YOUR pillow?”
It is just the way the blanket is draped and the darkness of the photo. I can assure you there is nothing on my pillow!
Frankie and Ernie said, “So you are saying… you had a CRAPPY experience????”
BWA HA HA yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Jen K says, “wow, it just occurred to me the morbid conversations we dog owners will candidly have with each other….”
Yes, yes we do.
Jan K said, “You would have laughed if you had seen me at about 4 am this morning trying to get back in bed when Luke had taken over my spot when I got up to pee.”
I can picture this as I have gotten up many nights myself and lost my spot. There have been times where I just end up sleeping somewhere else, because it’s just not worth the fight. 🙂
Blueberry’s Human said, “Maybe it was Sampson’s version of a mint on the pillow?……I can’t say my reaction would be the same as yours at finding out the “rock” turned out to be a turd. LOL – puzzlement??? I would have shrieked and flung it. And best. line. ever. – “…what if he had a little one left in the chamber and when he went to sleep it shot out?”.
OMG mint on pillow!! That cracks me up. I’m glad you liked that line. When I giggle writing it, I’m pretty sure that someone else will find it funny too.
I’m glad you all realized the post was intended to be funny.
That’s it for me, I hope you all have a great weekend and a Happy Easter.

BOL BOL mint on the pillow that cracked us up. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
I love follow up Friday at your blog, always makes Mom and I laugh! Mom uses beep beep with Bailie to move, it has about a 50% success rate. Happy Easter weekend! Hope you don’t find any crap in your Easter basket.
Loved the who’s been pooping in my bed post! Too funny! You crack me up! Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!
You lead such an interesting life. LOL
I might have to steal “beep, beep”. Never know, might work better. 🙂 Have a great and restful weekend! Happy Easter to you!
One of the reasons some of us have dogs instead of children is because we swear too much, and at least the dogs don’t know the difference. I can’t tell you how many times my hubby got busted when my stepson and his family, with 2 year old son, were here. LOL (I was a bit better at editing myself….)
Your Friday follow ups make me laugh SO HARD. Thank you. 🙂 I imagine you swearing at the dogs and it makes me smile. I think my dogs are the only creatures capable of making me swear, and it’s always when they make me trip and fall. GAH!
Great FUF, still cracking up about the mystery poop. Have a wonderful Easter.