There is so much I want to tell you about Sampson’s surgery, but right now I’m so damn tired I just can’t put a decent post together. I can’t wrap my mind around it and pull it together.
I will just tell you this. Sampson and I are staying on a futon mattress on the floor in my office.
This is where he’s been spending 97% of his time. The other 3% is spent on potty breaks outside and five minute leash walks twice a day. Because we live in a raised ranch, his leash walks are taking place on our deck. Each walk consists of between 19 to 25 trips back and forth. After he walks, I ice his leg for 15 to 20 minutes.

Yes that’s me walking on my leg. You can tell he’s not putting full weight on it based on the size of his foot, in comparison to the others.
He also has range of motion exercises that I do with him three times a day. Today our walks increase to three times per day, my plan is to do his range of motion exercises and then walk him and ice him.
This week I’m working five and a half hour days and when I’m off to work, he has to be in the cone. We have to make sure he can’t get at that leg.
The combination of the cone and the confinement is giving him a little bit of stress. I feel bad for him. Yesterday when I came home he was panting a lot, and wouldn’t settle down until I sat with him. Then he calmed down and went to sleep.
Hopefully we can both hang in there until next Wednesday when those staples come out.
Any of you who’ve gone through surgeries with your pets have any suggestions to help keep him calm? Or make him feel less stressed? This tired Mama would appreciate any suggestions you have.

Have you thought about Bach’s Rescue Remedy?
Poor tough boy. Poor you. He is lucky to have you.
Oh my gosh! I have not been blogging at all lately and I saw this pop up in my email. Poor Sampson (and poor you too!). You are an amazing dog momma, stay strong and give him a gentle pat for me.
Those sad cone-of-shame eyes, oh they make me so unhappy!
Ah, we’ve only gone through surgery with a cat and had to sleep on a mattress on the floor with her for 6 weeks. Didn’t ‘have’ to do it but it was the only way to give her the company she needed to recover quickly and with less stress. You’ve got much more on your hands having to walk Sampson so carefully. Imagine removing the cone from the equation will be the best stress reducer – when can you do that? Good luck and keep at it!
Bless him, and you both. He doesn’t look overly impressed does he. I know it’s not much but could you try making all (or the vast majority) of his meals out of his kong? That would at least keep him occupied for a little longer!
You must be tired and stressed. We have no experience so we can not help you but we hope some good ideas are put forward. Keep thinking not long to go. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
That cone is giving him anxiety. He is having a panic attack in it. Do you have the fan blowing on him? Do you have some light dressing that you could place on the leg while you are away, instead of coning him? Do you want me to come and sit with him for a while today? If you do, let me know. Just a while longer Sandman! You got this Big Boy!
Mom has never had any luck keeping a dog calm once they felt a bit better. It is great if he is really spending so much time on the futon, though. Just remember, every day it will get a bit better and before you know it you will both feel better. It is hard but worth it for him. He will cheer up when the worlds largest cone is gone I am sure! Hugs to you both from Mom and I.
Are you walking him and pottying him with the cone on? That helps. Also treats with cone on and any other thing you can think of to try to make him think it is normal. Thunder got so good he could take a drink of water while wearing it, but at first I couldn’t even get it on him!
Oh, I wish I could be of help, but I’ve never had to deal with that. Luke just got neutered yesterday and I’m trying to keep him quiet (right….keep a 5 month old puppy quiet). He feels fine and that’s the problem, as well as his sisters wanting to play with him. But I know this is nothing compared to what you’re going through. I did pull out one of the treat games we have this morning to try to occupy him with that.
Just try to think of it as a person who had surgery and has to keep quiet. Most don’t handle it well either, and go through the same restlessness, and just want things to be back to normal. The difference is we know why it has to be that way, and dogs can’t really understand that. But he will get through it and it will all be behind you in time.
We are thinking of you!
WE know this is going to be a long and stressful week. SO SORRY… butt the end result will make it all worthwhile.
Of course this will not help you NOW… butt our vet sometimes give the CONE a Week or so AHEAD of surgery… (when it is Planned surgery).. so the dogs or cats can get used to them… BEFORE the actual surgery is done.
We are thinking of BOTH of you.
Poor Sampson, he looks so tired. I bet you look the same way. You should reach out to KB at Romp Roll Rockies. She just barely went through elbow surgery with her lab. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Poor Sampson and poor you:( We had to keep Teddy quiet after the fight with Phe but that wasn’t much of a problem. I think he hurt so bad and was kind of in a state of depression. I don’t know have any good advice. Hopefully, the time will go by fast and Sampson will be healed before you know it!
I’m sorry to hear you guys are so tired and stressed. But yay for next week staple removal! I have no idea or suggestions for keeping him calm… I’m sure just being with you is really helping him relax (though I know this isn’t a full-day-solution)
Oh you poor baby. Sounds like mom is taking excellent care of you
Lily & Edward
Aww 🙁 Poor Sampson! And poor you!!! I feel for you guys. I can’t imagine what it is like though. I have never had to go through this as of yet. Only surgery’s here have been spay and neuter.
For the stress I have heard some people have used Melatonin. I wont advise you to use it or say I know much about it, I just know some people use it to calm dogs during long trips, or thunder storms and things like that. It might be worth to do some research on it. I think it is a natural pill.
Hope you guys are alright till those staples come out 🙁
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
So glad he is coming along well. Sounds like you need a couple shots of whiskey before bedtime. It will get better, hang in there. With the cone on I don’t think there is much you can do to calm him. Do you at least take it off for a bit when you are by him? Give him a little break from it. Have a wonderful day.
I know you are both exhausted 🙁 I hope he is feeling better soon – those cones always make them look so sad!! You’re such a good mama!!
I would have replied earlier, but my Internet connection was down again and I had to go out to meet a friend.
Okay, re the stress. Do you have a radio or TV that you can put in the office with him? The music and/or people talking will keep him company. We have Music Choice with our Charter cable tv so I leave it on the easy listening channel — at a whisper decibel level — all day. It’s loud enough for Callie & Shadow to hear in the main part of the house but low enough that it doesn’t disturb Ducky in her crate. It’s not your voice, but if you have a radio station on at least the djs have human voices to make Sampson feel like he’s not alone.
Wish I had some fantastic ideas for you, but I don’t 🙁 I was so lucky that I worked from home when Tucker had his ACL surgeries. I do like the Bach flower remedies and thinks that’s a great suggestion. Have you tried leaving some soothing music playing? Hang in there. If feels like forever now, but it will be over soon!
Another thing you could try is a drop of lavender essential oil. Rub it in the palms of your hands with a little filtered water and then massage it behind his ears, the crown of his head, and the back of his neck. Lavender has wonderful soothing, calming properties. I (try to remember to) use it on Callie when a thunderstorm rumbles through. It works better than the thundershirt for Callie.
Oh jeesh…its so bad when they have to go thru something like that…hard on him and hard on you. I’ve been lucky…anytime my dogs wore a cone i was not working…so it was easier for me…i just had them on a leash next to me and next to my bed so they couldn’t get at stitches. Or staples…when those are gone it will be easier…hang in There!!!’
we can’t give suggestions because we’ve never gone through that, but our thoughts and best wishes are with you.
Maybe a DAP diffuser plugged in in your office would help? Or some classical music playing? There are millions of classical music videos on YouTube that I play for Silas when he’s having a rough day.
You could try a compression wrap, but with the cone it may be TOO MUCH. I’d try the DIY ace bandage version, rather than a real Thundershirt, since he won’t need it long-term.
When we first got Ike he was really stressed. We tried everything. And guess what worked? The CD Through a Dog’s Ear. I feel silly suggesting it, because it sounds so improbable, but it works like a charm. We used it when he had to wear the cone, which he HATED, and he fell right asleep! Give it a try, I hope it works as well for Sampson as for us.
Would giving him some stuff in a Kong help? I mean, it keeps him busy for a while and that’s a distraction from everything else. At least it just keeps getting better from here!
Poor Sampson. I have no suggestions, but I did have a dog who removed her own stitches when I took mercy on her and removed the cone after a few days. Sorry, buddy. The cone stays….
(((hugs))) to you both. I don’t know how you are able to handle all of this and work at the same time. Poor Sampson, his face made me so sad. He is lucky to have you for a Mama. He is such a good boy. I am praying he has a speedy recovery. Sending love and healing licks.
Oh, dear. Poor Sampson… and I know it can’t be easy on you, either. I don’t have much to add beyond the really great ideas already suggested, but wishing you both the best. 🙁