Chip ‘N Delilah
Today is the first day of Spring!! Yay, I love Spring, it’s one of my favorite seasons. Despite our weather’s decided lack of cooperation, there’s one sure sign of Spring at our house.
The chipmunks are out.
Yesterday morning found Delilah back to her favorite spot to window watch the chipmunks. Believe it or not there have been times when I’ve actually caught her sitting there with drool hanging from her mouth. It’s totally not her fault, the lab up the street told her they taste like chicken.
As I was bustling about in the morning, packing my lunch, washing dishes and my general morning rush, I looked over and found Delilah glued to the window. Luckily my camera was right on the counter, so I grabbed it and started playing with the settings taking various photos.
It wasn’t until I got right on top of her that I realized there was a chipmunk not more than five feet from her.
In my best effort to help Delilah realize her wildest dreams, I ever so carefully removed the bell from the door knob and moved it out of the way, when I went back to unlock the door, the chipmunk was gone.
Drats! Foiled again! Hang in there Delilah, one of these days you’ll score you a chippie.
It’s Been So Long
It’s been so long since I’ve taken my dogs on a walk that I’ve quite forgotten what goes into it.
Yesterday I went home at lunch to give the dogs a break. I left Delilah in the yard and walked Sampson down the driveway to the front of the house. This is a sure way to get him to tinkle. There is something about tinkling in the front that he absolutely loves. He really wanted to hobble about so we crossed the street and then looped around and back into the yard. The whole hobble took less than five minutes, but I hope it gave him a change of scenery.
Delilah was up next. I grabbed her collar, leashed her up and walked out the door. (Sampson of course, was ticked off and went to the window to bark his displeasure.)
We walked up the street and straight into the park and then I realized I was still in my work shoes, I had no phone, no camera, and no pepper spray. And when Delilah responded immediately to me and looked at me for her reward, I realized I had no treats either.
Dog walking = epic fail.
Winter has been too long and too hard and it’s been far too long since I’ve enjoyed some bonding time with my dogs. I mean to rectify that sooner rather than later.
Unhappy Puppy
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Sampson is learning how to get around on three legs. When he first hurt himself he was okay with laying on the his bed on the floor for the night. All of that changed Tuesday morning. He woke me up about 3:20. I leashed him up and took him outside where he sat down and stared at the sky.
I took him back inside and into the room that is supposed to be my office. It is equipped with a futon, which is much lower to the floor than our bed. I helped him get up on there, then climbed in beside him. As I lay there unable to fall back asleep, I decided that this is where he and I will be sleeping until he has fully recovered from his surgery. He’s happier snuggled up with his Mama and truthfully, I’m happier with him beside me.
This weekend Hubby and I will be working on this room to turn it into safe place for him to recover.
But while I was laying there in the quiet of the early morning, I swear I heard a coyote. It was pretty darn cool, mostly because I was inside and they were not. I’m pretty sure I’d feel differently if I was sleeping outside.
Have you heard about Thursday’s Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog? It’s a blog hop for anyone. All we ask is that you grab a badge from one of our blogs and mention your hosts. Oh and don’t forget to add your link.

I would be mega impressed if Delilah gets a chipmunk! Those little guys are like kryptonite for Moses – but he’d never get close to one in his wildest dreams.
I hope Sampson heals well and quickly! It’s very heartwarming to think of how well you’re caring for him and accommodating his tripod status.
I’m still laughing about Sampson just having a seat to look up at the moon! I agree with Jen K – I’d be sooo impressed if Delilah actually caught a chipmunk. And so would Rosie 😉
Chipmunk…..patio doors….only matter of time before an epic win is scored or if not just a great chase. We love a good chase. We hope Sampson is not too stir crazy and happy first day of Spring and have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Poor Sampson. Lately Katie doesn’t want to walk with us at times so she stays behind but as we leave her sad face is in the window. What she really wants is that no one walks and we all stay home with her, but with her issues, sometimes it is just better for her to stay home. It is great the Sampson likes to walk, even if it is only 5 mins. You will get a new routine going, it will just take some time and the pups will adjust. We have been tweaking ours since Bailie arrived, but finally we seem to have settled into one again. Don’t hit the bottle too hard, Sampson will need someone that can walk steady after his surgery 😉
Cool photo of Delilah. Poor Sampson, I’m glad he’s getting out and about, must make him feel better. It’s tough when you have dogs with different exercise needs.
Hi Y’all!
Gotta run get my Human! See, see!!! Some humans let their pawed ones chase!
My Human would never allow me to chase a chipmunk, and we’re loaded with them in the mountains.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I’m glad you are seeing some signs of spring, chipmunks, and hearing the coyotes (I’m not really sure that’s sign of spring but I’ve never heard them in the winter). I do love to hear them as long as I’m inside, it’s kind of eerie but cool.
We woke up to 10 inches of snow this morning. I can’t say anything cheerful about that other than that the dogs are enjoying it.
I’ve also forgotten my routine for walking. I did take Sheba for a short walk over the weekend, and also forgot half the stuff I usually bring with me.
I think it is so sweet that you are setting up a room for Sampson’s recovery, and that you are going to sleep there with him. I’ll be thinking of you both tomorrow.
I think spring is coming, hope you are all doing ok!
It has been a long winter. The chipmunks probably think so too. 🙂 When we finally got back to training, we were just like you thinking of things we normally bring but didn’t…lol. Silly humans.
Good idea making a recovery room. In our house it is out library (which we use as a dog room mostly). It doesn’t require steps so that is a bonus. I haven’t slept in there with the dogs though. I bet Sampson will be happy to have you with him. Are you going to take any time off work after his surgery to keep an eye on him?
Poor little chipmunk….run chippy run. Lol. She is sitting so nice by the door…luke probably would be lunging at the door. He would never get one!!!!! He starts barking as soon as hes out the door…and they run into their home…i piled mountain rocks into a faux waterfall…and thats where they live…its fun making a chipmunk home. Kayla on the other him is very stealth!!! She would get one…she stalks like a cat…no bark…no warning. Run chippy run!!! Lol
Anyway..glad Sampson is adjusting….dogs are amazing…aren’t they?? Soon he will be back to normal…a long road ahead…but well worth it. :-). Hang in there guys!!!!
I don’t think I’d be too happy if I heard a coyote while I was outside, either. Glad you were able to enjoy it from INSIDE!
So now we know who ranks highest in your bedroom, and it’s not the hubby. LOL. That’s okay — Sam can commiserate with your hubby ‘cuz Callie & Shadow come first here, especially when they’re hurting.
Speaking of C & S, they both have appointments with the vet this morning. Callie’s been biting at one of her cysts lately and it has a scab on it. Shadow has a little growth on her right ankle. It looks like a cyst or a lipoma, or maybe a wart, but the color of it is weird. It kinda reminds me of a piece of charcoal that’s heating up in the grill. So, time to check it out. It hasn’t changed any since i first noticed it over the weekend that I can tell, but better to let the vet take a look and maybe do a needle biopsy. We’ll see. I know Shadow won’t be happy either way, but she’ll get over it.
That sounds like a great recovery plan. You’ll both be happy and calmer that way. You need pepper spray to walk near your house?
Guess those chipmunks are like squirrels. We have one that comes up to our door and stares in the house. Its the same one that I get to chase off the bird feeder multiple times a day. Its a brave squirrel and smart too.
I hope Sampson recovers soon. I know that has to be hard to use 3 legs. Healing thoughts to him.
Have a great first day of spring!
Oh Dee…. we feel your pain… butt we have always heard about the TRIUMPH of HOPE over Experience.
We have also heard that Chippies DO taste like Chicken… BaaaaWaaaah.
NOW that is a SUPER Plan fur Sampson’s Recovery Room. EXCELLENT.
I’m sure Sampson must feel better for having you sleeping by his side. Just be careful. I don’t want to read a future blog post about your aching back. 🙂
Chipmunks are a sure sign of spring! And the Canada geese which are flying overhead here.
There are currently three coyotes on my back porch. Well, their pelts. Soaking in a salt and alum solution. Woohoo!
Love the first photo! Fun days ahead waiting and watching for chippy. mine are all about waiting and watching for rabbits. Your going to have to put a mattress on the floor so you both can get a good nights sleep. Now don’t do as I do, do as I say but when Norman had his TPLO surgery, I put a short leash on him, hiked him in bed with us and I hung onto the leash so if he moved I would know it and he slept on the bed each night.
I forgot to tell you too there is a award waiting for you on my blog today. Enjoy some sunshine.
Lol I HATE getting halfway through a walk and remembering that I left… everything I needed at home. Especially when Jeni (formerly reactive, still needs management) passes another dog, looks at me happily for her treat after not barking and… I have nothing. Poor critter. I have not been walking anyone much recently because of my broken foot – I have been taking them out to run off leash or go to playdates but leash manners are slacking after a few months off and I made the mistake of trying to walk all three together yesterday. That was a bad walk. Oh well, guess spring is a good time to brush up on manners!
Glad to hear Sampson is getting around more.
So sweet of you to sleep with him to.
Thanks for the update. Oh and it may be the first day of spring, but you would never know it here in Canada!!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Outside with no treats?? That’s just crazy-talk.
i’ve been worrying about your boy. I hope he makes a full, and quick recovery.
“the lab up the street told her they taste like chicken.”
rofl – wonder if it’s true? (I won’t be finding out)