Hubby and I had lots of time off over the Christmas/New Year’s holidays. (I hope you did as well.) Because of all the time off I was able to coerce Hubby into exploring a number of hiking areas all within a five minute drive from our house.
One of these places was a local reservoir that I refer to as Risley Pond, apparently it has been renamed Risley Park but it’s still got some nice trails that meander around the reservoir and there is a trail that leads up the mountain to a tower.
During this particular visit we decided to stay on the lower trails and not attempt the tower paths.
Delilah of course had to be on leash, but Sampson was able to be a trail blazer. A role he has relished from his very first hike. He absolutely adores being outside running through the woods.
We encountered a small group of men and teenagers who were working on building some bridges over areas where little streams run down from the mountains and feed the reservoir. Sampson had to greet them and practically dragged Hubby through the stream, but Delilah could have cared less. Of course it was impossible to get a photo of both dogs looking at the camera. The small bridges are a great improvement, the last time we hiked here there were only rocks that were used as stepping stones to cross the brooks.
The trails start off on one side of the reservoir and wind their way behind it, when you come out on the other side, you need to navigate a small stream with rocks. Delilah proved she was up for the job.
Once we crossed the stream and climbed a small hill the reservoir was in plain view. It had small bits of ice on the surface of the water, but Delilah didn’t care. She wanted in!
She saw a stick out in the water and was determined to retrieve it, but sadly dogs are not allowed in the water. 🙁 I’m not sure I would have let her in anyway because it was really cold!
She had to be content with walking along the retaining wall which holds the reservoir back.
Many people use this park to walk, jog, snow shoe, cross country ski, fish, ice skate etc. There are few benches scattered about the park for the fishermen, or the people who just want to sit and grab a bit of the wild beauty that exists there.
And some dogs like it too.
Do you have a favorite park that offers all these recreational activities? Do you have a Daring Delilah who likes to rock the boat?

What a glorious hike – love the picture of the two dogs on that bridge.
Looks like a great place for a romp. Our parks is turning into a lake and trees are down everywhere. Big sigh. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Looks nice, but where was the snow? They built wooden walkways over the mushy wet areas in one of our favorite walking areas, what a great addition they are!
Looks like a lovely walk!
That looks like a great place to go. That last photo of Sampson is very handsome indeed.
It is GRRRRRREAT that you have such a NICE PLACE to go fur walkies.. it is very pretty. That sort of negates the fact that you can’t wade in the pond.
It sure looks like a pretty park. I like the little brook and trails. Hope you guys had fun
What a great place for an outdoor adventure! I could never be off leash like Sampson; gosh he is a lucky dawg. I’m sure glad you got a chance to get in some great outdoor time before the big snow and cold!
*Cairn cuddles*
Actually where I live is great, my huskies and I love to go exploring through the trails and there are rivers everywhere which they drain in the winter, so we like to go walking down the drained river and climb the huge rocks that are there as well!
Its great fun!
((Husky hugz))
“Love is being owned a husky”
Looks like a great place to explore, but where is the snow we keep hearing about? In our minds most of the country is one white blanket.
That looks wild and natural and super fun. Delilah was a good girl not just going crazy and jumping into the water.
We have some “hikes” that are pretty close to home that we hit occasionally. Rita’s fave thing is a hike w/ a stream (she gets hot easily) but our hikes only have streams if we get a really rainy spring. The rest of the year, they are dry or gross and stagnant. Rita would love to ford that stream with Delilah!
What a great park. The parks near us that likely offer this sort of thing are no dogs allowed sort of places. Sigh!
Except for the not being able to swim part, it looks like a great place to go for a nature hike. Clinton Lake is where I like to take Maya. There is a dog park area where dogs are allowed to swim too. Of course, I would never let her swim in this cold weather either.
I think Jack and Delilah would create havoc together! Love that photo of them on the bench – and Delilah’s expression – it’s like “see how good I can sit, you can let me off leash, I won’t run into that water, I promise”!
I love the photos! And really, I prefer photos where one dog is looking away. Looks more natural. Makes me feel better about my own dog photos, where one dog is in motion …
Beautiful park and pond. And a levee! Coo! I’m glad y’all got down time and were able to hike and enjoy nature with the dogs. 🙂
What a beautiful park. Wish I could walk there.
Not a complaint and NOT that we MIND at ALL… seeing this beautiful park again… butt just wanted you to know that this RE-posted itself fur some MYSTERIOUS reason.
Looks like a lovely place to walk. We have a similar place but it’s a bit far away to go on a regular basis.
Love the pics of Sampson and Delilah looking in different directions. Which U2 album was it where all four of the band members were looking in different angles? Anyway, maybe you just need two more dogs.
We have amazing trails carved out of the gorges around here. But they’re all closed for the winter. Something about not wanting people to slide off the rocks to their deaths. Whatever. Instead, we hang out in the local graveyards and golf courses when everything is covered in snow.
Risley Park looks like a lovely area to walk.
That looks like a wonderful park. You really got some nice pictures. Too bad no doggies in the water, but you are right, it was probably too cold.
Looks like a very nice place for a hike, nice of the people to make some nice bridges. Great picture of Sampson sitting on one of the benches.
You are so lucky you have such beautiful places to walk…in pa i am surrounded by state park New York…there is not anything near me