Lately Sampson hasn’t been responding to me when we encounter people or other dogs on our walks. This means his off-leash privileges have been revoked. There are still some times and some days when I let him off leash a bit, but for the most part he’s on the long leash the same as Delilah.
I hear too many stories of dogs being lost or stolen and I’d rather not take the chance. The kicker was the day he ran off, ignoring me completely and followed a couple of fellow hikers.
Sorry Sampson, that doesn’t fly with the Mama.
As those of you who walk more than one dog know, multiple dogs can prove to be challenging. I’ve been searching for a leash coupler, but the places around me are out of stock on the 24″. I have found it on-line, but the shipping options suck. I think it’s ridiculous to pay $10 to ship a $5 leash, especially when I just shipped 95 calendars all for around $5 each. One of my local stores is ordering a coupler for me but in the meantime, I walk two dogs and deal with the challenges.
At times (depending on my mood) this can be frustrating for me. But not this day. This day I chose to find the humor in it. I took the photo and then I waited. I waited to see who would move first. And I thought, I can work with this.
Here’s where you come in. Remember those Dogs of Blogville Calendars?

Mr. February – Wrigs – Life with Wrigs: hike, play, eat, nap!
In order to get the cheapest price, I ordered a few extra. So I thought, let’s do something fun and give one of those away.
Are you up for the challenge?
In the top photo, we have Sampson to the left side of the tree and Delilah to the right. In the comments tell me who turned back to me first and which path we ended up taking. Don’t worry, everyone who comments will go in the drawing for the calendar, you don’t need to have guessed correctly to win. will choose the winner, which I’ll announce in next week’s Thanksgiving edition of This ‘N That Thursday. I’ll cut off entries Tuesday night at midnight EST.
Ready. Set. Which Way Do We Go?

You went to the right the chocolate always wins!
I would have to say Delilah turned, Girls are smart like that.
“Two roads converged in a wood, and [you] took the road less traveled by.”
Ha ha – we know the challenges! More often than not a knot is involved 😉 We guess that Delilah turned back and you all followed the path to the left…
I’m thinking Delilah turned to you. Sampson looks pretty set in that stance 🙂
Mom is a multidog walker, has been walking two for many years. We have our own command “obstacle”. I’m sure obedience people will scoff at it, but it works wonders for us, Bailie mastered it in a couple days too. When we come upon a mailbox, tree, street sign, whatever we may tangle around, Mom says obstacle and we come back to the path/street by her side even if it means backtracking to avoid a tangle. If one of us doesn’t pay attention and gets “wrapped” around said object, she tugs the leash and says obstacle, sometimes a few times until we get it and come back around the correct way. It is simple to teach and quite helpful when holding more than one leash.
I’m going to guess Sampson just to be different and he convinced you all to follow him.
We say Sampson and you turned to the right. Oh dear one step forward ten steps back and we remember those times only too well. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
I’m guessing you followed Delilah. We have this issue when I take the girlz out myself, drives me nuts. Gracie usually wins the contest. Makes me miss our farm and it’s freedoms!!
Ooooh, I hope I win. I’d love to get a calendar. Last year, I gave each of the ones I ordered away and didn’t keep one for myself. This year, my timing was off.
Anyway, because she’s full of surprises, I’d guess Delilah came back to you before you got bifurcated by the sapling. 🙂
WELL…. we gotta CONFESS this… we are ALL HUNG UP on the THANKFUL Season and Seeing this pic has us thinkin ONLY about how S and D are PULLIN on the Turkey Wishbone… and Hoping to Pull AWAY with the WINNING SIDE… BaaaaaaWaaaah.
I’m going to say Sampson gave up and turned back first. It’s been my experience that most boys are just big, dumb, sweeties, whereas girls are much more head-strong. (Not sure I’m talking only about dogs there??)
Oh that looks SOOOOO familiar. I’m guessing that they both ran forward and the Mama got tangled in the tree? That’s how the story would have gone in my world. Except the tree would have been a mailbox. Can’t wait to hear the real story. 😉
I’m going to say Delilah turned back first since you’ve been working hard with her on this issue for some time, while it is a relatively new issue with Sampson who is apparently giving you the “senior dog paw”. I’m familiar with this because my “good one” has been doing the same thing as of late. And I KNOW she’s not deaf. LOL! Nick and I figure she’s saying, “Well they’ve never beat me yet, and the other two get away with all that crap…”
Delilah turned first and you all went left!
Hmm… Sampson turned and you went to the right?
Great photo and brave girl for walking them on two long leashes. I say Sampson turned back hes a smart good boy. (I don’t need to be entered in the contest as I have my 5 calendars) 🙂
two long leashes must be hard! we are very pro leash here Im just too scared of them runnign away until its a very safe area. Im always surprised and upset when I see to see many off leash dogs in urban areas who clearly dont have a good recall
urban hounds
I’m going to play devil’s advocate here and say that YOU turned around first and led Sampson and Delilah down a totally different trail. 🙂
I bet Delilah came back first, but you went Sampson’s direction…lol. Cute idea!
I say Sampson showed his dominance and the left way won out. 😀
Delilah, left. I know what you mean about walking two dogs. I actually have to walk Maya and Pierson separately because of their leash reactions. Pierson barks aggressively and Maya barks with excitement when they see another dog. The two of them feed on each other’s frenzy and I have complete chaos on my hands. So to keep my arms in their sockets and so I can focus on working with their behavior one-on-one, Maya and Pierson don’t get to take a walk together.
i think Delilah returned to you and eventually you went to the left, the way Sampson wanted to go.
I want to say Sampson turned and came back first!
I say Sampson and you went left!
I think Delilah turned first so you went to the right, the way she wanted to go!
I’d say Delilah’s way, girls always get their own way, right?! 🙂
I have a feeling your life will be much easier when you get the coupler, Cosmo and I have really learned how to work with ours and it’s rare now that we have many issues 🙂
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂