Delilah and Sampson here at the keyboard, to once again join our friends Koly and Felix from Kol’s Notes and Sherman and Leroy from My Brown Newfies in their amazing Human Shaming Blog hop.
Delilah: I don’t know about you Sampson, but I’ve been waiting all year for this, I mean don’t get me wrong, I love the Mama, I really do, but sometimes I have to pray to that great canine in the sky, Sirius, for help with poor, simple Mama.
Sampson: You’re too hard on her Dee, you just never cut her some slack.
Delilah: Cut her some slack? Sam I’ve been attempting to train this woman for over six years! Do you realize how much of my life I’ve spent trying to get this woman to follow me on a walk? She’s fifty-three years old and still has to be on a leash for dog’s sake!!
Sampson: Um, Delilah I think you’re missing the point of the walk, it’s our job to stay with the Mama.
Delilah: Who told you THAT?
Sampson: It’s in the Canine Companion Book of Rules. You have read that, right?
Delilah: That’s neither here nor there, the point is while The Mama is highly amusing to her human friends, she is exploiting us in photos and stories. Oh wait, I forget, she’s never put a photo of you pooping or lifting your leg to pee, like she has me. I’ll be honest, I’d expect something like that from the cat, but it shouldn’t EVER be from The Mama.
Sampson: Come on Delilah, you have to admit, that picture of you all hunched over in a poop stance was funny.
Delilah: Maybe to you, but NOT to me. I have a reputation to uphold, a sense of dogcorum that must be adhered to.
Sampson: I understand your frustration Delilah, I really do, but I think we got a little off track, we’re supposed to be shaming The Mama in PICTURES.
Delilah: Fine! You may remember last year we were able to get her to hold signs showing her shame, but not this year. She wouldn’t fall for it twice, so we had to resort to just taking the pictures and adding the captions after. Honestly, she’s not as dumb as she looks. And if you saw her dressed for her walk, you’d KNOW she looks dumb.
But without further arguing with Blunder Boy…
Sampson: Not nice, Dee, not nice!
Delilah: Here is my contribution to the blog hop.
Delilah: Look at her! Not only is she dressed like a hobo, she has a bag of dingleberries hanging off her pants! Who in Dog’s Name walks around with a bag of doody on their pants? And it’s not too far from the treat bag, and she says the treats from China are tainted. At least they aren’t shit flavored.
And she wonders why I run.
Sampson: BOL! That was funny. You eat shit in the yard.
Delilah: This is my picture Sampson, I get to say what I want. Shut your pie hole and put your picture up.
Sampson: Okay, here’s mine:
Sampson: Oh Mama, you disappoint me so when you do this. I mean, I grew up next to Mrs.”I can’t keep my nose inside my house” next door neighbor and Grandma. I can’t help but dash outside when you say, “What’s that?” or “Did you hear that?” or “Who’s got this one?” You’re taking advantage of the curious nature that was nurtured in me by my Grandma, how can you do that?
And speaking of Grandmas, I’d like to wish my Grandma a very Happy Birthday. I love you Grandma!
Delilah: I love you too Grandma, have a very happy day!
I’m so sad, it’s over already. I kind of like this blogging stuff….especially when I’m shaming The Mama.
What do you think about this shaming stuff? Did you get shamed? Hop along and see what other pups had to say about their humans.

You both are hilarious! I totally hear you with the keeping Mom on the leash thing. We even have her on the leash when she takes Bailie out, we don’t want to risk Mom running off on us! You sure have some fun stories!
OMD! Jodi this is awesome!! Delilah sounds just like Leroy! Haha!
I’m not sure if I could tie the poop to my loops, something about hot shit hitting my thigh would drive me crazy!
You look adorable in your pictures!
Mama, you can consider yourself lucky – we think other doggies might have worse shaming stories to share 😉 Happy Birthday Grandma!
Haha! I am not willing to take the risk of tying Newfoundland-sized poop to my pants, but I’m lucky since our most regular walks around our suburban neighbourhood have lots of garbage cans along the routes.
I can totally relate to both of these! I haven’t tied the poop bag to my pants yet, but I’m walking three dogs so the smell is just wafting out there, even though I’m using scented bags. It just smells like faux lavender and poop.
And we live in the Pacific NW and our dogs act confused when it rains sometimes, sometimes they love it. But I stand there encouraging them to go potty. Sometimes Sydney turns around to come back (I’ll go later, when it dries out) and I just turn her back around.
Perfect – love the hobo look…I look like that and I’m ashamed too ;(
[Dissolving into giggles]
O wad some gift the giftie give us
to see ourselves as our dogs see us.
I think you have the gift, Jodi.
Sampson and Delilah got the last laugh today! Tomorrow, though …
Happy birthday, Grandma!
Rita enjoyed this whole “shaming the momma” thing as much as Sampson and Delilah!
I haven’t done the poop-in-the-loop thing, but I’ve definitely tricked former pups into going outside! (“Where’s the kitty?!” used to get our beagle every time.)
HAPPY BIRFDAY to your Grandma!!!
OMD… you REALLY DID stick the SHAME and Blame on her!!! WE are pretty embarrassed by our mom and dad most of the time. PEEPS… they are somethingy else, aren’t they?
I love it when Delilah blogs. Oh i really really do. I am also TOTALLY ON HER SIDE with that poop bag tied to your pants thing. Jodi Stone – that’s so gross!
LOL! I have always thought about tying the bag to my pants, but was afraid of the poop smell getting on the pants and me having to wash them twice to get it out.
OH.MY.DOG! She ties the poop bag to her pants?!? Great dawg…that is hilarious!
*high paws* to you both for some great human shaming!
Pawsome human shaming….what a hoot. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
LOL well that wasn’t too bad. 🙂 I think I would have to call you out in hanging the poo on your pants. teehee
That was hilarious (as I pick myself up from the floor)!
O.M.D!!! We are barking so hard we’re about to pee on ourselves!
We agree with Delilah on the leash thing! Mom even puts Ducky’s leash on her when we’re in our own yard! She sez it’s cuz Ducky gets distracted too easily and she’s so fast no one can catch her. And some times Mom gets a little impatient if we don’t go inside right away.
And what’s wrong with the hobo look? Our Mom wears jeans and a tee shirt almost all the time. At least she doesn’t get mad at us any more for getting her work clothes dirty. Besides, her shirts usually have pictures of funny-looking dogs on them.
As for poop bags, ewwwwy! Yuck! Our Mom ties the bag handles in double knots and dumps the bags in a trash can.
Silas will go out when it rains, but he won’t leave the dry spot under the awning. Which would be fine, except he doesn’t think he can pee in the dry spot under the awning.
LOL! Great stuff. Love the belt accessory… NOT! Maya & Pierson wanted to do dog shaming but I distracted them so they’d forget. Okay, it’s really my fault. I was too busy this week and I couldn’t think of anything clever.
Great shaming you two…but you better be careful, I have a feeling your mama is good at that revenge thing. For example, she might buy a harness and let you wear your own poop bags for a change. And as for tricking you to get you out the door in the rain. Sampson. You are a Labrador. A Labrador. Water is your friend.
Please wish your Grandma a happy birthday!! I bet she’s happy you didn’t shame her too!
The photo with with bag of poop hanging off your mom really made me laugh!
BOL….I can really see this conversation happening.
The poo bag tied to the belt had typist giggling, especially as she has a tendency to swing full bags incense style like they do in a catholic church when she is out walking. She got told off the other day by her other half for doing it!!
OMD, Delilah… you are hysterical! And Sampson, you’re clearly Mr. Nice Guy. Get in the spirit of SHAMING, like D.
Great job calling Mama out on the bag of poop tied to her pants. Like Jen said, there’s no way I could handle poop hitting my thigh with every step. Gross, Mama!
once again you kill me gf. should be worried about treats from china, at least they don’t taste like shit! LOVE IT! Have a great night.
Hey Guys
You did a great job of shaming the Mama!! I sure hope that poop on the belt doesn’t become a trend or my Mum might start doing it too! How embarrassing!!
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂