Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
As I mentioned yesterday, my co-hostess this week is Linda from 2 Brown Dawgs. I love reading about Thunder, Storm and Freighter and their hunting/training exploits. If you are unfamiliar with this blog, you’re really missing out. I learn so much from this lady.
You Make Me Smile, Then You Make Me Laugh
I wished I’d said, “Do you have a privacy pooper or a daring dumper?” Instead of “Do you have a dog that digs privacy when they poop? Or is yours more like Delilah who will go wherever the urge hits her?”
Bren asked, ” BTW, do your babies do that kick back after they pooh and then going running like a bat outta he**?”
First, you can say hell on this blog Bren, no judgements. 😀 Second, sometimes Sampson kicks, but mostly he just dumps and runs. Delilah is the kicker, but she doesn’t run afterwards. She kicks a lot though. Many times I’ve come awful close to getting a face full of dirt because of her kicking.
Margie Guess said, “BYW.. I’m Ginger the Cinderella girl.”
I don’t know what that means Margie, but you have my attention. If you have a blog would you please provide the link?
Sampson HAS gotten better, in fact he pooped right on the lawn at the Vet’s last week. But when he was younger, I would pick him up at daycare and he would head strait for the back yard so he could do his business. I peed on the side of a thruway once so I’m not sure how I got this modest dog.
Good Morning Monday
Jan K said, “Oh no, just when I was getting ready to say how great his leg looks….has he had a limp before?”
He has had a limp before, but it comes and goes. Since he limped on Monday I haven’t seen him do it again. It could just be that he spends an awful lot of time just laying around and his leg was a bit stiff. I’ll be keeping an eye on it.
Jen said, “Why the hell is he limping? Its gotta be a coincidence. He’s just trying to drive you off the deep end.”
I think you’re totally right. He just wants me more neurotic than I already am!
Oh and I’m so glad that so many of you don’t like to just hand your pets over either. 🙂
Heya – Meet Taya
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “Hope she finds a good home! I wonder if Corgi rescue would take her?”
Taya went with a possible adopter for a couple days stay on a trial basis. Sadly it didn’t work out. Taya was guarding the towel hanging from the lady’s refrigerator and wouldn’t let her open it. It made the woman uncomfortable, so she returned Taya. BTW Taya was very happy to leave.
The family member who currently has her already has her hands full with three dogs, so she’s contacting a rescue who has already agreed to take Taya and is working on the best way to transition her.
For anyone who might be interested she is currently in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Sue said, “As for a plan… the kids have been warned – the dogs are getting everything.”
Oooh, you’re brave Sue, I haven’t told mine yet. 😀
Coffee and Donuts with Peggy Frezon
I don’t know about you, but when I was in my 20’s and 30’s I could eat just about anything and never gain an ounce. NOW it seems like I look at a donut and I’ve gained a pound.
Sometimes I feel like it’s hopeless. I really do try and watch what I eat and I walk every day, yet I still have that heavy middle that just won’t go away.
Maybe I need to up my game?
This ‘N That Thursday
Jan said, “I can remember not long ago when people lost their lives because they wouldn’t leave their pets in a disaster. I’m so glad that people are understanding how important our furry family members are.”
I’m glad too Jan, I would never abandon my dogs, in fact I have a plan to get home to my house via the trails should there ever be a situation where the roads are closed.
And many thanks to Flea, ” If you really are free to a good home, there’s space in our bonus room. We have a nice library. But no TV.”
Do you have Wifi? I have an iPad so as long as I have Wifi I don’t need TV.
Donna said “I do look forward to seeing what hi-jinks your dogs have planned for the Human-Shaming Blog Hop. Especially Delilah. She’s a crafty one.”
Yes, yes she is. She’s also sarcastic and can be a bit snarky. I hope I can keep her under control. 😀
That’s a wrap for me, many thanks to 2 Brown Dawgs for co-hosting the hop!

Great follow up! I’m going to have to backtrack to the poop post because somehow I missed it. Our Tucker was a private pooper and pee-er, which really posed no problem until he had that first ACL surgery during the monsoons. Somewhere I have photos of Tucker in a raincoat, bandaged leg and all, with the dog daddy and a huge umbrella. They’d be out in the front yard in heavy rain while Tucker tried to find a good place to do his business. Poor Tucker. Poor dog daddy. Sadistic dog mama who laughed hysterically as she snapped photos 😉
Join SlimDoggy’s “petsmove” over on http://www.petsmove.org … it’s kinda like Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative but it’s for pets and their humans. I signed up, on Saturday but haven’t had a chance to update our info yet b/c it doesn’t work too well on my Kindle.
Back to that poop subject…this would make you laugh. Since I was a tiny puppy I have grunted and groaned while pooping. It takes me forever to do my business, I rock back and forth from left to right and then grunt and groan. Mom says it is the funniest thing she has ever seen. I still do it quite often even though I am seven now. If I was a human, Mom tells me I am the type that would need to read War and Peace in the bathroom to get my job done! TGIF!
Hi Y’all,
BOL!!! Y’all are too, too funny! Hope all is well with Sampson’s limp…and it’s gone…
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
And while you’re at petsmove, send friend requests to Gizmo/Beth and me. It looks like an informative — and fun — site to visit and get fit at the same time.
I wouldn’t abandon my “babies” either! I would sooner stick it out with them than abandon them!
Thanks for having me co-host the hop! You know I always enjoy it. I hope Taya lands in a good spot. Sounds like that is in the works.
LOL the poo post just keeps on giving. I am laughing into my coffee. 🙂
Great follow up. Hope Sampson is OK today? Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Great fuf. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Have a great weekend!!
Great follow up to a fun week. I hope you never get a face full of shit when Delilah kicks. LOL
Yes, I have wi-fi. And a large monitor we can hook up for you. And a huge queen air mattress, one of the two foot deep types that’s super comfy. And bookshelves lining the walls, full of books. Come on!
My Patches is a kicker. Maybe it’s a girl thing?
You may be under pricing yourself at “free.” You’re so delightful, you might want to start a bidding war to see who gets you.
I love love love the human shaming. Made me laugh
LOL! Dump and run. I didn’t even think about the kicking habit after a poo. I’ve always thought it was a dominance thing with dogs. But Maya is the one who does it even though Pierson is the dominant one. Here is another weird poop habit… my dog Cassie from my childhood would always walk when she pooped or peed. We had a lot of dogs growing up so it was never difficult to tell when it was Cassie that made the mistake indoors.
Great FUF. Thanks for hosting!
I was the same – I could eat ANYTHING in my 20s/30s. Pint of ice cream? No problem. Of course, I also used to run a decent amount back then. Now I have to be more careful, no more pints… And I can’t really run anymore. I find doing weights helps a lot. Muscle burns more calories! Do you do any weights? I just do it at home. I’m not much of a gym girl. Anyway, looking forward to getting my copy of Peggy’s book!
Mr. N is also a kicker. We’re lucky to live in an area with few natural disasters but if we had to evacuate, there’s no way I would leave without him. Good thing he’s small enough to smuggle in if I have to!
I’m with you….I try to be active, I try to eat right, but sometimes it just feels like a losing battle. Donuts are so hard to resist!
Our Golden had an off and on limp for years, we tried not to worry as long as it went away. Lately it didn’t go away (she’s almost 9 now), and we’ve found out she is starting with arthritis. At least that is something manageable.
One of our cats had a limp too, and they never could find anything wrong with her. She’s been fine for a while now.
Anyway, my point is that sometimes it is nothing to worry about, as long as you just keep an eye on it, as you are.
Looks like we have missed out on a lot and have a lot of catching up to do! Love the human shaming thing too and your picture is too cute! Have a great weekend.