Today we’re joining our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs Blog for the This ‘N That Thursday Blog hop.
It’s a little of this and a little of that and everything in between…
Alter Egos
Do you have an alter ego? You know, Superman had Clark Kent, Spiderman had Peter Parker, Ironman had Tony Stark. Jodi Stone has… well mostly I call her My Inner Bitch (MIB for short.) It’s the little voice inside my head that says funny shit that sometimes escapes my mouth, she’s also sarcastic and at times can be plain mean.
I try and keep the mean one in check, but sometimes I open my mouth and out she pops. Ooops!
What the woof are you barking at?
Monday I was prepping to walk the dogs. This means changing my clothes, loading up my pockets, spraying the dogs etc. Typically the dogs are wherever I am. They know they are going on a walk and they’re super excited.
I opened the back door just in case someone couldn’t wait to potty and started about my business.
There was a symphony playing outside.
“Caw, Caw” said the crow.
It was followed by “trk trk trk trk trk trk” or something like a cross between a purr and teeth chattering.
Both dogs bolted for the door.
I put on my sneakers and gathered my things all the while listening to the cacophony of noise.
“Caw, caw, caw”
“Trk trk trk”
“Woof woof!”
Over and over again.
I looked out the door. The dogs were at the fence intent on something in the neighbor’s yard.
“Caw caw”
“Trk trk trk”
“Woof woof!”
I thought the ‘trk’ sound was the sound a raccoon made, so I thought maybe there’s an injured raccoon outside and the crow is telling it to hurry up and die.
“Caw caw” Hurry up, I want to pick your dead carcass.
“Trk trk trk trk.” Eff off, I’m busy here.
Delilah, “Woof woof!” I’m putting my money on the crow.
Sampson, “Woof woof!” Hurry up and get on with it, we’re getting ready for our walk.
(Okay, so I made that conversation up.)
I walked outside to join the dogs at the fence and look at the dying raccoon. Except it wasn’t a raccoon!! It was that wily, sneaky, elusive fox!
Right there in my neighbor’s back yard eating something off the ground. He turned and looked at me.
Dammit!! Why didn’t I have my camera?
That’s when MIB spoke up. Are you dressed for a walk or what? You’re friggin’ camera is in your back pocket.
What? What?
Damn that bitch was right! And the little guy was looking right at me smiling for the camera.
Don’t be fooled by the blurry photo, that fox is smiling. His whole face says, “Cheese!”
MIB, “You really need a better camera.”
Me, “Yeah? Take your show on the road and make some money, then we’ll get a better camera.”
Not the point, the point is it’s a point and shoot. (God I crack myself up sometimes.) My excuse is I might have been a little shaky, you know from excitement, at actually seeing the fox. Yeah, that’s it. So I snapped a couple more.
I must have calmed down some, but he also wasn’t looking at the camera either. Two points to note here:
1) I was surprised by how long his tail was. When looking at the photo on the camera it sort of looks like a kangaroo. 2) Do you notice how close he is to the neighbor’s deck? Yes, this is the same neighbor that was concerned because we had a snake in our yard. Yet she has two small boys and a dog that live here and play in this backyard.
And winner, winner chicken dinner, JoAnn called it! When I finally got the photo of Delilah lifting her leg JoAnn said, “glad you finally caught it maybe your luck is changing and you will get the fox next.”
Many of you know Lisa Brown from Dogs N Pawz, she’s the creator of Tuesday’s Tails blog hop, the hop that focuses on helping shelter animals find their forever homes. Last week there was a tragedy at their house and Teddy was hurt, and they lost Phe, and I know Lisa’s really hurting right now so if you could stop by and offer a kind word, I know she’d appreciate it.
Follow-up Friday
Joining me tomorrow for co-hosting duties is the infamous Flea from Jones Natural Chews. This gal is a riot, so be prepared to laugh.
That’s it for me, many thanks to our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs Blog.

So happy you finally out foxed that wily fox! How cool!
We heard about Teddy and Phe, can’t believe that happened! That is just such a sad situation. Humans can just never forget that we are animals and sometimes things like that happen. Absolutely shocking and terrible! We feel so bad for their family.
LOL… the conversation!! So funny! And great… thanks… I’m gonna have
“Caw caw”
“Trk trk trk”
“Woof woof!”
in my head ALL day now.
And I think my Facebook status just needs to be: “Trk trk trk trk. Eff off, I’m busy here.” No one would get it, but that’s kinda the point.
And oh yes, I can tell the fox is smiling, blurry photo and all. So glad you finally got him. Or her. Something is off about the tail… besides the length… oh wait, it’s not fluffy! Foxes have fluffy tails and this one’s got no fluff! I think that’s why it looks so weirdly long.
Regarding Lisa at Dogs N Pawz, my heart just breaks for her. We all go through the devastating losses of our dogs, but not like that. I wish we could all rally together and do something for her, but sometimes kind gestures in a dark time make it all the more painful for some reason. I guess because behind every word and deed is a reminder of the painful event itself. Still though, I hope she knows that we’re all behind her.
Are we friends on facebook? Because I totally think you should make that your status.
Well, for my blog FB page… I just had to start ALL over (long story), so I hardly have any likes there right now. I would be more likely to put it on my personal FB, lol. People would probably think it from a movie or book or something, and ask about it. Nope, just the infamous Jodi Stone.
Well then friend me on facebook. I left a comment on your blog page.
I gave up attempting photography years ago when I discovered total and embarrassing ineptness so we are in awe of anyone who can capture an image. A picture may be worth 1000 words but it is easier for me to write 1000 words.
A FOX! MOST VILE, EVIL CREATURE! KILLER OF CHICKENS! Next time take a gun, not a camera. At least a paintball gun. Bad fox. Bad, bad fox.
That’s awesome! Foxes are so cool. And cute! Hopefully he learns to keep his distance from people a little better – would want to see him in any sort of trouble.
That kangaroo may be my cousin, but he looks SCARY! I hope he goes far far away!
Love and licks,
Woof-hoo!! You finally out-foxed that fox! Good job. And you are right, the tail looks so long…he does look a bit like a kangaroo!
*high paw*
That song is played here too, BOL
Benny & Lily
A fox! Way cool! And you caught it on camera, too. Blurry or not, that’s impressive. 🙂
Such a tragedy about Teddy and Phe. That must have been a very traumatic event. I can’t even imagine. :'(
OMD, we have THE SAME alter ego!
I definitely see that wily little fox smiling. Funny looking little thing. Really does kinda look like a kangaroo.
(I saw the news about Phe on Wag N Woof’s and went over and left a note. So sad.)
Maybe your luck IS changing for the better! Good job! And I love the conversation, made up or not!
When I read Lisa’s note on her blog last week, I cried for her and her family. I wrote a quick note in the comments section and let it go at that. But all day my heart just ached for them. I think she knows that we’re all behind her, and hopefully that knowledge will provide some comfort.
That fox is Soooooo Cool. BUTT we know that they CAN be Dangerous and stuffs so BE CAREFUL!!! Super Pictures of him.
My MIB and your MIB should chat…I do try to keep her firmly in check but she does slip out on occasion 😉 You’re so lucky to get those shots…that fox is so cute…wish we had one visiting here
That’s very cool you finally got pics of that little guy. He’s a foxy fox.
That is so great that he finally stuck around for a few minutes! You’re right, his tail does kind of make him look like a kangaroo. We’ve got a fox here, and for some reason I thought his tail was fluffier. Maybe yours was having a bad hair day?
Thanks so much for participating in TNT! Hooray you finally got a picture of the fox. Heck I take blurry pictures of my animals and they are right in front of me. 🙂 His tail is long and pretty sparse. Usually they have fuller tails. Guess like the dogs around here, he is out of coat…lol. (I am saying “he” I have no idea…) I cannot believe the fox is so close!
Very sad for Lisa and her family. 🙁
Holy crap batman, you FINALLY caught that little guy on camera! Where’s my chicken dinner for telling you your luck was changing? That story cracked me up! Ok that fox looks a little like it has mange. It needs to go away! Yesterday John came home from working at his construction job putting up steel buildings and told me a fox came into the job site. It was sitting there so John took a donut he was carrying around in his lunch box forever and unwrapped it and chucked it down wind of the fox. The fox took a moment and then went over there and ate it. He made a friend! It was both your lucky days!
The fox has got a long tail. It almost looks like a kangeroo! 🙂
I forgot to add a name so my comment came out as Anonymous! 🙂
Oh, dog! You got photos of that pesky fox! Good job 🙂
Cant tell…but legs look long and no fox tail…could it be a baby cayote..even though their tails are fluffy too…either way wonder if he was sick. Either way..great shot
Jodi, my sides hurt from laughing so hard at your tail (tale) of the Fox and Hounds. You are a super funny lady!
Love ‘ya
And so is MIB!
That fox looks like his smiling alright, blurry or no. About Phe… sad way to go… must be traumatising for Lisa. 🙁 I hope time will heal.