One of the big reasons I started this blog was for all the crazy, funny things my dogs do that bring a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sometimes it’s not easy to write a full blog post about it and sometimes I forget to share.
Some posts will be You Make Me Laugh and others will be You Make Me Smile, but they will all be the silly, sweet, funny things Sampson and Delilah do that help make crazy days just a little bit easier.
Feel free to share what your pet does to make you laugh/smile in the comments.
Delilah, when you push your bowl all around the house, enthusiastically licking it and the results are a beautiful display of abstract art; you make me smile.
Your turn, does your dog lick their bowl? Delilah licks hers, then she licks Sampson’s and then she licks hers again. I’ve found her bowl under the table, under the pool table, behind the breakfast bar, but this is the first time I found it on top of Sampson’s bowl.
Is it wrong to want to frame this picture?

LOL our Pip does that. We call it walk about with the bowl. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
🙂 Mine will pick up their bowls and carry them around asking for more food.
🙂 Mine will pick up their bowls and carry them around asking for more food. Gambler will roo when he does it.
Love it! I lick out my bowl, then Katie’s bowl, then my bowl and then Mom takes them away! Someone has to make sure that stainless steel shines again! I have never stacked the bowls, though, I rather like the arrangement you have going on there.
My two now dont do that…i did have one years ago that would bring her bowl to me if she was out of water or when she was hungry. My kayla, however, always gives me a kiss when i put down a bowl of fresh water..its so funny…i just say. YOURE WELCOME
I love it! When we give the cats their canned food, we let the dogs lick the bowls afterwards. Kobi drives them from the kitchen all over the house. One time I couldn’t find the bowl, and I looked everywhere. We could not figure out where the heck it could have gone. Weeks later, when doing a thorough vacuuming, my hubby finally found it behind the pedestal sink in the bathroom, tucked right into the open area behind the base of the sink!
ERNIE does that with EVERY food bowl… They Sparkle when he finishes…
I USED to do that with my WATER bowl and make spills EVERYWHERE… Now we have a new water bowl and I CAN’t have fun with this one. Grrrrrr.
Toby is the bowl licker here. He makes sure they are all sparkly after everyone is done. He has yet to make art with them though – nice job Delilah!
We have a lot of bowl licking around here, but they stay in one spot. Mostly because they are ceramic, not from lack of trying.
Emmett always thoroughly checks to make sure the other two finished every last molecule of food from their bowls! They have rubber bottoms, though, so they don’t slide around. Their water bowls, however, are in a raised feeder thing. If they get empty for even a SECOND Cooper will stand there and lick and slurp and lick and slurp until I fill it back up for him. Very demanding!
Hailey smacks her bowl and sends it flying if we are delayed in feeding her!
Moey licks his bowl until it is lodged against his water dish. Then he scratches at the mat that the bowls are on until Mommy comes to move his food bowl away from his water dish so he can lick it some more! I fall for it EVERYTIME!
Princess is not a bowl artist, dishes stay in same spot!!! Hahaha
Another Storm Delilah similarity. Storm will push her bowl around too, but we bought some with no skid bottoms so they don’t go as far now. 🙂
LOL! Maya and Pierson finish their bowls, then both go check out the other’s bowl to make sure they didn’t leave anything behind. Of course, they never find anything left over. But it’s funny to watch.
Tee hee. I love how mine run around and bark for their food.
urban hounds
lick, lick, lick some more. When Neeko is finished, she paws hers until it flips over. Makes me smile.
Yup Donna licks hers inside and out even when the food is all gone into her tummy.
We have this kind of art. It can be very noisy to produce.
LOL! That is so funny. At least she’s thorough. 🙂
My dogs do funny things too, but nothing like this. Made me laugh.
We love the way our dogs do that too! Sometimes we find a bowl under a dog bed or down the outdoor steps.
I love your abstract art. Yes, my dogs do that too 🙂