The submission portion of the Calendar contest is now closed. If all goes well the voting will begin on Saturday.
As of today these are photos I have. There were a couple photos that Julie received that I did not and vice versa. If you submitted a photo and don’t see your name/blog here, send me an e-mail at
If there is an error in either the dog’s name or the blog name or address, again please let me know. There is a lot of work involved in this and mistakes happen. We are human after all. 🙂
Blueberry from Spotty, Spotty, Polkadotty
Frankie and Ernie from FRANKly and ERNESTly Speaking
Dakota from Dakota’s Den
Maya from American Dog Blog
Alma and Moses from Back Alley Soapbox
Molly from Molly the Wally
Winston from The Winston Blog
Roxy from Roxy the Traveling Dog
Freckles from A Day In The Life Of A Goose
Hailey and Zaphod from The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles
Bailey, Hazel and Greta from Idaho PugRanch
Ranger from The Adventures of Ranger – The Scottie Pup
Norman from Sand Spring Chesapeake’s
Emma from My GBGV Life
Susie “Sweetie Petunia” of The Mad Scots
Rita from Pooch Smooches
Dougall and Alex from The Dougall Diaries
Teach from Tails of Teach
Desmond from Life With Desmond
Sasha from Silly Sasha the Loveable Shih Tzu
Reilly and Denny from The Cowspotdogs
Lola and Lucy from Wear. Wag. Repeat
Ryder from All Things Collie
Shiva from Rescued Insanity
Ruby from Me, You and Zu
Shiloh and Diva Shasta from TEAM BEAGLEBRATZ
Benny and Lily from Two French Bulldogs
Wrigs from Life with Wrigs: hike, play, eat, nap!
Sampson and Delilah from Heart Like a Dog
Cupcake from No Dog About It
Gizmo from Terrier Torrent
Bella from I Still Want More Puppies
Bunny from Tales and Tails
Bella from Bringing Up Bella
Lassiter Chase and Benjamin from Lassiter Chase and Benjamin the Shelties
Holy snap! At my count that is 35 participants, well up from last year’s 20! This is going to be a great contest.
So tell me, how did you choose your photos? There was one I really wanted to submit of the dogs sitting in front of my flowering trees, but when I checked them out, there was only one with both of them in it and they were looking away from the camera and Sampson had a big bald spot on his head.
Bald spot story. Apparently there is something in our yard that Sampson is allergic to and it’s something that he sticks his head under, so I’m thinking bush or tree branch. The allergy gives him little hives on his head and they itch so he scratches and well before you know it, he’s got an infection. Now that we’re aware of it, we keep a close eye and start slamming him with Benadryl the first sign of hives.
So you can see my dilemma. I finally took them up in the woods and set them in on a rock and snapped a photo. It’s not my best, but it’s the best one I have at the moment that has both of them in it. I know I’d never hear the end of it if I submitted just one of them.
So how did you choose?

Looking forward seeing them!
Wow great entries this year, sorry I missed it, been so busy dealing with Cheyenne I forgot the close date was yesterday. I will have to get on the ball for next year 🙂
That is a lot of entries. How exciting! 🙂 I automatically shrink most of my photos for blogging use, so I only had a handful that were the right size for a calendar. The one I submitted of my Maya is still cute. But if most of the pictures you received are even half as gorgeous as the ones you took of Delilah and Sampson then my Maya’s photo probably doesn’t stand a chance. 🙁
It was tough to choose! I didn’t want to play favourites, so I wanted a photo with both dogs, that was landscape and high resolution, and you could see both of their faces well. That alone narrowed down the selection pretty significantly 🙂
I can’t wait to see all of the submissions!
These have been an exceptionally crazy two weeks — I’ve barely had the time to read everyone’s blog posts, let alone trying to get a picture of the girls. And it all culminated yesterday afternoon with our MONTHS-old fridge shutting down just as I got the last of the ice cubes I needed for my iced coffee. Several calls to the store where we bought it and various appliance repair companies yielded nothing. So, last night I stuffed everything I could into our little “beer fridge” and the frozen stuff into the big freezer. Someone will finally be coming tomorrow. Worst part is that I can’t for the life of me remember what made these two weeks so crazy! Oh well. Better days are coming. At least I’m not living in a very soggy cardboard box!
I had such a hard time choosing! I had one really cute/funny one of Rita’s face, but there was a bunch of stuff (toys, furniture) in the background, so I didn’t think that would be a good one. I also have a really cute one that I use for my screensaver, but it’s very Valentine’s Day looking, and I didn’t want to send a pic that would really only work for one specific month.
I had a cute one of her on the beach, but my sis said it didn’t really look like her (?) so I ended up going with a cute one that always makes me smile. Hard to pick a pic cuz I take TONS of her, but lots were instantly rejected cuz of a distracting background. For myself, I’d just crop that out, but I know we weren’t supposed to edit at all.
Can’t wait to see all the entries!
It is going to be epic this year. YEA!!!!! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
First I had to decide if I wanted silly or more serious. I decided to go with the combo…up to my ears in leaves. It is always hard to choose but since Mom and I have been selecting book photos and things lately it made it a bit easier to choose one that we had seen and thought was cute. Thanks again for putting in the work to make the calendar!
Okay, you were cracking me up about poor Sampson’s bald spot!
Sounds like it’ll be a good contest with lots of pics to choose from!
Elyse and Riley
PS–I so know your dilemma with the big treats–I always either break them into smaller treats, or just buy small treats so Riley *thinks* she’s getting more than she really is and doesn’t pack on the pounds!
As one who is totally photo challenged, I am in awe of so much talent.
We are excited about participating and hope lots of $$$ are raised for Benny! BTW, the link you have above to Blueberry’s blog (Spotty, Spotty, Polkadotty) isn’t working. The URL is
Susan and Wrigs
P.S. It was difficult to choose a photo! Most of my favorite photos of Wrigs are portrait orientation and are close-up shots. Unfortunately, none of those would work well for the calendar format. I finally decided on one that features him doing one of his favorite activities (playing with a stick). Wrigs is laid up with a herniated disc at the moment, so we needed this happy reminder. 🙂
I’ll be back Sunday so I will have to look at them then. I LOVE your photos!
That is a lot of entries – we bet it is going to be one tough job working out what will go in the calendar. Good luck every furbody 🙂
What a great entry! Good luck to all!.. Mom wanted all 3 of us to be in the photo and she doesn’t have very many good ones with all 3 since getting all to cooperate is a challenge. So she really only had two to choose from and she loves our jammie photo!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta
Let me tell you it was a very tough decision to choose just one picture!! I had so many I wanted to send … LOL!!! Good luck to everyone and can’t wait to see what all the pictures look like. I’m sure they will all be fantastic and hard to choose one!!!
~Rebecca & Teach
WOW – 35 entries, that is a lot. I did want something kind of cute and funny, after all, that is sort of the overriding theme when there are 2 Beagles in the house (altho don’t get me wrong – enough serious stuff too sometimes, maybe too much). Amd as said in the email, don’t know how to get the size or anything like that needed – I just point and click and hope for the best result possible. Sometimes I just luck out.
Mom Kim
Lots of entries! I’m sure we won’t make the running but the picture I sent is my favorite of Bella as of late so it was easy to decide. (You know, of course, that I had about 32 seconds to make that decision and beat the deadline.) I think it captures Bella’s personality which is the best thing about our blog: her. 🙂
Wow that’s a lot of entries!!!! Good luck everyone! We are very serious ball players in our yard — we were constantly jumping and BARKING during our photo shoot. So, since it’s super hard to take a photo of us (not barking) — we had to use 2 humans to take a photo. One human had to get down low and snap the photo and the other human had to hold a hula hoop in the air to try to distract us and get us to be still for a moment.
Looks like a great field! I take 97% of my pictures with my camera phone, which means they weren’t good enough to submit and are almost all oriented the wrong way.
I can’t wait to see the entries. I couldn’t find a good photo of all three dogs and didn’t want to pick and choose, but still was thinking about it, and then ran out of time. Story of my life! I am going to enjoy everyone else’s then!
Oh Sampson…you look even more distinguished with your bald spot. Can’t wait to check out all the photos and pick a favorite to vote for! 🙂
Great photos even with Sampsons bald spot. Love the purple color in them. I chose my photo since it was a more recent photo of Norman and I loved how he was fixated on the bubble. He might not be with me long so I wanted to see if we could win the contest so I could look at him again in the calendar.
That’s a lot of contestants… gonna be fun! (And I love Sampson with or without that bald spot!)
Only you notice the bald spot…I think all three look good – the flowering tree is gorgeous! We nominated you for an award on our Blog Post tomorrow – check it out.
Our details are correct. Looking forward to this! Lee and Phod
Wow how cool, all those entrants. I can’t wait to see them. I chose Roxy’s pic because it was in the fall with the pretty red leaves in the background. And she looked cute too.
Look at all those entries, whoooa
Benny & Lily
I should have tried to get a group picture, but there just wasn’t time. So just picked a few of my favorites, and chose from that list. If we do this again next year, I will be prepared with a group pic! 🙂
Well done you on so much hard work! Typists dog is allergic to daffodils – makes spring great fun!!
You got a lot of great entries. I was thinking of submitting this year, but I just had no time to go through pictures….darn. Next year I will have to plan ahead more. (Not that you didn’t say it was coming up. I just figured I had time…lol.)
But no group picture, unless growly boys stop growling at each other once Storm is spayed and Thunder is fixed. 🙂
I totally played favorites. Don’t tell Tavish. (I couldn’t find one I loved of both of them, and I figured that Bella can play the elder stateswoman card.)
Wow, that’s an incredible amount of submissions! WooHoo, this contest is going to rock!!! I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos! Thanks for putting this thing together! 😀
That is awesome…so many participants! I was going to submit but with the Las Vegas trip I totally forgot! Maybe I’ll have my sh__ together next year and will get a picture submitted! Have a great weekend.
Hi Jodi,
I’m excited to see all the pics, I’ve been a bit behind with everything lately so I missed the deadline – doh! But it will be fun to vote 🙂
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂