Sometimes it seems to me the plight of animals in this country is totally hopeless. Day after day animals come across my facebook page looking for their forever homes. A quick search on Petfinder shows me hundreds of animals in my area in need of homes.
Thankfully a good majority of them on Petfinder have already been pulled and are well on their way to finding loving forever homes, where they are experiencing love and kindness, some for the very first time.
Some of them, particularly in the pounds in the poorer cities will not make it out. It breaks my heart.
Today I’m joining Tuesday’s Tails, the blog hop that features shelter animals.
I love Tuesday’s Tails because it makes me feel like I’m actually doing something to help animals in need.
It is the one day of the week I beg you to share my blog post on your social media outlets to help these animals in need because we know that social media saves lives.
The dogs I’m showcasing today have basically nothing written about them. They don’t even have names, just numbers.
These guys are in the City of Hartford (CT) animal shelter and here is what their website says, “ALL DOGS ARE URGENT- DOGS ONLY GET TEN DAYS TO BE ADOPTED BEFORE BEING EUTHANIZED! (THE TEN DAYS START THE DAY THE DOGS ENTER THE DOG POUND..) The “LEGAL DAY OF ADOPTION” is the first day the dog can be adopted into a home and the day the dog can be put to sleep if no home is lined up for the dog.”
It makes me sick. Their Petfinder Page shows they currently have 12 dogs.
If you can’t tell from the photos, the majority of these dogs are listed as Pit Bull mixes and every single one of them will be put to sleep if homes aren’t found.
Since the dogs can’t be adopted until their time in the pound is up, it’s important to share them and have homes or rescues lined up, so when their time is up they can be pulled.
I ask you to share, because even though you might not be able to take a dog, someone you know might share and someone they know might be able to help.
Look at those sweet faces, it’s worth the effort don’t you think? The buttons are just below the post. Please help ease the ache in my heart by sharing.

What a good looking group, will share and hopefully they will get homes soon. Thanks for what you do to help these guys.
I hope they find loving homes soon. Sharing.
I see so many Chihuahuas in California shelters that don’t have names, only numbers and it is truly heartbreaking as you say. Some of them have not even been seen by workers to be able to describe their personalities. The dog i featured last week with the skateboard got a home. I wish they all could have a gimmick to get people’s attention.
It is heartbreaking, hoping that these pups all find a home soon!
We hope they all find homes soon. Paws crossed real tight. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
It is sad – last night on our local news there was a story about our local shelter – they are so full they have a waiting list of 78 people waiting to put their dogs there. 78 people who no longer want their dogs and cats, who can’t afford to look after them anymore. It is heartbreaking
I share your heartache and am sharing your post.
I know how you feel. I ended up blocking one FB friend, because all she posted 24/7 were pictures of dogs who were about to be euthanized. The dogs, all in Texas, all had sweet faces and beautiful eyes…and it just started making me depressed. Because most of them were listed as having less than 24 hours left. I just couldn’t take it any more, knowing they were all about to die was just becoming too much.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind sharing dogs on FB. I’ve done it numerous times. But seeing 50 – 60 urgent dogs every day on her page…it’s heartbreaking. I really like this blog hop, where we can feature a dog or dogs, once a week, to try to help. It feels more…hopeful.
Sharing, too. It is so difficult to look at their faces and know they might not get their chance. Just last night John and I were talking about how hard it is to feel like you’re making a difference because as soon as you share/help/adopt/pull/transport one, it feels like there are a dozen more who need help. But, all we can do is all we can do!
It becomes overwhelming to see all the animals who end up in shelters because of irresponsible owners. Unfortunately most are pit bull or boxer mixes. Thank you for bring awareness to this shelter and featuring all dogs they have.
Hopefully they find homes. I take it they have to wait 10 days for quarantine to be up?
Our local rescues too. All pitbulls and chihuahuas
Benny & Lily
It does feel very hopeless most of the time. I actually had a breakdown today for this very reason and chose to share it at the blog. Probably a mistake, but sometimes you just gotta be honest.
Will definitely share this in hopes of finding these guys homes. They all deserve a chance to be loved.
It is so overwhelming how many dogs need homes, and need them now. I’ve gotten to the point that for the most part, (unless something really tugs at my heart-strings like those Brittanys yesterday), I only share the dogs in my area, or in areas that I know some of my facebook friends reside. Otherwise, I would be sharing dogs twenty four seven, and would probably have people blocking me or unfriending me just like All Things Collie mentioned above. I figure the local ones have the best shot at finding someone when I share them, since a good deal of my friends and family are local too. 🙂
This is so SAD…. We just do NOT understand WHERE all these poor Pitties are coming from.
They all look so wonderful. Shared!
So sad… I have tweeted this out.
As you just learned from my blog, we adopted a rescue dog several weeks ago. I do not know anyone who has a rescue dog or any experience with one – except you (not that I actually know you – real life know you.) I thought of you and Delilah and the story you told about her being transported and the scary, terror of it all, as we petted and loved on Haley. In a way your story, your experience helped prompt me to open my arms to Haley and invite her into her forever home.
You do make a difference, Jodi, you do.
I know exactly what you are saying and understand how you feel. I feel the same way, and some days it seems hopeless. But I will continue to share in the hopes that it really does make a difference. I see a lot of dogs from this shelter go across my FB wall (I am in NH) and try to share as often as I see them.
It truly is heartbreaking isn’t it. So, so many dogs and cats needing homes. Sure hope that as many as possible find their furever homes!!
xo Chloe and LadyBug
I completely understand where you’re coming from! Your reason for joining the Tuesday Tails Blog Hop is the same as mine! Some good news DOES come out of this awesome blog hop: yesterday I posted that one of the dogs I recently featured for Tuesday Tails has an adoption pending! 🙂 Slowly but surely, there will be hope for our animals in need! This blog hop is helping me to stay positive (THANK YOU, DOGS N PAWZ!!)!
Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if the hop was a good idea.
I hate seeing all those dogs needing a home. It breaks my heart. Hopefully, they will find a home. I really hope that Tuesday’s Tails helps in some way. I keep thinking if the blog hop helps one shelter animal, that is one that wouldn’t have found a home if we hadn’t blogged about him. Will share and thank you for joining the blog hop.
Hi Jodi
I’m going to share about these dogs right now in the hope they can find their forever home really soon! 🙂
wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂