Sometimes when you have the best of intentions and think you are prepared for whatever comes your way, the universe seems to have a different idea for you.
Friday night after I had finished packing everything for our trip, I sat down to get my Candy Crack fix and my laptop wouldn’t turn on. I checked the plug and the grounding prong had broken off. Drats! Well Hubby will know what to do when he gets up I thought, and took out the little Chromebook I won at Blog Paws. Thank you very much by the way, BP!
When Hubby woke up he said, “Babe, it’s fried.”
“But you can fix it, right? I mean we just need to find a Best Buy and buy a new charging plug.”
“I think it’s the laptop and not the power cord, because the laptop should try and turn on but you’re getting nothing.”
I took a deep breath, it’ll be okay. I have the Chromebook, my mini iPad, my camera and my phone. I’ll make this work.
About half way to our destination I took out my camera to take a photo, as I snapped the picture the low battery symbol flashed and I realized with a sick jolt to my stomach, the charger was at home!
Well turns out you can find a cheap ($10) charger on Amazon BUT buying a universal charger at Wal-Mart is $30. My little point and shoot camera is 7 or 8 years old, and I’m not spending $30 for a charger I have at home.
I took a deep breath, it’s okay, I have my Chromebook, my iPad and my phone. Except the iPad and the phone don’t connect to the Chromebook so any pictures I take have to be e-mailed to myself and downloaded (which I haven’t figured out yet) so right now the pictures you’re getting are taken with the Chromebook.
I figured you won’t care, because they’re still beautiful pictures.
Why are you looking at me? You should be looking at the beautiful view.
Sitting enjoying the morning view, I’ve decided I’m going to try and listen to the Universe and take it easy. Maybe read some blogs this afternoon or work on my book. But this morning, I’m going to take the dogs for a nice walk in the country and just enjoy the beauty of nature.
Are you in tune with the Universe or does she have to slap you upside your head like she does me?
This is the Monday Mischief blog hop hosted by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog and My Brown Newfies.

Yes…sometimes all the signs are there…just take a day off and enjoy..its amazing how involed we all are and dependent on technology…me included
Always be ware when life is set fair! Enjoy your holiday.
I love the Universe and everything, but sometimes she is just not my friend! The best laid plans, etc.
Enjoy your trip!
My philosophy is that by having so many potentially redundant systems, you’re asking the universe to slam you. It’s sort of like it doesn’t rain if you carry and umbrella. But in your case, if you have every back up in the world, they’re going to fail you one by one. 🙂
Make the most of being away and semi-unplugged. We’ll be here when you get back.
I think we ALL can use a good “slapping” every now and then and it is amazing how it is taken care of FOR us.
Oh boy, when Mom awakes to computer or network issues we all know to take cover…she becomes a bear! Sometimes the best thing is to just walk away and come back later with a clear head but it is hard to do. Hopefully your data on the fried laptop is saved and eventually you can move on. Technology is wonderful but it is also a great stresser and cause of lots of wasted time!
Technical Difficulties in this house drive us NUTS!!! That is definitely the time to go sit outside or go for a walk…enjoy nature and forget the man-made craziness in the home office for a while!
A walk sounds good. Enjoy nature at its’ best. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
You’re right, those are beautiful pictures!
Oh boy. Those kinds of days just make you want to slap the universe back, huh? But then sometimes it’s best just to stop resisting and see where it takes you. No technology for a few days = truly unwinding and reconnecting who and what are really there with you.
LOL, it happens to everyone I bet. Sometimes if one thing goes, a dozen more mishaps or challenges are soon to follow. Glad you still got some pretty photos, though!
Oh deary me….when it rains, it pours! Well, at least you got some nice pictures. Things can only get better.
I hate being slapped by the universe. Sending photos from the iPad is simple. Honest! Click on the photo and press the arrow in the box. You’ll see an email option. The photo quality is pretty good, too.
Unplugging is tough (impossible) for me. “Shut up, Universe!!”
OMD, do I Ever sympathize!! It gets to a point where you just have to say — either to yourself or out loud — “oh f*** it!”, take a few deep breaths, grab a snack, and go outside for some fresh air. And, believe me, when my computers pull crap on me (or I do it to myself), I don’t leave out the 3 letters after the “f”. The dogs just do like Emma and take cover. Unfortunately, my hubby is no more of a computer guru than I am. That’s when I call my big brother and cry for help, or at least sympathy. He can usually get me up and running again over the phone. (He got all the brains, I got all the looks. Haha). The pix ARE beautiful by the way!
I get slapped upside the head regularly by the universe. Sometimes I forget to pay attention. (When you say “work on your book” – are you writing a book? Or did you mean reading one? If you are writing one – can we ask what it’s about?)
PS. WHEN YOU GET HOME, NOT NOW: Google your laptop to see if the manufacturer has any recalls for it. When my HP crapped out on me a couple of years ago, the video card was bad, which caused another issue. Long story short, HP replaced it with a Compaq of equal value, and it was beyond the normal warranty period. You might not be as lucky, or you might be luckier…either way it’s worth the effort to find out. (My brother’s Dell laptop had the same issue, but Dell basically said “tough **it”. They should take some Customer Service lessons from HP!)
Geeze, just one thing after another 🙁
I am on the universe’s “Do not call list!”
Hey! You better enjoy those views!
I’m always getting slapped upside my head by the universe and sometimes it slaps my ass too. Story of my life 🙂
Just enjoy your peaceful vacation and don’t worry about all the electronics crap, (except for pictures we like those and we will wait til you get home if necessary…lol). I hope you can get whatever you need off your hard drive if your computer is dead!
Hope you have a great vacation!
Oh Jodi you poor thing…I hate it when technology screws me…And the chargers! These days it takes a dedicated suitcase just to carry all the cords and chargers i want to bring along…But that chromebook did fine and we all got to enjoy the lovely sunset
I have to play that game a lot – email myself pictures, download to the computer, upload to Facebook, Twitter or the blog. It’s a real pain in the butt.
I think I missed where you are taking this trip?
I usually need multiple slaps…I mean look at me, still at the computer this late. Oh well. Sorry for your troubles – try to disconnect.
Step away from the electronics and have a great relaxing time with your family! lol I couldn’t take my own advice. When I go to Canada hunting I don’t have internet or phone service so it is a long week but I still get my laptop fix as I work on pictures and video that I took so they are ready to load when I get across the border.
I’ve become forced to believe: life happens while you’re making other plans.
Great pictures! Hope you get some nice R & R!
This is how it works for me… If I remember the charger, I forget to take the pictures. 😛
I need the slap in the head myself. Great that the universe stepped in and told you to take a break! Looking forward to catching up on your posts this morning and reading all about your trip. Hope you had an awesome time!