One of the big reasons I started this blog was for all the crazy, funny things my dogs do that bring a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sometimes it’s not easy to write a full blog post about it and sometimes I forget to share.
Some posts will be You Make Me Laugh and others will be You Make Me Smile, but they will all be the silly, sweet, funny things Sampson and Delilah do that help make crazy days just a little bit easier.
Feel free to share what your pet does to make you laugh/smile in the comments.
How do your dogs react when confronted with an animal they haven’t seen before?
If you follow us on Instagram you know we’ve been traveling this weekend, we’ll be sharing lots of pictures this week. If you don’t, what are you waiting for? We’re HeartLikeaDog

I saw a turtle and I was scared to death of the thing. Mom thought it was really funny, but I thought it was quite serious! I will have to look you up on instagram…just starting out there.
Well, Dakota barks at spray butter, but when he saw his first rabbit up close and personal a few weeks ago, he could have cared less (strange dog)
Love the way kayla and luke sing together when the fire engines pass!!!!
So cute! I don’t know how my dogs would react to horses. I have a feeling that they would bark if they saw the horse form a distance, but be scared if they were up close.
My best strategy when I see another critter is to turn to stone. I stand perfectly still and stop breathing. I’m pretty sure that makes me invisible.
Love and licks,
Are they enjoying their stay at the ranch? did they roll in poop yet? mine will hunker down and look at something new like wth?
Looks like fun is being had over there with the horses. Have a serene Sunday and enjoy some big easy.
Best wishes Molly
Misty is always obligated to introduce herself to any new animal she meets.
Moses has been in the presence of a giant boa constrictor and hardly blinked an eye, but both Moses and Alma are fairly eager to sniff any potential new friends, regardless of the species.
Lila saw a turtle too, and I think it really freaked her out. She couldn’t figure out why we put the turtle in a bucket and ran off with it. I hope the turtle is happy in its new home!
I don’t want to spoil my own “You Make Me Laugh” post. Something Ducky does that just cracks us up we have yet to get on video. But we have to at some point. It’s even funnier than the sound of my three girls and the 2 boys next door howling at the trains going through up the street, or a fire engine, police car, or ambulance going down the street.
We bark at everything no matter what it is!
By the way, Phe is in a contest and if she wins we are donating a portion of it to the animal shelter she was adopted from. Phe would really appreciate it if you would vote for her! If you can help us out got to this link to find out more:
Funny. Sometimes people ride horses at the huge off-leash dog park here. Most of the dog folks don’t like it – cuz some of the dogs are afraid, and the horse poops make a mess, etc. There’s a huge other part of the bay where they could ride, so it would be nice if they didn’t come into the dog part. Anyway, I use to hate it when they’d be there because our last dog Abby would run at them barking. Luckily she was smart enough to stay out of reach, but it always scared the heck out of me. I’d try to spot them first and leash her up. Luckily I haven’t seen them with Rita. I’m not sure what she’d do – probably be afraid of them, like she is with most new things!
Very cute! They are letting them know who the boss is. Storm would be happy to see the horses. Horse poop is a delicacy to her…lol.
“Hey you horses. You can run and what not…but NO snorting allowed!” 🙂
Medi recently meet a pig and a goat. She sniffed noses with the goat and made friends, but she would Not. Go. Anywhere. Near THAT pig! 🙂