Today we join our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs Blog for This ‘N That Thursday. It’s THIS and THAT and anything goes day. Which is totally cool. Thank you to 2 Brown Dawgs for the hop!
There’s a Big Bird in Our Woods
Yesterday was probably the most enjoyable walking day we’ve had since May.
Except for the Big Bird.
Yes it’s true, I live in an area with lots of wildlife. I’ve seen deer, wild turkeys, fox, and raccoons to name a few. But yesterday on our walk, I saw a Big Bird. I mean a really BIG Bird.
I kid you not.
Memorial Day weekend it was so cold we had a fire burning in the fireplace. We went right from that to heat and humidity. Because of the love affair the bugs have with me, I walk in long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat and a bug screen. It’s not a pretty sight, in fact I’m pretty sure I’ve scared a few people who have come upon me unexpectedly.
See what I mean? Besides being scary, it can make for a very hot walk. In fact, I sweat like a whore on payday.
Which is why the break in the humidity came as a welcome relief, and the dogs and I had a lovely walk yesterday evening.
Except for the really Big Bird. I saw it first and as one does when they see something suspicious or scary you try to stay clear of it. So I redirected the dogs and thankfully they missed seeing it.
Except this really Big Bird was right on our path to go home. I know. The horror.
I shuddered thinking how will I get the dogs past this bird, without risk of someone losing a limb? I thought about Storm and how she tackled that Canadian Goose that was bigger than she was and she won. But she’s a Chessie, she’s a tough dog and trained to hunt birds.
My dogs aren’t.
I tried to keep the dogs away from it, but it really piqued Sampson’s interest and I could only hold him back so long.
I told them to Leave It, but eventually there was nothing more I could do and Sampson surged ahead to investigate the Big Bird.
I have to warn you, the photo is shocking. Not at all the type of bird you’d expect to find in the woods.
WTF? I’m not walking on Sesame Street people, I’m walking in the freaking woods. How the hell does Big Bird get in my woods? I’m flabbergasted. What will I find next? Dora the Explorer?
Wait a minute, maybe I know where Waldo is.
Blog Reading
I’m behind again on blog reading. But there is some good news. I have some time off coming up and expect to catch up.
I guess Feedly still has some issues to work out. I signed in the other day and it told me I had over 700 posts to read, which was an increase of over 400 from the day before.
While some of you really are voracious writers I knew that had to be incorrect. Thankfully it was. For some reason it was telling me the WordPress tips blog (which I follow but rarely read) had over 400.
Follow-Up Friday’s Co-Hostess
I’m thrilled to tell you that tomorrow’s co-hostess is another repeater, Sue from The Golden Life.
That’s it for today, many thanks to 2 Brown Dawgs for This ‘N That Thursday.

Hahahaha – those poor puppets on Sesame Street must be missing their Big Bird something awful!
Shocking find – whatever next indeed 😀
Good Lord Woman, you truly do crack me up at the most opportune moments!! Big Bird! That is too funny! So tell me, did you bring him home, clean him up, and give him back to Sampson; OR, did you just dump poor Big Bird in the trash can on your way out of the park?
Thanks for the shout-out! My FUF post for tomorrow is a bit on the verbose side, but I had more than just one week to catch up on. 🙂
BWAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Sasquatch and Big Bird in the same woods! PAWSOME! Something tells me that Big Bird wouldn’t get along so well with my birds. The girls would rip him to shreds.
hahaha I love it, I love your hat and bug net! I can’t believe you wear that but I guess if that’s the only way to go on a walk without getting eaten alive then I guess why not. I love the story and big bird!
You have a award waiting you.
Mom and I are laughing so hard at Big Bird. That was the first thing we thought of when we saw the post title but we weren’t expecting it and your writing…cracks us up! Thanks for the great laugh. That would have fit into our post for tomorrow but we came upon other treasures. As for your feeder issue, we definitely did not right a few hundred posts last night, so I think you are correct in thinking it is an error!
That is some snappy outfit you’ve got going on there…very fashion forward 😉 You had me going with Big Bird …I settled on Bloglovin’ and yesterday it was totally screwed…I’m guessing some of these sites hadn’t prepared for the huge number of new users they’d be getting…it’s still a bit wonky today, but at least it’s loading… Happy Thursday!
I would like to write something intelligent, but I’m still flashing on the whore on payday. I have added a colorful new figure of speech.
Ha! We love it!
Thanks for the laugh, and beware of more big birds.
Hi Y’all!
So, okay, what did Sampson do with Big Bird? Did he get to keep him?
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
You are too funny! Love your outfit and the big bird story!
BOL! I wonder how Big Bird found his way into the woods?!? If you do come across Waldo or Dora, let us know!
BOL funny. Now we are pondering how he got there. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Love this post!
First of all – love your “screen” shirt! I have one of those too! Although you are way braver than I am. I won’t wear it in public. I just use a DEET product which I know is really toxic – but it works!
Ahahahahahaha!!!! I kept trying to imagine what kind of “big bird” would be there in the woods! I wonder if some little kid is missing his/her Big Bird. Too funny! I wonder if Big Bird’s pal Snuffalupakus (sp?) was there too, but you just didn’t see him! 😉
Thanks for joining TNT. You have really been on a roll lately. I laughed so hard I cried (no not at your bug screen). I can’t believe that you found Big Bird in your woods. LOL Storm might even have been scared of that!
Oh and by the way, your pic for the linky list….bwhahaha!
I’ve been looking forward to reading this ever since I saw the title on FB this morning. I knew it was going to be good and you didn’t disappoint. I’m still snickering.
Maybe you can find Waldo AND Carmen Sandiego. If so, please see if you can find out the secret of their powers. There are days that I’d really like to disappear…
Awesome post.
Our mom is laughing like a LOONEY… over the SWEATING like a Whore on Pay Day thingy. She had NEVER heard that one before…
OMD… you really did Find BIG BIRD. and he is obviously DEADED… What will happen to Sesame Street now???
Too funny. I was expecting a big ol’ heron or something. (Is it okay if I reveal here that Big Bird is my least favorite muppet? That voice! And he seems like such a sap.)
Love your ensemble! Tres woods-walking-chic!
I have a feeling it was a tough night for the little person who lost the Big Bird. Cutest left behind litter ever!
Oh boy! I just have a new expression in my vocabulary ahahahahahahahaha
The head gear would definitely come in handy for some of our hikes in the mountains! I’ll have to look into it 🙂
Please tell me big bird now has a loving forever home?
Yes, I’m sure he does. He was gone last night when. There is a couple with a toddler that live next to the woods and they walk him in there. I suspect if fell out of his stroller and they found it the next walk.
700 posts??? Good thing THAT was wrong.
Loved the big bird, and yeah, not what I was expecting.
I here you about over-dressing and sweating vs. getting eaten alive by bugs. It really is a tough choice. Maybe you can invent full length body netting that even covers your feet so you can walk in shorts and sandals?