The last couple of days the world has waited with bated breath for the Duchess of Cambridge to give birth. I don’t understand the hype about the royal baby.
News flash people: Women have been pushing babies out of their hey-nonner-nonner since the world began. It’s a fact of life. That baby was going to be born whether reporters stood outside the hospital or not.
I’ve got more interesting things to watch at my house.
I’m on wildlife watch.
It all started on Sunday night. I stepped outside to capture the beauty of the sunset.
I thought I might get a better shot if I stepped down the driveway a bit.
Just as I snapped the photo I saw something moving really fast down the street.
My bionic eye could make out it was a fox, but it was too fast for the camera. Can you see it on the other side of the street? (Note to self: you really need to get a better camera.)
Let me blow it up for you.
Yup that sucks too. But at least PicMonkey let me add the arrow. If you look real close, you can make it out. Or maybe it’s just me. Because I know it’s there.
Flash forward to Monday night : I’m sitting on the couch in my underwear, cooling down after our walk, when the dogs suddenly go ballistic.
Hubby says “There’s a fox on the lawn.”
Sampson said, “Roo roo roo” which is dog for “Hey there’s a friend outside and it’s in my yard, let me out, I want to play.”
I jumped up and said, “I’ve got to get my camera. Stay there little fox, while I grab my camera. I want to make you famous by putting your picture on my little blog.”
Sadly despite the fact that I am a deer whisperer my skills have not evolved so I can speak fox. I reached the window in time to see the fox run along the side of the house across the street.
Drats! Foiled again.
Thankfully I had the sense NOT to run out the door after the fox. Can you imagine? Me, running across the street in my bra and panties? I bet there’d be a huge run on bleach as the neighbors blinded themselves trying to remove that image from their retinas.
Last night I put the camera on the window sill when we got back from our walk. But I got nothing.
So we wait. With bated breath. What the hell does that mean anyway? And who comes up with these sayings?

Jodi, I had the same thoughts about the Royal Birth–meh. I was more interested in thinking about a potential puppy for the new Prince. 🙂
You are hilarious and I’ll be waiting to hear about your new camera choice. teepee
i meant “tee-hee”
You realize the fox was hoping you’d run out of the house in your underwear so he could get a picture of you for *his* blog, right? 🙂
You should visit Island Beach State Park in NJ. They have a large population of foxes. And despite all the warnings that no one should feel them so they don’t forget how to hunt on their own, people do. The foxes walk right up to your car.
You’d probably find it much easier to get a nice picture. And I bet it’s not so far from you home.
BTW, love that you’re one of ten people who knows the correct spelling of bated. It’s used first in one of my favorite plays:
I was all set to comment about bated, but I see Pamela’s already got it covered. 🙂 It’s one of my favorite plays too!
BOL they are two a penny over here and boy do we chase them if we see any on the park. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Now you know that the fox will probably never return because you have the camera sitting on the window sill waiting for him, right? Happens to me all of the time!
Lol…toby roo roo rooed at the bear also…like he was going to play….. Haha
I see the fox……sly one isnt he…amazing how you got him on film
Now this is much more interesting than what’s in the headlines at the moment! He’ll be back.
It never fails, you see the wildlife, and no camera around. I have decided someone needs to invent a camera in your eye so you never miss a shot.
One exists. It used for people who are blind to be able to see. The camera is implanted in the eye and transmits signals.
So you never know what’s around the corner.
I don’t know who comes up with those sayings but it must of been a week of nakedness as i got ready for bed and john said yr cat is outside it won:t come in. so in a huff i ran down the stairs and ran around the yard naked chasing the cat. picture that now!
Oh I love it. I love wildlife watches. The place where I work has a very large deer herd and all other sorts of wildlife. I love to drive in and see what animals I can spot. As for the sayings, I don’t know but some of them really make you wonder. Locally, I hear people say “they high-tailed it out of here.” WTH does that mean? I think I figured it out watching the dogs one night, and when I get some pictures of it, I’m going to blog about it. Have a good day!
I’m with you, too — I find wildlife much more fascinating than some WAY-in- the-future British King. Personally, I’m more interested in the little prince’s great-great-grandfather, King George VI, than I’ll ever be in his little royal self.
OMD! I can just hear the rednecks next door if I ran outside in my underwear!! As it is, I usually take the bra off around 5:30 or 6 so I can be comfortable the rest of the evening, and walk around the yard with just a t-shirt and shorts on on while the dogs do their thing. TS for them if they don’t like it…they shouldn’t be looking anyway.
Thanks for the laughs!!
LOL… yes! I thought this summed up the royal baby thing perfectly:
News flash people: Women have been pushing babies out of their hey-nonner-nonner since the world began.
Will probably be the best sentence I read all day!
Phew….I thought I was the only one who didn’t give a you-know-what about the royal baby. I also find wildlife in my yard far more fascinating, and your post was far more entertaining than what’s on the news. I have about as much luck as you did getting photographs of wildlife. (I have one blog post with really crappy photos of some deer in my yard, taken through a window). Thanks for the laughs!
I hope you foxy friend returns. I live in a small city and I love to see wildlife, although sometimes it’s sad. We’ve been watching a cute woodchuck and the other day I found him curled up beside our garage, dying. Yup dying…not dead. And I had no way to help him or to end his suffering. Oh, sorry to bring this post down with a sad comment. I guess that’s nature.
“Hey-nonner-nonner”?? Oh my gosh – you are hilarious! I’ve never heard that before but I love it!
I’m with you on the royal baby – enough already. Good grief.
One of your funnier posts! I’m wondering if half your neighbors would run for the bleach and if the other half would call the police! 😉
I saw a gila monster the other night while hiking but even that was too fast for me to get a pic. I did see the blurry fox though – very cool!!!
I could make it out after you put the arrow on it. 🙂 Lucky you caught anything since it looks pretty dark. Sorry the fox is being camera shy. Glad you did not give your neighbors a show….lol.
I used to do volunteer work tutoring a Korean woman in English. Idioms….oh my gosh we spent hours and hours on them. You never realize just how many we use until you have to teach them to someone else and explain what they mean. 9 times out of 10 they are not self explanatory.
Well, regarding the “Royal Birth” . . . I was just happy to hear something pleasant and non-threatening on the news. Regarding the rest . . . HILARIOUS . . . wish I lived close so I could watch you run after a fox in your skivvies. THAT would DEFINITELY have ROFLMFAO!!!!!
I often think the news media is insane giving us all this hype about stuff we don’t care about or are tired of hearing about.
I remember several years ago waking up to the news that the most anticipated baby of the century had been born. Turned out to be Madonna’s baby and I didn’t even know she was pregnant.
I much prefer a Tale of the Fox outside the House of the Scantily Clad Lady.
Ha! Looks like you are behaving like a dog…my Mom is always watching for animals too. It is hard to have the camera at the right place and right time. Sounds like you have been outfoxed…how about that saying???
I actually did spot the fox in the first photo…as least I could tell there was something there…
Not to be grinch like, but I have no interest whatsoever in ‘the royals’…I’ll watch “The Tudors” for hours on Amazon but the modern group holds no interest…I much prefer your fox watching
Since I don’t watch the news, I really only heard about the royal baby on facebook – people must not have much going on in their lives, eh?
Good luck spotting your fox again (hopefully you will be appropriately dressed this time!)
I’m with you – I do NOT get the hoopla over this baby. Whatevs. (It’s lovely for them – they’re a lovely couple, but can we all move on now?)
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a tendency to sit around in my undies. 🙂
I see it. I hope we get to see it again. I also hope the dogs don’t get to see it up close. Yikes.
The news about the royal baby is the only good news in the news recently. It’s a respite from the killings, etc.
I have to say I am slightly disappointed…. you running along the road in underwear would have been the most fantastic end to the story!!
Oh wow! Little cats in the neighborhood – beware! Little dogs too – that’s a fast moving, hungry creature!
We have a fox too, but have yet to catch it on camera. Blurry or not, you are way ahead of me! 🙂
LOL, I was trying to explain to Jessica at YDWWYW the Canadian fascination with our Royals. We’re still a sovereign nation and we love our Queen and our Royal couple is a breath of fresh air and give me hope for our Monarchy yet. I stayed up all night to watch the Royal wedding and cry. I sat vigil toasted champagne waiting for Prince George. It’s probably the most Canadian thing about me.