Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday co-hosted by Hound Girl and Heart Like a Dog. No introductions needed as ya’ll met Kari last week.
The blog hop that helps you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Rescued Heroes – Update
Thanks to all of you who shared and promoted this great project on your social media sites. I checked the project on Monday and they had met their goal!
See Beautiful – Author’s Note
We sure do have a beautiful area to walk, which works out well for me as I usually use the walks as an opportunity to de-stress.
Jan asked, “Your flowers look like Clematis?”
No idea Jan, they were there when we moved in and neither one of us are very good with plants.
Go Check – Author’s Note
Off-leash recalls have been a struggle with Delilah from day one. She’ll do fantastic for months at a time and then boom, she blows off a recall.
JoAnn said, “Have you tried training her to recall to a whistle.”
You know I was working with them with a whistle, but I’m not really sure how to train it. I wonder if it would be beneficial to her?
Sue said, ” Years ago my tripawd used to take off after deer (he’s the one we hung a cow bell on).” and 2 Brown Dawgs asked, “Have you ever thought of putting a bell on her like they do with dogs hunting in high cover?”
You know I hadn’t thought about it, but it might not be a bad idea. Since both Sampson and Delilah wear collars with tags on them, sometimes I hear the tinkle of the tags and think it’s her, but it’s really him. A cow bell would definitely sound different. 🙂
Since my walks are supposed to be about unwinding and de-stressing having her running off is counter productive. As of right now, she will remain on leash unless we are in a fenced in area.
Heeeeeeere’s Manny – Author’s Note
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “Seven is senior?”
Apparently yes. Even if you figure it in dog years, I don’t think seven is “senior.” But what do I know?
Jen said, “Yes, we do tend to highlight those breeds near to our hearts, don’t we?”
We sure do!
What Did You Do To Her? – Author’s Note
Thank you all for your kind words and for sharing your stories about your experiences with dogs and children. I’m truly grateful that Delilah did not bite my granddaughter. It is a reminder to me that even when I’m in the same room, I need to be aware of what’s going on.
Thank you all for the positive thoughts for Sampson, I know so many of you who have dealt with or are dealing with aging or ill pets and I know it’s not easy. And while the possibility is likely it is a fatty tumor, there is always the chance it could be something far more sinister.
I worry, what can I say?
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “Was the tick attached as long as they say it takes to transmit the disease? I am unclear on timing. Was the disease transmitted in a shorter time frame?”
You know according to the CDC the tick has to be attached for a minimum of 24 hours, though the ‘norm’ is 36 to 48 hours. I picked the kids up about 9:30 and noticed the tick about 6:30, which is only 9 hours. My daughter said she did not notice anything on her when she got her dressed that morning, but we are talking about something as small as the head of a pin.
Your guess is as good as mine. The good thing is that we caught it early and besides being a bit cranky with a rash, she didn’t seem to have any of the ‘typical’ symptoms.
That is my wrap up for the week. Many thanks to Kari who kindly hosted the hop all on her own this week. I have a co-host lined up for next week (JoAnn) but I’d love to share the love with you. If you can join a blog hop, you can host one too, it’s super simple.
Have a great weekend and thanks again to Hound Girl!

Great FOF (always smile when I see it shortened like that).
Taking a walk or run is the best destresser ever! If mom is having any issues, she leashes us up and we walk. When we are back she feels so much better! Hopefully Sampson will be fine. Having my sister getting older, mom worries about every little thing with her too.
Great FUF. Since you don’t use a ecollar for recall with the whistle I would suggest attaching a long line and toot the whistle three times and tug on the line and say here at the same time. I would have treats ready and give her one when you reel her in. I don’t think it will take long and she will respond to the whistle. A cow bell is a excellent idea also as you will hear her.
I (Frankie Furter) am SEVEN and I don’t think I am a senior. BaaaWaah.
LOVE the cow bell idea.
We agree with Frankie seven we don’t feel is a senior as Pip is coming onto 16 so what does that make her? Ancient, we suppose! Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
That trail of yours sure is pretty…I can see how it would be a great place to de-stress…Have a wonderful weekend!
That path is really pretty. I hope there’s some goose poop there to make it perfect!
Love and licks,
Seven does seem young to be a senior dog, but I guess it has to do with metabolism or something.
You know, the fact that your granddaughter is so small might have allowed her to get infected faster than a full grown adult.
I have a friend who trained one of her dogs to recall to the Xena Warrior Princess call. You could try that! *grin* I can totally picture you doing that!
“Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair — it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” That said, when it comes to our furry kids, most of us mamas do worry, no matter how we might try not to. I know I do, despite the brave front I put up. But, hey, take know what? Our vet is practical — he will always take a fluid sample from the fatty tumors and put it under his microscope. If there’s nothing suspicious, we leave it alone. So far, thank GOD, there has never been anything suspicious in the samples — so I find myself worrying less than I used to. I figure as long as my girls still have a good appetite, don’t drink more or less than normal, and their bathroom habits aren’t worrisome, then the likelihood of bad news isn’t high. I do some extra praying and ask God to keep them healthy for their own sake if not mine.
Ducky made me proud this morning — when I called her to me she came running as fast as those cute little legs could carry her. She ran a little bit past me, but turned and walked right thru the door into the porch. 🙂 🙂
*take* should have been “you” … Geez I hate auto-correct!! 🙁
Excellent FUF. I hate ticks! Hate! I am glad your granddaughter will be fine.
I am not going to tell Thunder that 7 is senior and you don’t either…OK? 😉
Great FUF!
I know it is hard to believe I have two senior dogs here, Cheyenne will be 10 in a three weeks and Riva will be 8 in just over a month.