One day. Twenty four hours. One thousand, four hundred, forty minutes. Eighty six thousand, four hundred seconds.
For some dogs one day will make the difference between living out their lives being loved and cherished or the end of their life, abandoned and alone in a shelter.
A dog but for the stroke of luck could have been our own sweet Delilah.
Thankfully American Lab Rescue pulled her from the High Kill Shelter she was at and put her in foster care until she could be transported to us. American Lab Rescue is one of only seven shelters/rescues in the state of Connecticut that have taken the Just One Day Pledge and vowed Now and Forever.
Just One Day takes place every year. They work year long spreading the message and asking shelters to take the one day pledge. They will assist shelters by providing model press releases, promotion plans, and a guide to help them adopt their way out of killing. All of these are provided free of charge to any organization that takes the pledge.
From their website, “To most people, June 11 is Just One Day. But, June 11 is a day that will change everything for about 10,000 companion animals, and a day that can change the world. On June 11, 2013, we can be a No Kill nation.”
10,000 animals!! Sounds good doesn’t it?
But they need our help. Just about every town in CT (169) have a dog pound or shelter, yet only seven have taken the pledge to be no kill. And of those seven, they are all, with the exception of one, rescues. No Humane Societies, no Shelters. I find that appalling. And I intend to change that for next year. I’m going to be recruiting my CT friends to assist me in getting the Just One Day challenge out to shelters in our state so more of them participate next year.
How many shelters in your state participate? Go to their website and see if your favorite shelter/rescue does, if you don’t see your favorite on the list, contact them, ask them to take the one day pledge.
Together we can make this a No Kill Nation, if only for one day.
Another way you can help shelter animals is to join the Tuesday’s Tails Blog Hop and shine the light on a shelter animal, a dog like Duke here.
Poor Duke, he sat for hours at the truck stop where he was dumped waiting for his heartless human to return. Duke gets along with children, and dogs, walks well on leash, and he’s very attached to his foster mom’s elderly mother. You can read more about Duke on his Petfinder Page, he’s currently in foster care in New Fairfield, CT.
10,000 animals in one day seems like a big undertaking, but shelters were closing their doors last year because they had adopted out all their animals. Imagine, a shelter with no animals. Wouldn’t that be a great ‘problem’ to have?

Good luck with this Jodi. You are a guardian angels for dogs! Hope Duke finds a home soon, he looks like a great pup.
We hope Duke finds a forever home soon. How awful just to dump a lovely animal and drive away. Heartless. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
You are such a great person, Jodi!
This is a great idea. Won’t it be great when we
really are a no-kill nation?
This is one dream that I would like to see become a reality and hopefully for more than Just One Day. But miracles do happen.
Wow, had no idea about the just one day thing. We just can’t imagine leaving a pet at a rest stop and driving off, how could anyone with any feelings do such a thing. You have a great cause here!
Oh, sweet baby. People suck sometimes. I swear! Who would abandon that sweet soul?? Hope he finds his furever home soon.
I love labs. They have a soft spot in my heart. I think this is great. He is a sweet boy. I was heartbroken with Stella/Bella found her a home – I was secretly hoping she would stay forever with us.
I’ve seen such great progress just in the last few years toward a no kill nation. It’s just a matter of getting rid of the old thinking (and the old thinkers) and becoming responsible and compassionate. Hurray for you and all you are doing.
I was elated on Saturday morning when my email included a promo from the shelter we rescued/adopted Ducky from saying that they are participating in Just One Day this year! Equally pleased to read that they are committed to becoming a No Kill shelter. They have a LONG way to go, but at least they are trying! High Kill to No Kill is going to take some time.
Great post! I hope this catches on and the CT shelters join.
And how sad for Duke…I just cannot understand how anyone could do that.
WHY do Peeps do things like that… just drive away from LOVE and DEVOTION. WHAT is wrong with them??
I look forward to the day when euthanasia is limited to being used only on the terminally ill pets! Sharing Duke.
Oh, how could anyone have left sweet Duke behind….
What a difference one day makes… truly, right? I cut some onions when reading Delilah’s story, and know how very, very dear she is to you. One day made a life-changing difference in her life… and yours.
Now Duke needs someone to change his life. I don’t know how anyone could just abandon him… he looks so sweet sitting there. And you and I both know that there are Delilahs and Dukes everywhere… waiting.
Thank you for sharing the Just One Day pledge. We have quite a few no-kill shelters and rescues in my area, but we also have city-operated shelters that have really high daily intake numbers, and they are kill shelters. I have inquired to see if my city’s kill shelter is participating in Just One Day. If they’re not, at least maybe it will put a bug in their ear, so to speak.
Hi Y’all!
Paws crossed for Duke…so lucky to be a foster dog, but hope he soon finds a loving and truly forever family of his own.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Good luck, Duke. You’re gorgeous.
Love and licks,
Good luck with your mission. I am torn on this topic. So many times “no kill” rescues dump their unadoptable dogs at humane societies and/or shelters. Then the shelter or humane society must be the bad guy.
That is a very sweet picture of Delilah. I am glad the breed rescue pulled her from the shelter. Those are the unsung heroes. The dedicated people who comb shelter web sites and petfinder to pull animals in danger of being pts.
I’ve never heard of this one before today, but what a great idea! I think if anybody would be good at talking people into taking the pledge, it would be you!
What a great post Jodi – and I had no idea that this day even existed! It would be so awesome if shelters could put themselves out of business. Some day. One can hope.
Hope Duke finds a great home soon!
I love this post Jodi! I have met many dogs on their last day, and it is a humbling feeling to be able to take them from the shelter and give them another chance, and I’m grateful that I’ve been able to do that. I so dream of a time when every home will have a dog, and every dog will have a home–I hope the goal and dream becomes a reality!!!
What a great blog post today. Hope Duke finds a home along with all the other animals in the shelters.
Good luck!
So glad you’re promoting Just One Day! Most shelters in my area are high kill shelters; none took the pledge. Poor Duke deserves much better treatment! Sharing.
How could anyone dump such a beautiful dog? I can’t imagine dumping a dog on the side of a road or dumping a dog anywhere. People can be so cruel. Thanks for joining the blog hop.
You’re doing a wonderful job Jodi – I too hope it will stop and people will be more responsible for animals – I sure hope Duke finds the forever home he deserves….
Wags to all,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Delilah is one fortunate dog.
I hope Duke finds a loving and caring home. I can’t even begin to imagine leaving a poor animal to fend for itself. So very sad.
Good luck with your mission Jodi. That is a sweet photo of Delilah.