Welcome to co-hosted Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, my co-hostess this week is a newbie. I’ve followed her blog for a while now but only met her in person last weekend.
I’m not sure if it’s from reading her blog or not, all I know is when I met her, I felt like we’d been hanging around forever.
You will know her as Pup Fan or Bella and Tavish’s mom. She’s a word mistress, the Queen of Puns and No Frown Friday linkage. I call her Thelma because I could see the two of us, driving across country together laughing our asses off the entire way. (Okay, technically I haven’t actually SEEN the movie, but I’m guessing here.)
Please give a warm Heart Like a Dog welcome to my friend, Pup Fan from I Still Want More Puppies.
Last week’s Follow-Up Friday
I’d like to give a great big thanks to my friend Linda at 2 Brown Dogs for handling all of the hosting duties last week while I enjoyed myself at BlogPaws. Follow-up Friday couldn’t have gone off last week without her and I’m truly grateful for her help.
Anytime you need anything Linda, I’m your gal. 🙂
Black and White Sunday – May 19, 2013
I always like to show the black and white photo vs the original photo, so here you are:
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
I was attempting to practice SEO in the post, I’m not sure whether I did it or not, so any of you folks who know SEO pretty well, how’d I do?
Jan said, “Too far to travel to Blogpaws, too many obligations. I’m looking forward to your posts in smaller doses so my head doesn’t explode.”
Well Miss Jan, it’s in Las Vegas next year, is that better for you? Any possibility that you might go? I’m waffling because I HATE flying and it is far too long of a drive for me.
Elyse said, “Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your BlogPaws experience. I think it’s going to take me a month’s worth of blog posts to include everything I want to talk about.”
I think you’re right Elyse. I didn’t actually take a LOT of notes because the all sessions were recorded and are being made available to all attendees…..SO I took the lazy way out and just jotted down the things that stuck out at me. I will however hit the highlights for you.
Misty asked, “Don’t you hate when you have a good plan and people just don’t get with the program?” Oh yeah. 😉
Jodi said, “hands down the best part of the weekend was all the rockstars I got to hang out with.” Oh yes, the rockstars were the best part!
Jen was afraid to read the post, honestly she wrote a post about why she’s not allowed in Costco by herself and now I totally get it. LOL
Drifting on Petfinder
Thank you all so much for sharing the story of Drifter, I hate that so many dogs are sitting in shelters, but even worse I hate that people drop off seniors. 🙁
Sue said, “When I first found out about Black Dog Syndrome, I just didn’t understand at all. I love black dogs! Have you ever browsed this site, Jodi? http://www.blackpearldogs.com”
No Sue, I had never heard of it. I’m book marking the site so I can go back and really give it my full attention, when I have some more time.
Basil shared a link for a black cat named Mary, who is also looking for a home.
BlogPaws Part 1
I’m sure there were some people I forgot to include, like Carol Bryant! And OMG Leslie from Bringing up Bella, (I was literally tweeting with her the entire way home!!)
A little back story as the Friday night dinner came up a couple of times in the comments. Friday was a free night, an opportunity for personal networking, sightseeing, etc…about 11 of us gathered in the lobby with the intent of eating dinner at the hotel restaurant. Then we were told they couldn’t accommodate a crowd that large until after 8:00. We had two cars available (Pup Fan’s and Kirsten’s) but we couldn’t all fit.
The hotel generously made a van available to us and Pup Fan creatively used an app on her phone and found us a local restaurant. After a tiny mix-up with the reservation we were finally all together eating dinner.
Sugar’s mom said, “Looks like you were so engage in a conversation and did not notice the wall decor.”
Um…yes, yes I did. For some random reason there were naked people depicted in various activities painted on the wall. I’m not really sure why or what the reasoning was behind this because the restaurant was named Clyde’s. Go ahead, click the link, you’ll see what I mean. 🙂 (It’s the first photo in the slide show.)
Jodi said, “By far the best part of the weekend was connecting with my favourite bloggers. Our friday night dinner (and the cocktails that followed) will go down as some of my best memories.
I couldn’t have said it better.
Jen said, “It all happened so fast didn’t it? I want to a redo! and why am I not smiling in that picture?
Oh a redo would be nice!! Do you smile often?
Genevieve asked, “We’re there a lot of dogs there?”
Yes there were and a lot of cats as well. There were also a few ferrets, some chicks and I’m not sure what else!!
Elyse and Emma were impressed I remembered so many names.
I have to confess, I had help. 🙂
Jackie asked, “What are the odds you’ll be in Vegas next year?”
I’m thinking about it.
Kristine said, “It’s so cool to meet people in person for the first time isn’t it?”
It really is, and the best part is, it feels so comfortable and perfect.
This ‘N That Thursday
Thank you all for the kind words about my blog. I’ve just realized I’m way over my word count, so I’ll try and touch back on this one in another post. Sort of a follow-up to follow-up Friday. 😉
This is the Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop hosted by I Still Want More Puppies and Heart Like a Dog.

I think it’s a good thing that you didn’t notice the naked people on the walls.
After a busy week we hope you have a nice chillaxing weekend and have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Those naked people on the walls were weird, not real appetizing! Loved the restaurant and everything about it except for those huge naked murals…besides being totally bad, they did not fit in with the theme of the place in my opinion but who cares it was fun eating and chatting with everyone anyway! That is all from mom, since I was not there 😉
I loved the sheer tackiness of them. Of course, I got to eat with my back to their frolicking so perhaps that why they didn’t weird me out…much.
I can’t forget the wall paintings … I must have told all my friends. Tried to google it and looked for answers … tempted to write a letter to the management …
I’ve seen the movie… now I want to know which one of you will be doing the murder thing? 😉
Have the tissues handy for the Black Pearl site… but you’ll love it, especially the stories and poems.
Naked can be scary in this context and I love my black dog. Thanks for another great FUF.
Have to admit that all the conference recaps make me sad about all that I’ve missed…Maybe next year? You mentioned that the presentations were recorded…do you have any info on where or how they’ll be made available?
You are welcome for the small part I played in last week’s FUF. I was a bad co-hostess because once Saturday rolled around, I bugged out for hunt test duties. lol
It sure sounds like you had fun at Blog Paws. The mural at the restaurant is a curious decor choice. Of course wait to you get to Vegas if you go next year. I bet you see a lot of curious decor choices.
Have a great weekend!
I was so happy to spend time with Elizabeth and her Cardis on Friday night that I missed you guys just a little bit less. It’s really hard to squeeze everything in.
My friends and I used to hang out at the Clydes in Columbia, MD when I was in high school. For your information, it had no naked people on the walls. But lots and lots of ferns.
Hi Y’all!
My Human was reading over my head and she’s so wanting to go the next time BlogPaws is in the East…but their schedule is so demanding…and I take up the rest. My Human is anxiously awaiting more reports from BlogPaws…me I want reports from the dog attendees.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I’ve seen the movie. Who gets the young Brad Pitt?
Thanks for the recap. You do such a good job of making us feel like we were there.
What is SEO?
What’s wrong with naked people on the wall in restaurants? I don’t get it… 😉
Have a great weekend!!
Hmmm. In my experience, nudity and eating should not be combined. Puts you right off a good meal. IMHO.
Glad to hear you are considering Vegas. I’m hoping to be there!
The Black Pearl Site is a site that everyone should take a look at. It is very eye opening and also sad:( And I’m a dummy…everyone is posting about their dog featured in Tuesday’s Tails in your FUF but me. Now, why didn’t I think of that?????
Happy Follow Up Friday, great post again summing up blog paws. I actually like the black and white photo better than the color one. Thanks for posting both up. Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Great FUF Jodie.
I like the b&w better, Delilah really pops in that one and in the color photo the green seems to wash her out.
I have very fwe BlogPaws posts planned. I have a few question I want to ask my readers, but for the most part, I’ll leave the session recaps to everyone else!
PS – You’re coming to Vegas. Could you really turn down a chance to hand out with me again? PSHW! I think not.
LOL… I don’t know what’s up with the decor there either. It’s a local chain, and I’m pretty sure that none of the other locations have that kind of art! 🙂
Just did my BlogPaws today … there were lots of of information to share I made it simple. Totally bothered by the restaurant decor … I had dinner with friends tonight and the first thing I checked were the walls. Golden Thanks for arranging the dinner and inviting me. Golden Woofs!