We have something called ‘team-meetings’ at work. They were actually my idea and I hate them.
Initially they were designed to gather the office together and see where people were in regards to particular projects. The idea as originally intended, was to have weekly meetings of approximately 15 to 20 minutes to help keep all projects moving forward.
Well as the saying goes, “The best laid plans of mice and men.”
I can never quite pin my boss down to a small weekly meeting, what happens is he goes weeks and sometimes even months without ever having a meeting and then we have one long, boring meeting where he regurgitates everything he’s been holding in his gray matter since the last meeting.
That’s how I feel today. I have so many thoughts and experiences to share from this past weekend that I feel like my brain needs to regurgitate.
Since I can’t regurgitate my brain (and actually I’m quite thankful for that) I need to sit down and come up with a game plan as to how I’m going to share this past weekend with all of you who couldn’t attend.
I’d like to start with a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Kol’s Note’s, Jodi Chick for winning the award for Best Bark Blog, this is one awesome lady, great mentor and friend and truly deserving of this award.
CONGRATULATIONS also go out to Mrs.Taleteller from Tales and Tails, she won the Best Photo award for a beautiful photo of Miss Bunny incognito. I had a grand time with Mrs. Taleteller and I can tell you I imagine I could get up to some mischief with that one.
For those who wondered how my presentation went, I’d say it was okay. I’ve asked for some feedback from BlogPaws from the folks who actually attended and will let you know how it went. I also intend to share the entire presentation here and BlogPaws did record all sessions so hopefully you can check it out if you’re interested.
Hubby drove down Saturday to pick me up and we had a gruesome ride home yesterday. A trip that should normally take 5 1/2 to 6 hours took us closer to 8 and by the time I got in, all I wanted to do was snuggle the pups. I should have been working on this post while we were driving home but I was having some fun tweeting and treating and did not.
I promise to work on a post to tell you all about the awesome Blogging Rock Stars I met, and the fun things I won and brought home with me and the great things I learned. But until then, indulge me just a little while I try to re-cooperate from an incredibly, awesome weekend.

Welcome back – I can’t wait to hear all about it! I think it was probably a blessing that I didn’t go to Blog Paws this year, the timing would have been horrible for me, but I’m sad that I didn’t get to meet all the great folks that were there!
Well, shucks, sometimes things just don’t go as planned so hard just have to stop worrying about it, work around it, and just relax. I had every intention of getting up at 6:30 this morning, getting Ducky to daycare by 8:15, and then taking Callie and Shadow to the park for a nice walk. Well, four hours’ worth of sleep and dense fog waylaid those plans. I don’t drive in fog when my brain is foggier than the fog outside my door. I finally put Ducky’s and my own safety in God’s hands and took her to daycare; and upon arrival back home, watched two Jimmy Stewart movies on TCM while I drank my coffee and relaxed with my Golden girls. So, just relax and enjoy the day with your pups.
Make that so *you* just have to….
Geez I hate auto-correct!!!
PS. Team meetings are fine when they’re “short and sweet”; but most work meetings I’ve been to over the last 3-1/2 decades were nothing more than a boss’s way of inflating his own ego ad nauseam. So glad I’m away from that!!
I am sure a plan will come to you when you are asleep. (That is when my posts usually come to me…ok may be you should not follow suit…lol). Can’t wait to hear all about Blog Paws. I am so far behind in my reading because after two days of working the hunt tests, all I wanted to do last night was take a shower and sleep. Unfortunately no good ideas for posts popped into my dreams.
BlogPaws is MAJOR sensory overload and it DOES take time to digest and run things around in our heads. I find myself doing a number of smaller and shorter posts about it, scattered around, rather than one long one. There is too much to take in! So happy to have finally met you and YESSSSSSSSSS HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS LISTED ABOVE!
Imagine you’re tired out by more than the journey home. What a lot to take in and preparing and giving a presentation is always exhausting. Look forward to hearing more about the weekend.
Welcome home and we look forward to reading more. Have a marvellous Monday.
best wishes Molly
Too far to travel to Blogpaws, too many obligations. I’m looking forward to your posts in smaller doses so my head doesn’t explode.
There’s nothing wrong with an overflowing brain. As long as it’s overflowing with fun and amazing experiences. Yay.
It was by far the most fun, but most exhausting weekend I’ve had in FOREVER. I wish I could have attended your workshop. Didn’t make it to any of them. Stupid chicks held me hostage at my booth. I’m so glad I met you, though!
Looking forward to hearing more about the conference Jodi! You are as warm and wonderful in person as you are online.
It was so great meeting you! (And your hubby!).
No worries, I heard all good things about your session! I originally had wanted to go to that one, but decided on the Twitter one instead (since I totally suck at Twitter)!
Yes, HUGE congrats to Jodi and Mrs. Taleteller! They definitely deserved it. And Mrs. Taleteller even won against some of the cats! I was beginning to think that wasn’t possible…
Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your BlogPaws experience. I think it’s going to take me a month’s worth of blog posts to include everything I want to talk about.
Can’t wait to hear all about Blog Paws.
Don’t you hate when you have a good plan and people just don’t get with the program
You are not alone, mom’s head is spinning and all she wants to do it take time off to go over everything she learned at Blogpaws but NO, work is super busy so she barely has time to do anything but work. Take your pups for a walk and do some thinking, the post will come to you…you know that is when mom does her best writing…in her head with her inspiration in sight (that would be me).
Hi Jodi! I’ve signed up to get your posts via e-mail, and love that I can read your posts when they arrive in my inbox–Why didn’t I do that sooner??
But we have monthly meetings at our office, and for a group of people who say there’s nothing to talk about, we manage to fill our time pretty nicely–But that’s only if the doctor doesn’t have anything to talk about! I hope everything re-gels in your mind–I’ve no doubt it feels like ‘mush’ after the weekend you had and the trip home which didn’t help!!
Yay, welcome home! I’m so jealous of all you BlogPaws attendees!
Glad you made it home safe and got snuggling in, that is the most important part. Can’t wait to hear how it went.
Alright, I was totally afraid to read this post when I saw the title. (thought it may have to do with my “issues”, because I have been compared to that person before too:) and when I told my husband what you said, he laughed his ass off and said you were a pretty good judge of character!
Your session was great, and I’m being serious!
It was so awesome to meet you in person and your husband and thank you so much for my gift! Gracie already wants to borrow it:)
THANK YOU my friend. I have this sneaking suspicion that you may have nominated me and I am so forever grateful for that, for your generousity and most of all for your friendship. Like you, my brain feels like mush and it will be a day or two before I am equipped to put together any coherent thoughts, but hands down the best part of the weekend was all the rockstars I got to hang out with.
BJ is letting me write. She goes by Lynda Fisher.
Mom said you did an awesome job on your session. She said she learned a lot because you were clear and very organized and had good information.
We’re following you now.
Glad you had fun, and I am sure you were a huge hit! Sound like you deserved the car ride off after all your hard work!
Sounds like you had a great time and I’m quite sure your session was fabulous! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures at BlogPaws
I’m totally with you on the needing some time to process! I have lots of things swirling around in my brain, but I’m not quite ready to start posting about them yet.
In any event I’m so happy to have met you this weekend. It’s not every weekend a gal finds the Thelma to her Louise.
That’s a great way to look at it “regurgitating the brain” LOL! I tend to do that in some of my follow ups, which is why I try to limit my word count now.
Looking forward to checking out your presentation once you recoup from your trip.
While I don’t necessarily regret not going as I had a pretty stellar weekend myself, I do wish I will have a chance to hang out with all you amazing people one day. Also, it would have been so cool to attend your session and watch you in all your professional glory! Congratulations to you on getting up there! I am so glad you had such a great time!