Digging the Black and White vibe? We’re joining up with our friends at You Did What With Your Weiner, Daschund Nola and My Life in Blog Years for Black and White Sunday.
You can get the blog hop link at one of our hosts blogs.

By Jodi
Digging the Black and White vibe? We’re joining up with our friends at You Did What With Your Weiner, Daschund Nola and My Life in Blog Years for Black and White Sunday.
You can get the blog hop link at one of our hosts blogs.
[…] Black and White Sunday – May 19, 2013 […]
Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
beautiful! hope your having a great time at blog paws
King of the hill.
@Genevieve: I believe that’s “Queen of the Hill”, Miss Delilah…too dark to be Sampson. 🙂
@Jodi, I hope you’re having a great time there at BlogPaws! I wish I could have gone if for no other reason than to meet you and my other fellow pet bloggers. Be safe going home!
WE love B & W Sunday… WE don’t know HOW to make our Flashy Beast do B & W… it seems to only do COLOR..
King of the mountain! Must have been a wild time, my mom is totally tired out!
I am totally wiped too Emma, I loved meeting your mom, she’s an awesome lady. Please let her know I’m sorry I missed saying goodbye to her. 🙁
Such a pretty picture.
Great photo, the trees look enchanted. So great to meet you on Friday!
Nice…love how the light is coming through the trees around Delilah.
Queen of the Mountain…love!