Monday Mischief is all me this week.
I’ve been presented with a couple of awards that I haven’t acknowledged. And sadly, I’ve waited so long I can’t remember who gave them to me, and while I usually acknowledge the blogger by thanking them in their comments, I also like to acknowledge them in a blog post. But I can’t do that, because I can’t find the posts.
SO, if you’ve presented me with an award sometime in the last month or two, and I haven’t acknowledged it here on this blog, please accept my sincerest and HEART felt apologies. I promise I’ll try to do better going forward.
That all being said, I was recently presented The WordPress Family Award by JoAnn at Sand Spring Chesapeakes and I’d like to thank JoAnn for honoring me with such an award.
The WordPress Family Award was started by Shaun from Looking for reasoning to a complicated world.
With most awards, there are descriptions and rules.
Award Description:
“This is an award for everyone who is part of the ‘WordPress Family.’ I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents ‘Family’ we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award.”
- Display the award logo on your blog.
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.
- Let your 10 family members know you have awarded them.
- That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.
I’m not fond of having to choose my favorite blogs (II feel like Sophie’s Choice) and as most of my blogging friends appear to have already been nominated, I’ve decided to be more mischievous and not pass the award along, besides I don’t know which of you are on WordPress and which of you aren’t. 😉
Don’t be sad though, I’ll leave you with a lovely photo of Sampson, taken yesterday afternoon as he sat outside in the driveway watching two Golden Retrievers walking up the street.
This is the Monday Mischief Blog hop, hosted by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog and My Brown Newfies.

LOL, congrats, and that’s OK to be mischievous.
I forgot about an award once too and felt awful about it…But sometimes there’s so much going on my brain just springs a leak and important stuff falls out 🙂 Have a great MM!
What a good boy! He didn’t go bounding down the driveway “just [ ] to say Hi!” You have him well trained, Jodi!! My 3 would take off to join the other 2!! And with a street like this one, I don’t dare let them sit in the driveway without one of us on the other end of the leash!
Nice award!! I didn’t even know such an award existed — or maybe I just forgot — but I do feel like all my fellow pet bloggers are family, whether they’re on WordPress, Google’s Blogger, or anywhere else. We all cheer each other on, give support and encouragement, or do our best to console each other as the situation dictates.
Those photos make him look like a dog that can’t find his car! Congratulations on the award. When I get one I copy the link to the blog post that gave it to me onto a word doc and save it on my desktop. Seems that mom always waits a while to respond too and we would forget if we didn’t do that plus seeing it on the desktop reminds us we still need to post about it. Just a tip, you can take it or leave it.
Congratulations on your award. Have a marvellous Monday with not too much mischief.
Best wishes Molly
Congrats on the award – well done – and a good mischief substitute.
Congrats! Love that picture of Sampson! He looks like he was really keeping a good eye on those Goldens!
Congratulations, Jody. And it’s nice to know that you too are not one of those super organized people that I find so annoying.
Well congratulations on your award! That has happened to me in the past too and I always feel bad for not writing it down and doing a post right away!
Hi there! I was wondering if you found any new places to hike? We are thinking of trying this park, as it has waterfalls too:
This is very helpful:
You are so welcome and you deserve it. Sampson was a good boy and didn’t even get up to chase the goldens? Have a great mischievous free day.
Congrats on the WordPress Award! It is surely hard to single out blogs for awards – not because there aren’t great and deserving blogs, but just the opposite – there are so many!
And good for you Sampson! You’re not even barking!
Congrats on the award! I forget everything if I don’t write it down! When I get an award, I try to put the link from the original post into a draft post right away – otherwise, it disappears from my wee little brain.
Sampson – what a good boy to not get up to any mischief!
Congrats Jodi! I can totally relate, sometimes you just can’t play by all the rules 🙂
Was Sampson sitting in the middle of the street? That sure looks mischievous.
I so seriously don’t like getting awards for this very reason. Acknowledging and redistributing is such a PITA. Gah. It’s very sweet and I appreciate the people who give them out, but … maybe I’m just ungrateful.
Congratulations on the Word Press award! Well deserved! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Congrats on your awards! Good boy Sampson sitting oh so nicely. 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on the Award… WE think you did the right thingy.. about NOT passing it ON. THAT always Scares US beclaws we do NOT ever want to leave anyBuddy Out.
Congrats on your award! Have a mischievous week!
I’m terrible about passing on awards, too. It’s not because I don’t want to, I just never have time and I am always afraid I’ll forget to mention somebody!
Brilliant photo!
First, have to say I love those photos of Sampson. Not only does Sampson look like my Lucy, he’s also a very good boy 🙂
Congratulations on all of your awards! Was very glad to see how you handled this because I’ve recently received the WP Family award… and I don’t use WP. Have been trying to figure out what to do about it and, thanks to you, now I know 🙂
Congratulations! I’m happy to know I am not the only one who doesn’t do my best work when presented with an award. Yikes. I love Sampson’s intensity.
Congrats on your awards! I know what you mean about keeping up, I started copying and pasting them in a draft post so I could keep up with them and not have to search for them later. Sampson sure is a good boy!!