Today we join our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs blog for This ‘N That Thursday.

Courtesy of 2 Brown Dawgs Blog
“This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post. It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!”
In exactly one week I’ll be on my way to BlogPaws. Here’s the question. Are you going? Have you made arrangements to meet up with your favorite bloggers? I’ve currently been kibitzing online with some of my blog mates I know are attending and making arrangements to meet them.
But I want to make sure I have the opportunity to meet as many of you as possible, so please if you’re going and we haven’t been kibitzing on facebook, leave me a comment so I make certain to add you to my list. 😀 (Unless of course you don’t want to meet me.)
Tracking Spring
Remember my experiment to track spring?
Remember this little guy? I took this picture on April 21st.
- Monday (4-22-13)
- Tuesday (4-23-13)
- Wednesday (4-24-13)
- Thursday (4-25-13)
- Saturday (4-27-13)
- Sunday (4-28-13)
- Monday (4-29-13)
- Wednesday (5-1-13)
- Friday (5-3-13)
- Saturday (5-4-13)
- The branch (5-6-13)
(If you click on the photo, they enlarge.)
I did miss a few days due to some other obligations but I think I caught a good amount. It’s funny after missing just one day I noticed the difference immediately upon entering the park.
Please keep my friend Julie in your thoughts today, her family is going through a really hard time right now.
That’s it for me, remember whatever you do today, live your life with a heart like a dog.

Jodi you know I will be there and I look forward to meeting you! You should stop by the Newbies Group in the Community (some veterans are members there too) Many of us are making arrangements to meet through that group as well!!!
Thanks Caren, you were on my list. 🙂 But I will check out the group.
I will definitely keep Julie in my thoughts, and prayers. I’ll go visit her blog and send her some positive, healing energy, too.
I would love to go, but I just don’t have the time right now. Taking care of Callie, Shadow, and Ducky is a full-time job these days. Maybe next year. If I can get Ducky to learn the difference between nice people and creepy ones, maybe I’ll leave Callie and Shadow home with their Dad and take her. If they have it in Charleston (SC), it would be great cuz then I could possibly get together with my friends who live down there too. I miss my buddies down there! Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to your post of your BlogPaws presentation!
Have a great day!!
Poor Julie! I didn’t want to make her feel sadder by sharing what Kissy went through before I let her go to the Rainbow Bridge. I read the other comments and found myself choking back tears — for her and Cali and for Kissy and me. I’m still choking back the tears just thinking about it. I HAVE TO move on. Get my second cup of coffee and read some more emails, preferably happy ones.
My mom is going for the first time, I can’t because she is flying. She doesn’t have any plans or know what to do, not even sure what kind of clothes to pack so if you have any tips pass them our way. She is super excited to meet a lot of those that we blog with and to learn as much as she can about everything.
Emma there is a newbies group run by Caren Gittleman ( it is for first timers who are unsure how it all works.
The info I have for wardrobe is business casual and for Thursday and Saturday evening’s dinner the dress is more in line to what you would wear to a nice restaurant. I’ve also been told layers….as sometimes those conferences get chilly. I will send mom an e-mail with my cell phone number so she can get in touch with me. I am arriving Thursday afternoon around 1:15, but not sure how long it will take from airport to conference.
I’m not going to BlogPaws but hopefully one day our paths will meet. Great tracking pictures, the leaves are getting really big.
Jodi, Jodi, Jodi… who would not want to meet you?! (And you already know I’m not going to BP and I would LOVE to meet you!) BTW, stop by my blog today (not a command, but a heavy hint.)
Love the tracking spring photos 🙂 Heading to Julie’s blog and hoping for the best.
Just read in Julie’s blog that they helped Cali cross the bridge last night.
Oh no, not Cali! 🙁
We will stop by her blog…
OH MY GOSH GOLLY… seeing the Pawgression of the growth is just AMAZING. COOL DROOL stuffs.
Wish I was going to Blog Paws, but it’s too far. Hopefully next year.
Ugh, that’s so awful about Cali. Just went over to leave another message. It’s the worst part of having a dog. There is never “enough” time with them. What amount could possibly be enough??
Sadly we won’t be meeting up at Blogpaws this year…I will be at Barkworld in Atlanta in August…Hope I get the chance then…As for Spring, all I can say is “You got leaves!”
We don’t know Julie, but Mom and I will say prayers for her and her family. Spring is definitely looking good and picking up speed at your park.
Love and licks,
Oh what fun to be able to meet fellow blogger friends, I am envious of you 😉 can’t wait to read all about it! I did have the opportunity a couple of years ago to meet Jen from My Brown Newfies and Laurie Bartolo, great gals, I even got to meet Leroy 🙂 Have fun!!
Thanks so much for participating in TNT! You sure captured Spring. I think it is finally here to stay. Oops. It is supposed to get cold here again this weekend!
Have a wonderful time at Blog Paws.
Sorry for Julie. We went through something similar with our 13 year old golden retriever. It was very tough.