If she doesn’t kill me on the trail, she’ll frighten me to death.
Let me start by saying as far as I can tell, Delilah is okay.
If you’re my friend on facebook, you already know what happened. If you’re not, what are you waiting for?
I came home after a four hour break yesterday to find a shredded plastic bag on the floor.
Nothing new. I picked up the remnants and looked at the bag thinking, what the hell was in that?
I looked around, couldn’t figure it out and went about the rest of my day.
When Hubby came home I said, do you know what the hell was in this bag?
He looked around and exclaimed, Packing Peanuts!
Holy shit. Are you kidding me? (I lied, I actually cussed a lot more than that. What can I say? I could make a sailor blush.)
We searched every room in the house but not a trace of packing peanuts did we find. Hubby went out to the trash, no peanuts.
There’s only one conclusion.
Delilah ate about three to four cups of packing peanuts.
I about lost my shit. I im’d Jodi Chick who said, Keep an eye on her. If she stops eating/pooping or if she vomits, you need to worry. Hopefully, you’ll see a whole lot of packing peanuts come out the other end, but if you don’t? Worry.
I called the vet’s office to get the number for the emergency vet and thankfully the vets in my office are available by phone before 9:00 pm. As luck would have it, I pulled my vet who called me back within two minutes.
She felt it was probably cornstarch peanuts and that Delilah would be okay, but recommended no food.
Well that’s not going to go over well I said.
Then just give her a small handful, if she vomits during the night you need to bring her to the emergency vet, but if she doesn’t then she can resume regular meals tomorrow.
Then I sent a text to Jenny Jugs, who assured me she’d probably be fine, but to watch her.
Do you see how I roll?
Flash forward an hour, we’re sitting watch TV and Hubby says, what if it was him? What if he’s been doing it all along and we’ve been blaming her?
So neither dog got a full dinner.
You’re such a drama queen, it was just a little bag of peanuts. Before you were allergic to them, you loved them too.
Thanks Delilah and my gray hair and shortened lifespan thanks you too.
Update: Despite not having a full meal, both dogs did very well last night. After waiting a couple of minutes for the second course they both went and settled down. I held off on their filled bone snack until almost 10:00 pm. They went out for the night but she didn’t poop.
I’m exhausted, when I slept it was with one eye and one ear open, but both dogs (and Hubby) slept comfortably through the night.
This morning she had a tiny movement which looked okay to me. They had their normal breakfast although I refrained from giving them their garlic tablets as I was afraid it might make her gassy. I plan on going home at lunch for our walk and have asked my mom to check in on them if she hears anything unusual.
Delilah seemed her normal self this morning, scrounging around for food and I even caught her grazing at wood chips.
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right?
This is the Monday Mischief Blog hop hosted by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog and My Brown Newfies.

That is crazy mischief. Glad she is OK so far. Hopefully you will see them come out…gross I know, but necessary.
Your poor dogs! I’m guilty of blaming Henri for stuff that Gracie could have done. But she is a princess, she would never do anything bad! Hope everybody is okay!
Oh dear, what next! Hope it’s a ‘movement’ 😉
Naughty pups. We hope both will be OK. Paws crossed. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Woof! Woof! I say its a mystery mischief. Did they? Just glad nothing very serious happened. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh wow! You must have been really worried!
Hopefully, they were the ones that dissolve in water. I’ve heard (not an expert) those aren’t harmful. Sending hugs – the stress our pups cause can be amazing sometimes!
We had a similar issue this weekend…and I was just as worried as you. And I too, have a few more gray hairs today! Lol
You’re right, these dogs will definitely be the death of us. Glad to hear that she seems alright after her “snack”. I’m sure she’ll be fine. At least it was a food type and not medication.
Oh boy….hoping that all continues to be ok. Your vet should let you have their cell phone number. Mine does, I am so lucky.
I would watch them a few more days, praying all will be ok.
I am pretty sure I would freak out too.
Our pups are always up to something, or into something, that about drives us to drink, or cuss, or both. In my case, it’s cuss — like you, I could make a sailor blush — b/c I’m just not a drinker. (It takes me ALL night to drink a half glass of wine or Bailey’s!). Glad the pups are both okay! Now, YOU need to take a sick day, go to a nice hotel, and take a nice, long nap!
Mom loves having 2 cats and 2 dogs but in these situations it is often tough to know who the real culprit is. Hopefully things will come out the other end and everyone can go back to normal. If you want, I can send you my cat bro Bert…he eats everything, cords, shoe laces, his toy mice (completely) and food too. The naughty dog and him would have a blast together! I got blamed for the cats eating for about a year…you just never know the real criminal until they are caught in the act!
Glad everyone seems okay, hopefully it all comes out in the end, no pun intended. I know how much stuff like that worries us!
Oh jeez, I missed this on facebook. How scary. Glad so far so good, fingers crossed that all goes well (literally).
Delilah…stop giving your mom a heart condition.
Oh Jodi this must be so hard for you…I hope everything “comes out” OK “in the end” (humor helps, right?) What I did read here that was awesome is that you were able to reach out to the blogging community and get support and answers from knowledgeable friends…we really are a community and one I’m proud to be part of
Just when you think dogs are mature enough for us to relax, they pull something like this. I think they plan their lives to do that to us.
Hey it’s Earth Day. Delilah was trying to Reduce (your lifespan), Reuse (as food), and Recycle (as really worrisome looking poop) the packing peanuts. 🙂
Glad she seems to be ok. I can certainly relate to the worry after my recent dog guest ate not one but two big holes out of my underwear before starting vomiting and diarrhea. Next time I pet sit for him, I’ll recommend packing peanuts over undies for his midnight snack.
Oh man, dogs are good at providing us with gray hair, aren’t they? I’m glad she’s okay.
I think it’s awesome how you reached out to folks in the blogosphere for comfort, support and education. What a great resource we have to draw on.
Keep us posted – and we’ll keep you all in our thoughts.
I feel your pain. Today Cali isn’t eating and either is Monkey! I’m off to the vet.
I hope Delilah is feeling better soon!
So glad the pups seem to be okay. It’s so hard when you have two (or more) and mischief happens when you are out. When our guys were young, we considered putting up cameras so we could watch the crazy goings on while we were gone.
I’m late enough to this post that I’m hoping by now all is okay!
Next time you have to ship something, just have Delilah poop in the box.
Nope. What doesn’t kill us now is going to kill us some time down the road. Leroy has already knocked at least 10 years off of my life already 🙂
Oh my dog. Sounds like you made it through that one alright. Phew.
I clicked your FaceCrack link. Stupid FaceCrack charges a dollar now to send a message to a non-friend’s inbox. So check your Other box in messages. Ugh. I’m Felicia Ramsey Christenson. How lame is that name?
Wow, that is scary! I’m glad they are fine and hope they continue to be fine and that you find the peanut snatching pooch in their poop. Have a great day.
OK, I’m sorry, but this part just about killed me: I even caught her grazing at wood chips.
These damn freakin dogs, I swear. Though I’m almost immune to these kinds of incidents at this point. Almost.
Anyway, I’m glad things seem to be fine. I, too, think they must have been the ones that dissolve, and you may never see them come out.
Now that’s dedication….I don’t imagine those taste like much!
I’m sure they’ll be fine, but it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on things.
Oh, I know Ma would’ve been just like you…worried sick! I am sure glad everyone is doing well. *Paws Crossed* for no more of this kind of mischief!
*Cairn cuddles*
Usually the Monday Mischief isn’t quite this dramatic! Wow! I hope everything’s “comes out” all right. ….see what I did there? 🙂
Think of all the writing material she’s given you :>)!
Glad Delilah is doing okay. I can’t imagine cornstarch packing peanuts taste all that good, bit there’s no accounting for a dog’s taste.
Hope everything will work out fine. 🙂
Oh no! Glad they are okay!
Oh dear – that is not good mischief! Hope they are both still doing okay. Hope you ALL sleep well tonight!
She just wants to keep you on your toes – we love you so much we don’t want life to be boring!
Good grief! I can’t believe she actually ate them. Silas tried his darndest to eat one of the cornstarch ones once, and he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
I’d bet that a dog’s stomach acid is stronger than even the real styrofoam ones, but what a scare!
You’ve got let us know how this all came out…uh..you know what I mean! I’m thinking that you’ll be out there in the dark with a flashlight won’t you? I know I would be!
Laughing pretty hard at this one! Sorry!
Dante was a naughty boy one time and ate a years worth of heartworm medicine! We left it up on a shelf where the dogs couldn’t reach as a visual reminder to give it to him in a couple days (he’d just gotten his puppy shots and the vet said to wait before giving him more meds)…
Closest thing we can figure is the cat knocked it down in an attempt to kill the new dog (Dante).
Well when I got home Tex-Anna and Dante were hiding on their beds looking sheepish..must’ve been their guilty consciousness. And scattered across the floor was the tattered remains of the cardboard and plastic packaging! Not a single pill was left behind.
I freaked and called the emergency vet and had to take both dogs in.
They decided worst case scenario – if Dante ate the whole package he might be a bit sick but he’d be fine. If Tex-Anna ate the whole package she could die…so they ended up inducing vomiting and pumping her full of charcoal. That was lovely..
We feel your pain!