Here we are, another week gone and time for Follow-Up Friday. This week my co-hostess is a newbie. 🙂 That’s right, but I’m sure she’s not new to you!
Quite frankly I’m not sure how this lady does it. She writes a bang up blog, stays on top of current animal legislation in Missouri, share adoptable dogs, recently added the cutest little black lab to her pack, and in addition to all of these thing, she creates the most beautiful jewelry and has planned a month-long celebration for her dog Jeffie’s birthday.
If you guessed Sue from The Talking Dog Blog, give yourself a gold star! Welcome Sue and thank you for joining me today and sharing in hostessing duties.
This is the Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop, the hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend!
I’m Not Mad at You, I’m Mad at Me
Last year when Delilah ran off I reconciled my mind to the possibility that she might always have to be on leash, yet I continue to work her and her recall in the hope that someday she’ll get it. And who knows, maybe some day she will, but I don’t expect it to be soon.
2 Brown Dawgs said, “You need one of those GPS collars” – I know, Hubby was telling me about them and he said, “But they’re $8 per month.” And I said, “But $8 for piece of mind, it’s well worth it!”
Gizmo said, “Only hope I can offer is that as he got older (like 5) he stopped his wandering” – Um…Giz? She turned seven in December. 🙁
I wasn’t sure how I was going to like Black and White Sunday but I loved it! Here’s the picture I ran.
And here’s the original photo.
Sue asked, “Is that Sampson at the top of the steps?” Yes, that is Sampson, he loved that porch!
Emma asked, “Is that your house?” No Emma, sadly it is not. It belongs to my daughter’s in-laws, and we were lucky enough to stay there for a week when they were renting it out.
Mel asked, “Is he waiting for you to put the camera down?” No, actually I think he was wondering why I was off the porch and he wasn’t! 🙂
2 Brown Dawgs, “Are those palm trees?” Yes indeed.
Misty Shores, “I find it amazing how some photos look so much better in black and white than color.” I agree, I like this so much in black and white, I’m thinking of printing it off and framing it.
Sugar, “LOVE the railing, what’s the color?” The railing is plain white, but it really stands out, no?
Dogs N Pawz, “Is that Sampson guarding the house?” It is Sampson, but I don’t think he was guarding.
Sue, “Where are you???” This my friend is the beautiful Emerald Isle, North Carolina.
Doggy’s Style, “May I compliment your eyes?” Yes you can. Thank you Leo. 🙂
What Would You Do For Your Pet?
Most of us agreed, we’d jump in after our pets. I never let my dogs get that far away from me near water, so I never really thought about it. Having now thought about it, I would try to remain calm and talk to them trying to encourage them to swim to a safe spot. Knowing myself though, I’d panic and go right in after them.
Emma said, “First, you are using wordpress, so when you insert a link always check the open link in a new window box that way when the reader closes that linked page they still have your page.” Thank you Emma, I appreciate the tip, I did not know that but going forward, I will always have the link open in a new window.
Jackie asked, “can you imagine standing and watching your pup be swept away?” No, I absolutely could not.
2 Brown Dawgs shared a really interesting story.
I read it, I get it but I know me, my heart rules and I would die trying to save them.
Wellness Wednesday Fleas and Ticks
Carol asked, “I like the idea of spraying before we go walking..but do you know if it is ok to use with topical treatments???” No Carol, I don’t. Any of my vet tech friends know the answer to that?
Barb said, “When you have perfected your own spray, I would be very interested in your recipe if you care to share. Absolutely Barb!
Married with Dawgs said, “I use apple cider vinegar, regular grooming & baths and a natural spray with a variety of essential oils. It’s been working like a charm for almost 2 years.” I’d like to know more about the ACV and what spray you are using.
Dawn asked, “how often do you do a Lyme disease test to check your dogs?” That’s a great question Dawn and would you believe I don’t know? I have to check with my vet and see if they test that when they do bloodwork, if they don’t you can bet they will going forward!
Snoopy asked, “Have you ever tried the discs that are supposed to work for 2 years, Mum’s read about them before, but thought maybe they were too good to be true?” No Snoopy, I have never heard of the discs. Tell me more. 🙂
Sue asked, “And the toy has survived Delilah, you say?” Yes the toy did survive, but once she had flattened the bottle I took it away, so who knows if eventually she would have managed to get it open.
Whew! This edition of Follow-Up Friday is a wrap! Thanks again to Sue at Talking Dogs for co-hosting with me, please be sure to stop over to her blog and enter Jeffie’s birthday photo contest.
This is the Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop

I enjoyed the photo on Black and White Sunday, but like it SO much more in color. Those colors are just POW!
We agree. The colours were stunning. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Thanks for mentioning me and I am glad you could use the link tip 🙂 We still love that house photo and in color it is even more wonderful. I bet you had a great time staying there!
Wow! What an introduction! THANK YOU! 😀 I was flattered to be asked to co-host and am delighted to do it!
I was going to guess NC or SC on that photo. Gorgeous both ways, but especially in b/w. I’m terribly behind on my reading and need to backtrack to catch up on your post yesterday. I did read your “what would you do” post, but found myself unusually wordless in terms of a comment.
I did comment about the flea/tick thing, but was having browser trouble that day and the comment didn’t “stick.” I have yet to find a natural alternative to the standard chemicals that can take on country life. At the beginning of the tick season (which is right now), I dose each dog. Once. In my experience, that one dose will hold for 3-4 months, if you don’t mind picking about one tick per month on average.
Woof! Woof! LOVE it, the white railing and Oh the yellow door and shutters. Happy Friday and Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Do all the GPS collars have a monthly fee? The ones I am thinking of are pretty expensive up front, but I did not think they had a fee.
Wow that is a long link, hope it works. A lot of people run hounds out in the forest by our cabin and they use this type of collar. The price is on par with a good e-collar. Once hubby was out walking the dogs and a pack of hounds ran up on him, (they were just running through while hunting). Not a few seconds later their owner showed up because he knew where they were due to their collars and that they had stopped running/hunting. (They were visiting our dogs.) 🙂
I think full tick panels costs about $100. I have always heard not to run them unless you think there is a reason to do so. Lyme’s disease will show as shifting leg lameness and it can be treated effectively with antibiotics. Lyme’s is not the most serious tick borne disease for dogs. There are way more serious diseases that can be contracted from ticks. (Don’t read about them, I know how you are. :))
Great Follow-Up Friday and great Co Host! We don’t recommend tick panels or snap tests unless there is a problem. Your dog may show a positive result but not causing any problems. We only treat with antibiotics if they are showing symptoms. You can use natural sprays along with a topical medication. They are all safe and can be used together. How about training her with a electronic collar, you don’t have to pay a fee for it but you need to be on the ball and catch her in the act and you need to condition her to what the collar is about and I bet you will have a better recall and will be able to let her off the leash more. Have a great day.
I love the colors of that house, but the black and white photo really made it pop. Thanks for showing the two for comparison! 🙂
Phew! That’s a lot to follow-up on! Have a great weekend!
From a person who thinks all houses should be painted white or a light neutral I vote for the black and white version.
Now that’s a busy Friday…sorry about the age thing – my bad…I hadn’t seen your B&W photo so I’m glad you included it…it’s a great shot…Some pictures just won’t work but there are some that just call out to be done in B&W don’t they
Wow, you had quite a busy week – enjoy your weekend!!
I love that black and white shot in color, too! It turned out very cool both ways!
Hi Y’all!
Wow, got here late…but I’m here!
My Humans have both had Lyme disease and my Human almost died. It was before they thought Lyme was in the south. They finally got her to a specialist. My Human was like the 3rd case in the state where they were living at the time. It makes you very ill and weak…so as long as your dog is full of life and not suffering an unusual lameness in changing legs…just keep dog on tick flea treatments and check thoroughly to keep him safe.
My vet doesn’t test for Lyme unless an dog is showing symptoms. They will do it if you insist.
The bear hunters in the mountains use the tracking collars. Some of them hunt wild boar and use the collars too.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Thanks for mentioning us! We liked the black and white photo but we also think the colored one is stunning! Mom put a survey on FUF today to see what kind of response she gets to starting the blog hop for shelter dogs. We’ll see if anyone is interested! Have a great weekend!
We have all sorts of bottle toys. Kol’s favourite is the PetMate SqueakBottles. He rips up the fabric a bit, but I love that they squeak and that we can replace the bottles whenever we want!
Great idea to follow up with comments on this post.
Love that photo! The colors are amazing, and it looks great in b&w too!
Love the pictures.