Welcome to this week’s edition of the Co-Hosted Follow Up Friday Blog hop, the blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
I suckered a new one in My co-hostess this week is new to our FUF blog hop. She’s a frequent commenter on this blog and reminds me in many ways of myself, as she can sometimes be technically challenged. 🙂
She has two mellow pups (Callie and Shadow) and one slightly demonic one (Ducky.)
She’s living the Golden Life in South Carolina.
Any guesses?
It’s Sue from the Golden Life!! Welcome Sue and thanks for co-hosting today!
A Walk in the Blizzard, Doot, Doot, Doot and Monday Mischief – Updates
We sure got a lot of snow, and it took all of Saturday and a good part of Sunday to get us cleared out. But we were back to normal by Sunday evening, with just a lot of extra snow. Other areas of CT were not so lucky.
I’ve heard stories of people who took to the streets with their snow blowers in their neighborhoods just to get cleared out.
I am not complaining about how my town handled the snow removal, they have (IMO) done a wonderful job.
Many schools have been closed for the entire week, because they all have flat roofs and officials are concerned about the roof collapsing, indeed I’ve heard there have been 18 collapsed roofs in the state.
Once the snow has been removed from the roads, the bigger issue becomes where can they put it?
Thankfully we’ve had some decently warm days this week and the snow is melting. I have high hopes of getting into our park this weekend. 🙂
I am however ready for the closed announcements to stop running across the bottom of my TV screen.
Frosty Blog Paws – Update
Well Blogpaws announced it on their website yesterday, I guess I can’t get out of it now. 😉
I just want to let you all know that I will be sharing the presentation after the conference. I would expect most of the information I’ll be presenting will be old hat to you pros, but I will share it anyway.
I did try to respond to every comment, but wanted to single this comment from Leslie out, “PS – any chance you’ll be bringing the pups to BP?”
Please see the photo under Let’s Pretend. 🙂
Hop Along – Update
Here’s the photo with my caption:
Be a love and hold my bone for me, I missed out on the opposable thumbs.
Let’s Pretend – Author’s Note
Beth asked to please share what others are using for photo editing. The free ones mentioned were Pic Monkey and Visualizer Photo downsizer.
I checked both of these programs out. Visualizer looks to be just a photo resizer. I didn’t spend any time with it. (If I’m wrong, please let me know!)
Pic Monkey had lots of cool features to play around with. When I say I quickly did this picture I mean quickly. There was no frustration on my part, it was simple and easy to use. No tears, swearing or anything!
I did this in a matter of minutes.
What I really loved about this is I did not have to open an account, although the option was there. There were all kinds of effects, borders, themes for modifying pictures, the only tool I didn’t see offered was a free style tool to actually draw on the photo. Maybe that’s offered with an account, I don’t know.
Any of you Pic Monkey users know?
Seriously though Leslie, I am planning on bringing Sampson to BlogPaws, although if I can get some likes on my facebook page, that’s a bonus! 😉 I will probably write a post about that, but that’s for another day.
This is the Co-Hosted Follow Up Friday Blog Hop, brought to you by The Golden Life and Heart Like a Dog. Follow-up Friday

Morning Jodi! Congrats again on your ‘speakership’ honor…that’s wonderful and I know you’ll do great…Love your caption…that ‘thumb thing’ does get in the way sometimes 😉
So if I understand, what you did was just add the copyright line in text on the photo? I get that…in fact, I’ve figured out how to do it with Pixlr, which i think is similar to PicMonkey…So I should just add text to any photos I post on the blog and that will deter unauthorized borrowing…Pretty simple Happy Weekend Everyone!
I will have to see if I have liked your fb page or not. It seems like everyone has their medium of choice, blog, fb, twitter, pinterest. I find that if you really concentrate on interacting on a media, the likes just come automatically, but if you don’t do much with it, things don’t change. That would be my advice on facebook…get out there and share, comment, post for a couple weeks and you will get the 500.
Hi Y’all!
Great follow up. I’ll tell my Human about Pic Monkey…
I’m off to welcome the “Golden Life”!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
It may make me sad and pathetic, but I very rarely edit my photos. Sometimes I need to smudge my phone number on Silas’s collar, depending on the angle of the shot, but I do that through the built in Flickr tools.
You and Samson have some exciting times ahead. We can’t wait to hear about them. Congratulations.
Hi Jodi, the reason I mentioned the photo downsizer program as a tool is a number of people on Blogspot have had problems with running out of photo space on their blogs and photo taking forever to load. (Some of my downloading issues maybe due to satellite connection:( This is primarily due to the picture files being so large. A photographer friend told me about this program. With the down sizer program it takes the photo from the very large megapixels to workable KB sizes. It downsizes yet it leaves the original photo as well. So you end up with 2 files, original and a downsized version. Also like that you can watermark all your photos in just a short time. I must admit it took me a little time to learn the program (not so techno savvy) but I’m glad I found the program.
Would like to hear if others have the deluxe version of PicMonkey– I really like the basic program and wonder if it’s worth the extra $$ for the upgrade.
Great follow up and I love your photo caption. If I recall, I had a brain freeze that morning and couldn’t think of a thing. BOL Well, it’s another great week gone by in Blogville. Have a great weekend and we will see you next week!
Be a good boy, Sampson. Don’t embarrass your mom at BlogPaws. She’s counting on you! Lucky she’s not counting on me!!
Love and licks,
I had not heard about the roof collapses. That is not good.
I am very excited to hear your blog paws presentation!
Hope you drum up more likes for your page. I use pic monkey now and again. It is very simple. 🙂
Well, gee, you didn’t say Sampson was going to be there before… Now I am doubly sad I can’t go! Waaaaaahhhhhhh! Maybe I’ll find a way to cut myself in half by then? or maybe someone will invent a transporter in time for me to beam back and forth?
Life is so unkind.
Lots of excitement in your corner of the world.
Congratulations on having your proposal accepted. I can’t wait to see you there and hear everything you have planned. I suspect that nearly 3 years in, I still don’t know all the things I wish I had learned when I started.
I just told Honey she’d get to meet Sampson and she looked at my blankly. 🙂
Glad you coped so well with the snow. I remember getting a dumper in Philly when the mayor went on the radio to tell those of us on small streets we weren’t going to get plowed so stop calling his office and get digging. (no, I’m not kidding.)
I hand shoveled my own block and my sister’s. Y’know, back when I was young and energetic.
“There was no frustration on my part, it was simple and easy to use. No tears, swearing or anything!”
This is a foreign concept to me. Computers baffle me. 🙂
Glad your snow is starting to melt, and that you are “officially” going to blog paws with Sampson. 🙂