Well it seems our area of the country is quickly turning into the Super Storm capital of the world.
Apparently our local weather station has been naming snow storms for a number of years. They are calling this one Charlotte.
Recently the National Weather Center began naming winter storms as well, they’re calling this one Nemo.
I’m calling it Charmo.
No matter what it’s called, we’re having a blizzard.
It started about mid-morning yesterday and our Governor was requesting people stay off the roads, since I work literally five-minute from work, I stayed for half a day. Then went home to get the dogs out for a walk.
We had just entered the park when I saw movement up the hill and to my right. It was a herd of deer. The dogs were easily redirected although they were definitely searching for something.
What does that smell like to you?
I love pictures of Delilah in the snow, she is so beautiful against the white background. (Is it just me or does her nose look crooked?)
So that’s what a blizzard wind feels like.
The snow melts on the dog’s fur, but not on mine.
All walked and happy, we went back to the house and are all hunkered down waiting for the blizzard to pass.
Are you in Charmo’s path? Did you get a chance to walk before the storm or are you playing indoor games?

Hoping you are ok. Heard some areas got 2 feet of snow……I am in Michigan, we had 5 inches…nothing like you probably have. Stay safe and warm!
Holy SNOW Caren!! It is still coming down and we have at LEAST 2 feet! I can’t remember ever having this much snow at one time. Pictures to follow!!
I like ‘Charmo’…’Nemo” never made sense to me as the name of a blizzard…Now that you mention it, Delilah’s nose does look a bit off in that photo…maybe you caught her in mid-sniff? Jodi I hope that you’re doing OK and staying safe and warm this weekend
We’re hanging in there Beth, thank you!! I can’t see us walking in our woods anytime soon though. 🙁
We wish were were in the path of a big one but it looks like the next one is going to miss us too ;( We love a great snowstorm!
We don’t mind it much either Emma (usually) this is just a LOT of snow and hard to run and play in! We hope you get some snow soon!
The blizzard snow in NJ was fun and crazy yesterday. Mom and I went in and out a lot to have fun and take pictures. Last night the snow and wind came faster and faster. This morning, it is touching my belly. Mom measured my belly and it’s about 9 inches off the ground, so that means we got 9 inches of snow. I don’t like a cold belly, so I wanted to come in right away this morning. Delilah’s nose gets twisted in the snow. My ears start flying around like kites.
Love and licks,
Well I’m glad you didn’t get hit too hard Cupcake! This snow came up past Sampson and Delilah’s shoulders! It’s hard even for the big dogs to play in this stuff. 🙂
Maybe it as the wind playing with Delilah’s nose. It was pretty windy.
Blizzards SCARE us.
I don’t blame you Frankie, this blizzard would have buried dogs Sampson and Delilah’s size, I can’t imagine how hard it is for you and Ernie!
There has been no snow where I live since 1960, but warm thoughts go out to you that everything will pass and leave only good memories.
Aw thanks Jan. No snow since 1960? Wow that sure is a long time, are you okay with that, or would you like snow?
That’s some serious snow fall! Can’t wait to see more pictures 🙂 Stay warm!!
Gosh Julie, it was really incredible. I think the pictures will surprise you. 🙂
Nemo lived up to his name for my town at least…”no one”. As in, it didn’t really happen. I mean, sure, we got 4ish inches, maybe more, but it didn’t start until around 4 pm and stopped at some point in the night. Today it’s still cold, but bright and sunny.
While I don’t mind the naming of Hurricanes and such, I wonder why blizzards must be named now? It’s like the weather people wanted to get in on the sensationalism a little, and naming a storm is far more convenient than just calling it a Nor’Easter or something.
I would have been happy with 4ish inches or even a foot! This is HUGE.
I don’t know why they name storms, maybe it just gives them something to refer to. The other local station was calling it “The Blizzard of 2013” and I thought, gee that’s so generic, I mean we are only 6 weeks into 2013, who knows what the rest of the year will bring. 😮
Good job avoiding the deer.
How much more has is snowed since you took these pictures? I hope it doesn’t keep you out of the woods for too long.
We got over two feet of snow! I have pictures for tomorrow’s post. I can’t see us in the woods anytime soon. 🙁
I couldn’t even get the back dooropen this morning! And they still haven’t plowed my road, not even once!
I’ve heard that some towns haven’t been plowing, what is up with that? I think it’s easier to move less snow than to try and move so much at once.
I hope you have been plowed out by now.
I bet they love the snow. Looks like you need some snow shoes so you all can enjoy the woods soon!
They do love snow, but this is hard even for them! I am thinking of a pair of snow shoes, maybe buying them at the end of the season so I’ll have them for next year. 🙂
We have bare patches of grass next to drifts as tall as me! The dog and the kids are loving it – but mama has had enuff of winter!
This mama feels the same way!
All we have is mud–But I’m still hoping! Glad you’re enjoying the snow–So many people are complaining about it, but I find it all beautiful!!
It is beautiful Kim and so nice to walk in (when you can) there is something so magnificent about the silence that comes with the snow. It is truly amazing.
Looks like the dogs had fun! I don’t think we’ll be getting any more snow on the West Coast…the flowers are beginning to bloom.
Already? But it’s barely the beginning of February!
Your dogs are going to love running in that snow! Hope the snow doesn’t cause too many problems for you.
LOL Mary Ann, there is no running in this stuff! It’s deep!
Delilah was obviously sniffing the air to get that squiff nose 🙂 Looks terribly cute. Please stay safe through the storm.
Oh is that what it was? She has a squiff nose? LOL We made it through, thank you!
We had a very nice walk on Friday, but it was rather difficult today. At least there were no cars out. With the sidewalks out of commission, not sure what we’ll manage tomorrow.
We ended up walking in the road (thankfully there was a ban on vehicles) but no sidewalks in our neighborhood.
Hope you guys made out okay!
We got nothing in DC/MD–just a bit of rain last night and a cold but sunny day today. I find that so odd, as it doesn’t seem like we’re THAT far away from our kin in NY, who are buried.
Delilah does look beautiful, even with the crooked nose!
Isn’t it funny how we can be so close distance wise, but so far away in terms of participation?
She is a beautiful girl. 🙂
We had pouring rain all day, I’m glad it wasn’t snow. Then it did change over in the evening and when we woke up it was a frozen wonderland with about an inch on top. Fortunately it was mild today so most of it was gone by the afternoon!
Delilah’s nose does look crooked! LOLOLOL
Haha Delilah’s nose does look crooked. I get those pictures too sometimes. I figure it must be the camera angle or they are moving their nose in a way that it looks crooked. Charmo…good one. I have no idea why the weather services feels the need to name storms now. I figure it is so that Wikipedia has an easier time making entries them. 😉