Welcome to the first co-hosted Follow-up Friday Blog Hop of 2013.
My co-hostess this week is my first repeater! Yay!!! When she’s not hunt training her three dogs, she’s changing her blog design, reading blogs, commenting on blogs and I almost forgot.
She’s kicking my butt in Bubble Safari Ocean.
If you haven’t it guessed it by now, it’s our dear friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs Blog!
Thank you so much for co-hosting and joining us today!
Blog of the Year 2012 Award and Hey Sweetness – Author’s Note
It’s exciting to get and pass on awards and it’s also great to find new blogs. I’m constantly updating my reader with new blogs I discover from you!
Let It Snow – Update
Well Beauregard puppy is gone, they left Wednesday morning and are now safely back in Nebraska. I’m fairly certain the dogs weren’t sad to see the backside of him.
An interesting comment from Pamela at Something Wagging, “If Sampson is responding to the puppy’s moves instead of instigating problems, I think you have less of a problem.”
Which is something I never considered and yes, it is wonderful to see your dog through someone else’s eyes Pamela.
Until she pointed it out it never dawned on me that the dogs are reacting to the puppy not at the puppy. Point taken.
And because Julie asked, here are a couple of pictures of Bo in his coat.
Hunting Bigfoot – Author’s Note
Some posts are just more fun to write than others. This one rolled around in my brain while on our walk and was just begging to come out.
I hope it was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write.
This ‘N That Thursday – Update
Thank you all for the thoughts and well wishes for my knee. It is feeling so much better. I made it through yesterday with very little pain, I must have just sat on it wrong.
I don’t think Windows Live Writer will work for my blog. I have a problem with it showing a double header. But I will keep on working on it, because I think it’s a nice program.
Thank you so much to the 2 Brown Dawgs blog for co-hosting this week and thank YOU for tuning in to Follow-Up Friday,

Couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the photographs. Absolutely adorable 🙂
That is tooo cute! Bo is a fashion trendsetter!
I’m sure your dogs are happy, but we will miss seeing Beau’s little face!
Thanks for having me as a co-host. 🙂 Never fear, I will soon have no more time for Bubble Safari Ocean (my new camera arrived :)).
I bet when Sampson meets Beauregard as an adult dog, things will be different. He sure has a fancy coat!
OMD! How can you not want to pinch that adorable little Bulldog butt all the time! She is so fricking adorable!
Glad that your knee is feeling Jodi, remember you should be on restricted activity!
I do agree that the best part of awards for me is discovering new blogs that i love…Hope that knee is clearing up for the weekend
OMD he is too cute in that coat! Thanks for the pictures 😉 I’m sure it’s nice having the house back to normal and I’m glad to hear that your knee is feeling better. I have to consciously make a point not to sit on my leg . . .years of doing so have made my knee grouchy! Have a great weekend!
Aww! I’m going to miss the pictures of little Beau but I hope they had a safe trip home! Pamela had some great advice for sure. Puppies can be pretty exciting and not all older dogs are thrilled with them. I am sure when Beau returns they will all get along just fine.
Happy Friday!
The Bulldog butt shot is classic. (Yes, your butt makes that coat look big.)
Your knee may be nature’s way of telling you to slow down. I find aches and pains usually heal themselves if I give them a chance. Ageing sucks.