Thursday evening my youngest daughter came home. It’s been two years since she’s been home for Christmas, hence it’s been two years since I’ve seen her.
You may recall our trip to visit her in California was cancelled due to Snowtober 2011.
As you can well imagine anticipation was coursing through my body as we shot texts back and forth to each other.
Her last text to me said, We are at the tunnel! (Which put them about a minute or so away from the house.)
My next text to her read, We are at the door!!
And we were.
Along with her husband she brought her new puppy, Beauregard. They call him Bo, I think I’m going to call him Bodacious.
Take a look and tell me what you think.
We thought it best to introduce the dogs outside. After hugs in the driveway we trudged to the back yard with the two fools Sampson and Delilah losing their minds eagerly watching from the front door.
Sampson (aka Bull #1) came out of the chute first. He’s more interested in his sister and our son-in-law than he is in the puppy. There was some sniffing but it seemed to go okay.
Delilah (aka Bull #2) came charging out of the gate next. She’s more interested in the dog than the humans but we all stood around telling her to be nice and she was.
Since it had started raining about 10 minutes before they arrived, we moved inside.
Bodacious was so cute and very happy to finally be out of the car, he ran around all over the house scoping out toys. There was lots of play bowing and he acted very appropriately around the two older dogs.
Delilah growled a couple of times but not in a menacing manner, more of a I’m not that kind of girl, we need to know each other first kind of way.
Sampson on the other hand turned into a dick. He snapped at the puppy once and I pulled him aside and had him sit, and told him he was not a good boy.
I thought maybe it was better if he went into our bedroom so I put him in there for a few minutes.
I explained to my daughter and SIL that if they are petting Sampson and their dog walks up to them Sampson WILL snap at the dog and sure enough my SIL was petting Sampson and little Bodacious waddled over, I saw Sampson’s upper lip do a good impression of Elvis and I said, He’s going to snap.
Situation diffused.
Now the dogs are all running around and we are chatting when all of a sudden for no reason any of us could see, Sampson lunged at Bo again.
This time Bo retreated whimpering and Sampson went back in the bedroom. Thankfully he didn’t appear to be hurt. My daughter said sometimes if he moves to quickly his little legs don’t support him properly and it’s almost like he twists his ankle.
Sampson was definitely thrown off by having a puppy in the house, as he had me up twice during the night. Once around 12:30 pm and then again at 4:00 am.
Both times Delilah got up too and scoped out the situation and both times I made them go outside and then right back to bed.
I could really use some advice here from those of you who foster frequently or have introduced other dogs to your pack.
How do I stop Sampson’s nasty behavior?

When we introduced my girlz to Molly we started off with a 45 min. walk/exercise all together. Fortunately it wasn’t raining when Molly arrived. maybe you can try that today. movement seems to help them focus on something besides the new comer. Good luck.
A bulldog!!! You know I’m in love already!! I might have to come over…ASAP! Lol
I wish I could give you advice, but I’d prob turn to you if the situation was reversed! I had a horrible couple of wks when Foxy first came into the family. Hef HATED her & me & the ex-bf actually thought we might have to find another home for Foxy! As if!! Eventually, it calmed down but Hef never really got fully comfortable w/Foxy. But he DEF missed her when we had to split them up two yrs later. Good luck!
Bo is adorable…Only thing I’ve ever done is make sure they first met on neutral territory…Give them a chance to meet, sniff, maybe run around and play together 9a dog park-like setting works for this) Once everyone is friends it’s easier to bring the newcomer into the home turf Good luck and Happy Holdidays!
Sounds like a happy holiday after 2 yrs of not seeing your daughter. My sister and I are good about having new dogs in the house but we usually start by meeting and playing in the yard, then head in the house and we all get a treat and that is it but if your dogs are not used to it, it may be more difficult.
BO is sooooooo handsome. AND WOW how WONDERFUL to be together fur Christmas. You are all going to have a SUPER HOLIDAY fur SURE. Peace WILL prevail. Slow and Steady.
WE are sooooooo happy fur you.
Hope it settles. A long walk and some play should help and some time. Great to have the family around.
As others have said, a pack walk would be a great idea. Also, be sure and reward Sampson when he is a good boy and accepting of little Bo. Be sure to give Sampson LOTS of love and support.
Bo is adorable.
It’ll all work out….. Merry Christmas!
Poor Sampson, and poor little Bo! I have no advice. This is the scenario I am deathly afraid of, if Cupcake ever had to tolerate a puppy in her domain. So far, the occasion has not arisen. Good luck!
Oh, I don’t have any advice, but I have lots of sympathy. Silas is great with other dogs out in public, but my husband’s family dog is a different thing entirely. Poor Dusty hasn’t ever been around other dogs, and he’s elderly. We get to play “resource guarding roulette”: Silas will snarl and get a little attitude if my husband or I pet Dusty, and Dusty can’t handle Silas playing with his toys. On top of that, Silas wants to play, and Dusty doesn’t know how, or have the mobility to play with a young whippersnapper. I hope it goes well this year. I’ll have to report back.
I’m so happy for you that your daughter has come to visit for Christmas! Your texting was the cutest 🙂
As for Bo and The Bulls, like one of your earlier comments, I think putting them on neutral territory first would be helpful. A bit too late for that now but perhaps they could still all go for a walk and play in the park? Generally, we also tend to let dogs sort themselves out here, even if it means a little kerfuffle. If Bo is a pup, he’ll most likely be respectful and submissive which will make Sampson feel like a king and all will be well.
Good luck! And happy holidays! X
When we introduced Thunder and Freighter, we did it very gradually. It was Thunder’s house and the new kid was coming in. Sampson is older than Thunder and it might be difficult for him to cope. You may have to keep the dogs separate and on lead while in the same room. We would put Freighter in a crate and let Thunder and Storm hang out with us and then put Storm and Thunder on the other side of a pet gate while Freighter was out. Some male dogs never accept other males in their homes, depends on temperament. We also make sure Thunder gets his due as the elder dog in that he goes out the door first, gets the first treat, etc. He doesn’t get the first bowl of food because Freighter eats in his crate but that may be something to consider. It is not abnormal for older dogs (especially males) to hate puppies. Eventually the dogs will have to sort it out themselves but you don’t want a dog fight either. Good luck and enjoy your visit. 🙂
MOL! That first shot of Bo is the best! Have fun over the holidays!
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jetty here. Hi Miss Jodi.
Wish we had some good advice… we’re pretty chill when K9s come into our house. Usually, it’s our neighbors, so, it’s no big deal…
Perhaps Sampson is doing his alpha boy thing.
Hi Jodi
I had this issue sometimes with Jasper and dogs who came to board with me. Mostly he got along well with dogs unless they got in his face. I also did the walk as a group and I introduced in my yard first.
There is a series of posts on FB under The Adventures of Matt that may be helpful. Matt was a pitbull who was on death row because no dog would take him due to his reactivity to dogs. The one rescue and two foster moms who did take him used a very gradual process to introduce Matt and to address his reactivity. Matt now lives in the house with their two dogs quite well, but it took some time and work. Sampson is probably not reactive like Matt, but the tips may help. Let me know if you need me to give you specific links.
The other thought I have is that Sampson may be reacting to Bo’s snorting. Some dogs have a hard time with dogs who make noises like many bulldogs make and will go after them thinking they are growling or making some threatening type of sound. It may be gates and exposure from a distance (with lots of treats) to help make this work.
I am so sorry you are having a hard time. All of my fostering has taught me a lot about dogs, but I never seem like I know enough. 🙂