Just about the only benefit (as far as I’m concerned) to not having any leaves on the trees is visibility. Normally speaking I can clearly see the trail ahead of me at this time of year.
Last weekend as the dogs and I headed up to the woods, I saw Sampson stiffen, which is normally what he does when he sees somebody.
I was still a ways back but could just make out the white in the field, but I couldn’t tell what it was.
At first I asked him to wait, but as I got a bit closer I could see who it was, so I gave them free rein.
I watched them as I got closer, Sampson approached cautiously.
Once he was close enough to discover what it was, he was fine.
Delilah (no surprises here) charged right up to it.
For a second I thought he was going to pee on it, but that passed. Phew! Imagine poor Frosty with a big old yellow tie.
Of course, this weekend it was all gone, nothing left but a photo to even show it was there.
Has your dog ever encountered something like a snowman? What was his/her reaction?
The Dogs of Blogville Calendar
I’d like to apologize for all of you having problems with the voting. I’ve checked the settings on the poll and don’t understand why some people are having problems voting.
Misaki said, “Weirdly the poll didn’t seem to work on firefox, thankfully I still have IE still installed.” As of now that is my only suggestion. Try a different browser. There are certain blogs I follow that for some reason don’t work in Firefox but they work just fine on Internet Explorer. I’m sorry I can’t be of any more help with this.
I would suggest keep trying or trying shutting your browser off and trying again. This morning when I was promoting on facebook my friends were telling me how the voting was going, but I couldn’t see it.
This is my first time using the WP Polls and I admit I don’t know a lot about it.

Whenever I see something scary, I either turn to stone and refuse to move, or if possible, I scoot under a bush to hide. The other night, the guy upstairs was moving a new dresser in, and he had it out front while he unloaded the drawers. I squeezed so far under the shrubbery, I almost pulled Mom in with me. Only my nose was showing. New dresser. Scary!
Love and licks,
PS. We can’t seem to vote anymore. Mom will try again later on the laptop.
I think THAT is because the poll didn’t automatically start when I told it to. Try again after 8:00 am this morning. If THAT doesn’t work, then I will have to open a new poll every day. 🙁
Well, being here in South Africa, Litchi has definitely never seen a snow man, however, she’ll have a fit if she sees so much as a plastic bag. I’ll put that down to her disliking litter but, of course, it stems from her somewhat difficult puppyhood.
PS – voting worked fine for me.
We have problems with the big inflatable yard decorations, which our neighborhood brings out in mass at this time of year. Walking is fun right now.
We see snowmen all the time in the winter but if I saw one like that in the middle of the woods I would definitely howl really loud to alert everyone in the area of the impending danger!
this is hilarious, i am wondering what Jake and Baby would do if they saw a snowman, or even snow, they were born and raised in Florida. i came over from Val’s to vote for Schatzie. so many dogs they all deserve to be in the calendar
When Ryder and Kori were younger, maybe around 5 months old, we took a long walk. We went down to the beach and followed it until we reached my mother’s street. We walked to her house, to stop for a visit, and that is when the pups discovered something truly frightening!
As we went up her walk way, first Ryder and then Kori spotted it….
Sitting on her porch was an odd looking collie dog! They jumped back, barking and growling at this strange apparition, that looked like no dog they had ever seen before. My two pups, who had joyfully greeted every other dog on our walk were highly suspicious of this intruder! For one thing, he was an odd color, and he sat very still, staring at them. They stepped forward, only to jump back once again growling.
Something was not right!
Eventually Ruder puppy gathered his courage and stepped close enough for a good sniff….and then hung his head in embarrassment, tail wagging slightly, as he realized it wasn’t a real dog. yep, this strange dog was just a collie statue! LOL
Honey has been startled by snowmen too. They’re sorta human looking and sorta not. I wonder how Sampson and Delilah would respond to a snow dog?
Since it hasn’t snowed here since 1961, snowmen don’t exist in our walking world.
I am cracking up! Their reactions are fantastic! I was hoping to show our puppy a snowman last year, but we barely got any flakes of snow. So, this year will be a few new experiences for him!
I didn’t have any trouble voting, but I do use WordPress for my blog, too. I’ve used a plug-in called Poll Daddy that I’ve been really happy with. You can even upload the pictures into the poll.
Too funny! It reminds me of the time Dexter has a close encounter with a snowman when Husband and I lived in an apartment complex in Eastern Washington (serious snow over there!) Coming from Arizona, the dogs had very little experience with the white stuff. We were out walking in the snow one day and when rounding a corner Dexter stiffened, his fur went straight up, and he refused to take another step. He was horrified of someone’s snowman and we actually had to make a wide berth around it until it melted into a much smaller version of itself. 🙂
My dogs haven’t seen a snowperson in a while, but I think they would love it! Nothing better than a person you can eat, dig, and pee on.
I’ve NEVER seen a snowman…looks pretty scary to me!
Georgia has issues with anything that looks out of place. Cue ceramic garden animals, large unfamiliar creatures like horses, people who are standing absolutely still, etc. She behaves exactly like Sampson.
How is there a snowman in the middle of all that green? We don’t have those here 🙂
Yesterday I could not see the poll. But today I could see it and voted no problem. Had to double click, but it worked. I am using Firefox. I am a day behind so I guess you fixed it. 🙂
I love the idea of a stray snowman…lol. I can imagine the dogs alerted when seeing that. Thunder would have so peed on it and maybe Freighter too. 🙂
I have not encountered any problems yet with the voting.
I have had them spook at a plastic bag caught by the wind 🙂
Oh my gosh, that’s too funny. Desmond doesn’t seem to understand snow, himself.