Well I dropped the co-hosting ball for this post. I did send an e-mail out but it must have been too late, so I’m winging it. If anyone is interested in co-hosting, please let me know in the comments.
This is the Follow-up Friday blog hop, you know sometimes you write a post that requires a follow-up or someone posts a comment that makes you think. Yup, Follow-up Friday. Grab the badge and link up.
The Dogs of Blogville Calendar Contest – Update
The submission portion of this contest is now closed. All told I received 20 photos. They have all been uploaded for a future post, which I hope to have up for either Saturday or Sunday. I loaded them all using the Gallery option on wordpress and for some reason it is not presenting them the way I want it to.
Then there’s the little challenge of figuring out how to have people vote. I’m currently looking at polling plug-ins for word press.
Poll daddy’s free account limits me to 10 questions (or pictures as the case may be) and right now I don’t have the money to upgrade to the premium account. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
I really don’t want to have to count comments….:-)
Canine Olympics – Author’s Note
The post originally didn’t start off to be an Olympic post. The post was supposed to be about the mischief Delilah’s been doing, but I just couldn’t get it to sound right.
Many times I write the post the night before and tweak it come morning. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist with my writing.
That post ended up being totally rewritten when I looked at it. Hey sometimes things just work out.
Tasty Tuesday – Author’s Note
My dogs DIG those banana chips, let’s face it Delilah digs anything that is considered food to her. Sampson however is a bit funny as he won’t eat bananas but he loves those chips.
On our nightly walks we usually have the dogs sit when a car comes. Even when Hubby gives the command as soon as Sampson is released he runs up to me to get a chip.
It cracks me up.
Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Author’s Note
Thank you for your kindness regarding the changing of the guards. Whoo Hoo is much easier to write than the WTF posts. 🙂
As I said, there will still be WTF Wednesday posts, they will just be weakly instead of weekly. 😉
Book update: yesterday was a washout for me, but I have today off and hope to make some good progress. As I said I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist with my writing and I find myself insuring the quotes are there, it sounds right etc.
Are any of you participating in the book writing challenge? How are you managing? I know I should be checking in on everyone but I’m finding it hard to keep up with everything.
Have a great weekend!

Still mortified that I both missed submitting a photo for the calendar comp and have been of absolutely no help whatsoever. Been sick, working off notebook that doesn’t have my photos on and actual work just keeps getting in the way as well. With regards to voting, I am clueless. I’ve used polldaddy before but that was breaking out for me. Doggy seems to have got more than ten onto his voting poll but I don’t know if he had an upgrade in order to do that.
Banana chips. Yay. Mom will get some today when she goes shopping.
Love and licks,
Can’t wait for the calendar contest should be good fun. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Have no brilliant ideas about the photo voting 🙁 However, I’m sure looking forward to seeing them!
Hooray I was able to get the link to the blog hop on my blog. Thanks for finding one that would work on free wordpress.
Doesn’t wordpress have a poll option? I have never used it, but I wonder if you could make that work for your calendar contest.
Good luck with your writing. I don’t know how you are finding the time. I have a busy week next week. I can’t imagine adding in something more. You are a dedicated writer. 🙂
Awesome follow up Jodi! I dropped the ball on the calendar contest. I made a mental note to send you a picture. Lol-mental notes don’t work very well for me! Have a great weekend!
Can’t wait to see all the blog photos for the calendar contest!
As for NaNoWriMo – I had a wash out writing day yesterday too. At this point, I need to either write 2500 words per day, or give up. 🙁 Worse, is that I’m doubting my idea.
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jetty here. Hi Miss Jodi.
We love FUF, get to catch up if we missed stuff. Like many, Mom couldn’t get her act together in time for the calendar, hmpf.
Love the shades!
Impressed you’re working on a book! Mom only edited one this past week!
Brooks loves bananas, if I’m not careful he eats them peel and all!
Good luck on the writing!
The Olympics post was great so you were definitely smart to take another look. I am pretty bad when it comes to editing. In that I don’t, at all. I am sure it’s pretty obvious. I run spell-check and check it over quickly before hitting publish but other than that, I just slug it out there and hope for the best. I think if I were to get too perfectionistic about blogging, I probably wouldn’t do it at all because I would think everything sucked. So I just try not to think about it.
Good luck with the book writing!