There are certain spots on our walks where the dogs like to run off to investigate. These areas are usually deep in the center of the woods, if I had to guess I would say it is where the deer sleep at night. Either that or it’s the deer’s toilet, either way it’s worth investigating to Sampson and Delilah.
Since Sandy the Hurricane came through here last week there are even more limbs and branches down. If the branch is on the smaller side, I or Hubby attempt to move it off trail. Even so, there are still a number of areas where trees block the path.
If the dogs are close by me in these spots, I will usually approach and say, “Jump.” I think it’s helpful to Delilah to understand the term in an area other than the agility ring. (I could be wrong, but please…just humor me.)
Saturday Delilah decided to run off to investigate, she hopped over a bunch of branches that had to be about 3 1/2 feet high/wide. I looked at Hubby and said, did you see that? Her athleticism never ceases to amaze me.
Hubby said, she makes it look so easy too.
Saturday night Delilah did something that reminded me of an incident that took place at our other house. That house has a lovely bay window. I always dreamed of lining that window with pillows or cushions to make it a nice cozy reading area. But I never did.
Delilah lived with us in that house for five months, before we moved to our current house. She always gets super excited when we come home from work.
On this particular day I was already home and was sitting on the couch when Hubby pulled in. Delilah ran, jumped and with one movement sat in the bay window like a cat would.
Did I have my camera ready?
Of course not.
But I did have it ready on Saturday.
This is how dogs differ from people. Dogs see something they want and they go for it, we see something we want and then we think of all the things that could prevent us from accomplishing our goal.
Dogs don’t have an understanding of can’t, they just do. Some day I hope I have a heart like a dog.
Has your dog ever done anything that you never thought they would/could? Please share in the comments. Remember I may not be responding, but I’m reading them!!
My book count is at 6,863 words.

I wondered at first when I saw the title… then I saw the picture and, well, still laughing!
Have a great week!
They have absolutely no conception of their own size! That’s why your Chihuahua will boss up your Great Dane 😉
Just love labs. They always think they can fit 😀
I think you’d best get your bay window ready with lovely cushions, etc – seems like Delilah will definitely use it. I’ve always loved you “heart like a dog”.
Litchi spends her life amazing me but it’s all on small, tiny things that show how well she is getting over her bad start in life. My absolute best is that she can now be used to train children on how to behave around dogs. This is a dog that was petrified of children and I couldn’t have her near them unleashed. Now I trust her implicitly. For her, that’s really big!
Haha I am trying to discourage Freighter from being a lap dog. He doesn’t always get it. 🙂
People let their puppies be lapdogs so naturally the dog thinks that is permission for a lifetime of lap sitting.
My 75lb Brooks is a laptop dog too!
Yes indeed, Fozzie leaps up and over obstacles like an antelope. It is beautiful to behold. And when a lap is present, he’s always right there…including for 3 hours driving back from a camping trip yesterday:)
Too cute!! 6,800+ words!!!!
My dining room/kitchen is one big room. My mini dachshund figured out that she could jump from the floor, to the dining chair, to the table, to the kitchen island, and follow that around to the carrot cake I’d just baked and set out. I walked in when the cake was 1/2 gone, and that’s the escape route she used!
Doggy would never jump on the sofa or bed if I’m around, but he does when he doesn’t see me. I’ve caught him many times on the bed. When he was a puppy I would sit on the floor and grab him but I never encouraged the lap thing, being a furry beast as he is and collecting as much crap as he does it’d be a mess on the sofa/bed or my pants.
He’s done something I never thought he would and that’s opening the drawers to get plastic bags.
Lila is not a cuddler, so we don’t have that problem. She did go running into a pile of leaves head first last Saturday. She reminded me of a little kid!
Keep up the good work on NANOWRIMO!
Oh, Delilah. It’s nice that she wants to be so close to you. 🙂 Shiva likes to sit in our laps too, but usually only in a particular chair. Though she is only 40 pounds so it’s slightly less awkward than Delilah. Not that you’d know it to look at her expression. Just too cute.
I love, love, love that photo! Rudy still crawls up on my lap. Doesn’t last too long because he has such sharp elbows, plus he can hardly hold still… so excited to be on my lap.
Great start to your book Jodi – keep up the good work!! 🙂
I surprise my Mum all the time with the level of my Mischief – but I also surprised her one time when someone had left the gate open and she didn’t realize and I didn’t run away – I know when I’m well off!! 🙂
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Of course she fits – love the photo!
Ha-ha! I am so glad that Leroy or Sherman don’t think they are lap dogs! Sometimes when Leroy sits on the couch his butt sits on my leg, but that’s different:)
Hey-saw you on FB tonight-just calling you out on that:))))))))))))))
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jetty here. Hi Miss Jodi.
Miss Jodi, Mom says your philosophical observations are so wise.
I’m happy to see Delilah in Hubby’s lap because now I do not feel so bad telling yu that I do the same when Mom is in bed. Yup, sit all — lbs of handsome manly man right on her lungs!
LOL I think she fits just fine!! I have several lap dogs here and once in a while 2 of them sit on my lap at the same time, that’s over 140 pounds of dog 🙂
I’d have to say I never thought Cheyenne would ever come out of her shell and be the duck loving retriever she is today 😉
“Dogs see something they want and they go for it, we see something we want and then we think of all the things that could prevent us from accomplishing our goal.”
So nicely put, Jodi. And so true.
Honey also loves to sit on our laps. I’m surprised and impressed by how confident she has become. I never thought I’d see her ride happily in her bike trailer. But you should look at her go.