Last year we had Snowtober this year it’s Frankenstorm.
While thankfully there is no snow predicted, we are in for some heavy winds. We also have a lot of trees around us, trees that were weakened or still have broken branches from last year’s storm.
Two weeks ago one of those branches came down with some wind. Luckily for us, it landed on our gate, and wedged itself between the chimney and the side wall of the house. Miraculously, there was no permanent damage. I told Hubby, the Lord just keeps providing us with wood to burn.

It looks like it’s touching, but really there is about six inches between the end of the branch and the house.
If it were just Hubby and I, there would be no problem. Since we have pets, we need to make sure they remain safe.
The first thing we did was tie down everything that can’t go inside.
The storm is expected to last through Tuesday. The dogs will have to go outside to potty, that last thing we want is for something left out in the yard, flying through the air and striking one of the dogs.
On the off-chance that happens, we have hydrogen peroxide, EMT gel and vet tape handy.
It’s important to have plenty of food on hand for your pets. We feed raw and I currently have five days worth of dinners and about three weeks worth of breakfast. If need be, we will use the breakfast supply for dinner.
Luckily for us we have city water, but should contamination occur, I have six gallons of bottled water handy.
We also stuck some empty soda bottles in the freezer to use for ice if we need it, or defrost it and use for cooking or washing as the case may be.
Since we live on the side of a hill, it’s highly unlikely we will need to evacuate from flooding, but if we need to evacuate for another reason, the dog’s medications, their medical records, food bowls and going outside collars are all within 15 feet of each other and their leashes are hung by the front door.
Bob is on canned food, which is in very close proximity to the dogs items.
The important thing in any natural disaster is to have a plan, know what items you need to take with you and where they are. If possible practice a dry run. Having a plan of action in place for emergencies gives you peace of mind that nothing else can.
If we have to leave in an emergency I feel very comfortable saying we can be out within half an hour…..forty five minutes tops.
Where we’ll go, I’m not really sure, but I did hear on the news that the shelters are taking dogs. 🙂
What types of weather related issues do you need to be prepared for where you live? Do you have a plan in place to evacuate your pets? What if the situation springs up suddenly, have you and your family discussed who will get the pets?

A lucky escape and lots of logs! You do seem well prepared which is good to hear. Good luck!
don’t forget to fill the tub to flush comode.. we have gas stove and heat so well water can be boiled if need be..
That’s a big branch! Glad that it missed the house and all of you! Hope you stay safe over the next few days! We prepared for the storm yesterday, removing all things that could blow away. The only thing we are suffering from right now is mud and more mud!
Good planning. Stay safe.
That branch is huge. Lucky miss on that one. I see there are high wind advisories due to the storm up by our cabin. There are a lot of trees up there. I am going to have to monitor for power outages up there. We have a wind advisory here too, but not so many trees to worry about and underground utilities.
Yikes! That is a big branch – you were very lucky it only hit your fence. Here’s hoping all your trees/branches that were going to come down already have and you get through the next day or two without issue. Be safe!
How scary for you. I truly hope that Sandy is a lot less violent than you might imagine and that you are all safe and sound. Really glad to hear that the shelters are taking dogs. What a relief. I must say that it is at times like these that I feel extremely fortunate to live in a mild climate where we do not suffer any form of major climatic events. The most we have to deal with is extreme lightning but, if you are inside, you’re just fine.
Stay safe – and check in and let us know you are okay!
Stay safe. WE’re expecting it to roll in here in NY later tonight. Getting windy now.
If I ever get sick I want you to take care of me!
Sounds like you are very prepared, but stay safe all the same!!
I Pray you will be SAFE. EXCELLENT Planning!!
Firstly and foremost stay safe and we wish you well.
Mazzie over at Mazzie Takes Manhattan nominated you as a guest blog for my Share it Sunday. you can view them in the archive. You won’t have to do anything just pop over and leave me comment with the post you would like me to showcase.
Best wishes Molly
Great planning!!!! Since we’re on an island wihtout a car, Mazzie and I are pretty much screwed if we can’t hanker down in our own West Village home or somewhere farther north in Manhattan. So far, so good, but apparently the true wrath of Sandy has yet to come….
I have Mazzie’s vet records, a muzzle (in case we need to sleep in a shelter with g-d knows who around us), dehyrated food for several days and a ton of water. I guess I should thinking about how to make sure I survive so that I can take care of her!!!!
We’re thinking about all of you near the path of the storm and hoping for the best.
The only thing we need to be prepared for is earthquakes and it has been many years since we had one.
I love your plan, Jodi. I hope you won’t have to resort to it though and that the storm will pass you by safely. We haven’t had to do any storm prep ourselves since a biggie in Brisbane more than 20 years ago. I saw a report on CNN yesterday, about a shelter that takes pets. They showed the room where all the pets were…dogs, cats, birds, what looked like gerbils or ferrets. It’s great to see that the evac people have thought about our other family members. Stay safe! X
In OZ we can get hot of course. We are lucky to have air conditioning which keeps the dogs comfortable. Where we live extremes of weather are not common. We don’t get huge storms that cause damage or flooding, though we did have three large trees removed recently because if they had come down they would have flattened the neighbours.
Our problem can be fires. In our village we would probably get enough warning to evacuate and it is unlikely a fire would get to us in the first place, but for many just 30 minutes away from us fire is a reality. Black Saturday is still a memory from a few years ago when many people and domestic animals died as a fire swept through with such ferocity that they didn’t have time to get out.
We have a fire plan. We hope we don’t have to use it.
I hope you don’t have to evacuate; it’s always a worry when we have pets, so we have to have every eventuality covered; it looks like you have, and preparation is the key! Too many people leave things to the last minute.
We have bush-fires and cyclones where we live, so we are often in similar situations to the one you are in at this moment with Sandy. We have just one dog now, so the preparations are easier for us and thank goodness we have never had to be evacuated (close, but not quite) – but we are always prepared – just in case.
Stay safe.
Well, my preparations for the storm were poor! We already ran out of raspberry vodka for our grape crush martini’s. We might switch to cherry vodka but then that’s a whole new drink!
Oh, you mean the dogs. LOLOLOL they are good, plenty of food and bottled water. Fresh batteries in flashlights in case of power outage. Our new baby boy doesn’t like this weather at all and keeps trying to run to the door. I take Gracie out first so he sees it’s nothing to worry about but the pee pee pads are out as a precaution!
Stay safe!
Good planning!! Are you still out of power?
We have high winds and we may get some bad stuff on the great lakes on the east side they said something about big waves so we shall see. I just hope we don’t lose power.
I hope you stay safe, and it sounds like you’re as prepared as you can be.
The big thing we have to be prepared for here is tornadoes, and we keep water and some food in the basement, along with a few extra dog beds and crates to keep everyone downstairs.
It’s great to hear of your plan Jodi – glad you’re so organized – it’s also really good to hear the shelters are taking Dogs! 🙂
Our biggest concern here is Earthquakes….
Stay safe all of you, we’re thinking of you,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Keep safe, I am sending you hugs!! I hope Sandy will leave you well alone!
Hope you’re warm, dry, safe and sound! Around here we stay prepared for twisters, ice storms and blizzards. Sounds like you’re well prepared!
You are really well prepared.
The “Ghetto Grill” caption made chuckle.
In here we have nothing to fear, just the heatwaves and earthquakes, that don’t happen often, but if a good one happens we all are goners, really old buildings, older than modern history America, so I don’t worry about it.
I’m glad all we need to worry about out here is earthquakes. They seem quite harmless compared to Sandy. Stay well.