Remember that grand idea I had for a co-hosted blog hop, the one where I threw it out there and then skipped every other week? Well I think I finally have it together.
My co-host this week is someone near and dear to many of you. She’s creative, witty and incredibly supportive and that’s not her only claim to fame, she’s actually tamed a tornado on a leash. Her relationship with her dog Shiva, gives me hope for Delilah.
Please join me in welcoming today’s co-host, Kristine from Rescued Insanity.
If this went well, we are actually hopping and if it didn’t well, please bear with me. Per the usual I’m a little challenged with some of the technical stuff.
If you are new to the blog, Follow-Up Friday gives me the opportunity to revise or update a post from the previous week. It wraps up the week and leads you right into the weekend.
Feel free to join us every Friday or whenever the need strikes you. If you are interested in co-hosting, please leave me a message in the comments and indicate your level of interest (once, once a month etc..) and I will add you to the list.
Ah Fall – Update
A tidbit about the changing of the leaves, in case you don’t know. We have something called “peak season” this is when the colors of our leaves are the most beautiful. I think we are in peak right now, so I’ve been out to the most scenic areas I know and I’ve been snapping pictures.
These were snapped at a local reservoir on our way home from Sampson’s vet appointment Wednesday evening. It was just before sunset, I used my little pocket point and shoot camera without the flash and I have to say, I’m very pleased with the shots.
Clicking on an image will enlarge it.
Back before Delilah joined our pack, this reservoir was one of our favorite places to walk. Sampson was beyond tickled to back at his old stomping grounds. I only wished I’d had more time to really let him run and explore. I promised him we will go back.
I Believe The Children Are Our Future – Author’s Note
You all left such nice comments, which has really got me thinking as to how I can get this kick-started. I had an idea that I ran past my mentor, and I want to share it here with you.
Right now it is just an idea which if I’m going to pull it off, will take some quick work.
What do you think of a calendar “Blogville Dogs and Their Rescue Cause”? It would be a 12-month calendar and feature a different dog/blog from each month. The caption would include the dog’s name, their blog address and the rescue they support.
Remember I’m still in the thinking stage (and if there is no or little interest it won’t even happen.) It would be run similar to a contest where you would send a good quality photo of your pet and we would have people vote. My thought is we would have specific submittal and voting periods for each month. (For example, January pictures would be submitted from Oct 22nd thru Oct 24th and voted on October 26th and so on.)
My intent was to have the proceeds go to a rescue, but the funds COULD be used to for the initial funding of an educational program.
Of course my appointment with my state rep isn’t until November 1st, so it could be I’m still standing at square one with no idea where to go. In that case, I would choose a couple of different rescues (preferably ones that focus on education) and donate to one of them.
Thoughts, comments and suggestions?
Did I mention this is the Follow-Up Friday Blog hop hosted by Rescued Insanity and Heart Like A Dog?
You can link up here:
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I love the idea of a blogville calendar! That is too much fun. My only concern is timing as it will probably become a beast of a project if done right. Most of the organizations in my area already have their calendars for sale. If you want to make this an annual thing – and I think you totally should – I’d keep it as simple as possible this first year. Perhaps the proceeds could be split between the rescues of the winning entries? If there is anything I can do to help, I’m definitely in!
You’re right of course Kristine, time will be the tough thing, I wonder how quickly it could be put together this year? Maybe have a week for people submitting and a week for people voting? Then take the top twelve with the most votes? Next year’s calendar could be planned a bit differently.
I would love some help, especially since I just told Donna I’d be writing a novel in the month of November. LOL what’s that they say about busy people?
A calendar would be fun! …and I agree with Kristine, keep it simple to start with and see how it goes this year. Shutterfly has an awesome Calendar making tool, although they can be kind of expensive.
I’m glad there’s such a positive response to it. I could really use the help finding calender printing places. I think you’re right, SF might be too expensive.
Beautiful pictures. Chessie rescue does a calendar every year. It generates a good amount of money for them as I understand it.
It’s a great way to earn money for rescue. Who can resist pictures of cute puppies?
Hi Y’all,
Fantastic reflective color!
Love the rescue calendar idea.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Thanks Hawk!
Hey Jodi,
Lovely pics and I imagine the calendar will be really cool!! Great idea 🙂
Wags to all,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Thanks Snoopy!
The colours of fall are gorgeous. Pity about the nip in the air :p
So are you Letters to Andrew? As usual, I am sort of confused.
Yes I am Letters to Andrew. It’s a very little blog (I’ve only written like 3 posts) but some blogs I can’t comment on without the yahoo account. Sorry for the confusion!
Hi there! I love the idea of the calendar and the causes. I would definitely support that. I’m not big on voting though, because often it ends up to be a thing where people try and solicit votes and I just don’t have the energy to do that, so I figure why bother entering? I don’t know, maybe I’m just weird and the only one who feels this way, and everyone else enjoys the challenge!
I didn’t write a follow up today, so I guess I can’t join in the hop, but maybe I’ll remember to next time!
Thanks Peggy! I understand where you are coming from re: the voting, do you have any suggestions for another option for choosing which pictures will be featured?
Feel free to join the hop anytime!
I love those pictures!!
I was going to say the same as 2 Brown Dawgs about the calendar.
Thanks Misty!
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jet here. Hi Miss Jodi… & RESCUED INSANITY!!!
Great co-hosting job…
We love your calendar idea!!! We’re in!
Gorgeous scenery, we’re the same except for a bunch of leaves and limbs we lost due to wind this week! (lost our papaya tree. 🙁 )
Oh my gosh, that’s terrible about your tree! It can’t be saved?
I’m glad you like the calendar idea. Does that mean I can count on you and JJ to submit photos? 😉
We love the calendar idea too. We probably won’t do follow up Friday because now that we work from home, Friday sneaks up on us, believe it or not, and we don’t even realize the day until sometime around noon.
How did you get lucky enough to work from home? I would love to do that! I’m glad there is such a great response to the calendar idea.
Those pictures are of a reservoir? Where are the skinny dippers? Or is that just an Ithaca thing?
It must be an Ithaca thing Pamela, they don’t even allow dogs to swim in there. 🙂
Mazzie is so jealous of the all of the spacious and beautiful places that Sampson & Delilah get to experience on their walks! And I like the calendar idea.
Thanks Tanya, we’d love to have Mazzie with us on one of our walks!! A lot of people like the calendar idea!
The peoples from the Vizsla club do a calendar each year too, and they vote on which doggies get included too. Seems a lot of peoples go for that sort of thing.
I love the leaves and this time of year. I like to gobble up as many leaves as I can and then barf them up at three in the morning so my peoples have something fun to do besides all that boring sleeping.
You eat leaves Toby? Why? I never figured it out, Sampson eats sticks and then he throws them up. LOL
I STILL have no idea how to do a blog hop but I love your calendar idea and I think blogville would really get behind you on it. Those autumn leaves are gorgeous.
LOL Half the time I don’t think I know what I’m doing Kirsten, most weeks we have issues with it. It seems like there is a lot of support for a calendar!
I think you have a great idea with the calendar project Jodi!
Thanks Jen!!
Beautiful photo, love the branches in the foreground. Love the calendar idea!