Please note this post is not meant to make light of the deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts.
As you know, or maybe you don’t, my laptop is in the shop, which means I rely on Hubby’s computer for blogging, which has severely hindered me in 1) responding to comments and commenting on your blogs and 2) getting some WTF material via facebook.
Siriusly, Hubby does not allow me on facebook on his computer.
I did manage to sneak a bit at various times, which is when Lauren from Life With Desmond sent me this.
Suffolk County SPCA Warns Against Animal Cruelty, NY
Apparently there was something posted on youtube encouraging people to kill a pit bull on Halloween.
W.T.F. or maybe more aptly phrased, who the fuck thinks this stuff up or even better yet, thinks it’s a good idea?
I can almost picture the two of us (Lauren and myself) sitting in front of our computers, mouths open in shock and horror.
After a quick couple of exchanges Lauren says she checked it on Snopes and Snopes says it is not true, but that doesn’t make me feel any better because you know some dumb red-neck is going to attempt this.
Which is exactly why you didn’t see me jumping all ugly on this on my facebook page, I don’t want to give anyone any ideas.
This photo just about sums it up for me.

Photo courtesy of ecards.
Excuse me a moment, my Irish Coffee needs attending to.
WTF/Whoo Hoo!!
Dog survives wild ride, Taunton Ma/Providence RI
Yeah, apparently this person saw the dog run out in front of them but then they didn’t see the dog.
That’s because it was jammed under your grill, dumb ass.
Did you think it was a ghost dog?
WTF kind of person doesn’t stop to check and see what happened to the dog? What if it was just severely injured and lying on the side of the road?
My first dog, Washy was hit by a car when I was a kid, despite having a broken pelvis, she managed to drag herself home. To this day I don’t know if my father put her down or she died from her injuries.
I do know the asshole that hit her didn’t stop.
There’s something fundamentally wrong with a person who doesn’t stop to find out whether they’ve caused bodily injury, whether it be to human or animal.
Still I find it amazing the dog survived with only minor injuries.
Whoo Hoo
This dog survived 110 miles on the top of a car engine, San Clemente, CA
When the driver stopped for lunch after a 110 mile trip, he felt his truck lurch and then noticed some fur sticking out near his wheel. When he opened the hood, a 25 pound Keeshond mix looked up at him.
Jamie Magaña attributes the large well between the engine and the front with saving Chevy (the nickname given to the dog.)
Authorities are currently looking for Chevy’s owner.
And finally, because I can.
How was your week? Did you have more of a Whoo Hoo or a WTF week?

Those stories are really something. Glad to hear the one about the pitbull is not true. But what do you have against red-necks? 😆
I have nothing against red-necks, as long as they don’t hurt dogs. 🙂
OMG. Those poor puppies!! Hope you get your computer back soon!!
Me too Julie!! It stinks, I’m always on that darn thing!
This news account does say the driver stopped and searched for the dog. I saw a picture of the dog up in the grill and it wasn’t stuck to the front hanging off but up under it. Not some place obvious and not someplace you would expect a dog to be. That’s one very lucky dog.
You can see the picture on this site-
I didn’t see anything that said the driver stopped and looked for the dog Dawn, I’m glad if he did!
The dog was very lucky someone saw her sticking out of the grill and alerted the driver, imagine if no-one had seen her!
I’m imagining the feelings the drivers had when they found out what happened.
I’d feel like a jerk Jan, I imagine they did as well.
Some people…..I truly agree with the last picture, that would definitely be me!
LOL thanks for stopping by and commenting, I will get ugly with someone about my dog, I won’t stand up for myself but I will stand up for my dogs. 🙂 Go figure.
A whole week without Facebook? Really? Now that deserves a WTF! 😉 I think I could use a strong Irish coffee too, maybe hold the coffee.
Now you’re talking Kristine!! Love me my Irish Whiskey. 🙂 Facebook, actually I’m not missing it too much. 😉
Did someone say, “Irish whiskey”? Where and when are we meeting?
Chevy and the dog who got hit by a car both sure got lucky, didn’t they?
Well those are some stories today Jodi and so glad the pit bull one is not true, gotta love Snopes!
I really giggled at the the last photo/comment and I feel the same way 😉
That last pic is ace!!
Well, you’ve pretty much summed up any comments I could make: WTF
Hi Jodi,
As always your stories are astonishing!! Glad Chevy got lucky 🙂
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
I have a love/hate relationship with FB and you-tube… Some of the craziest stories ever get posted there.
I agree with the poodle in the grill story. If I had thought I hit an animal, and then didn’t see the animal, I would have stopped to look.
gotta wonder about some ppl!!! I would be heartbroken hitting a dog and stop immediately… what do they think?
Thanks for posting about this one, Jodi! People really are nuts, one way or another. Even for someone to have started it as a lie is entirely ridiculous. My husband is staying home from work on Halloween just in case (plus, Desmond would go bonkers with that bell ringing over and over).
And I am loving that WTF e-card pic!