Sampson: Move over Mama, the dogs are taking over the blog for today.
Mama: Now wait just a minute!
Delilah: Stuff it Mama, your 15 minutes of fame are over, it’s time the real stars of this show took control. Now sit down and be quiet and it you’re good, we’ll give you your stinkin computer back when we’re done.
Sampson: Alright, alright Mama, we’ll tell them. Mama says to tell you she will have a double Follow-up Friday next week. And that she’s really sorry for what you are about to see and read.
Enough barking Mama, let’s just get on with this okay?
I’m sure by now you’ve all heard about this dog shaming stuff. Personally Delilah and I don’t see anything wrong with it, I mean it’s not like we really feel shame, unlike you humans who seem to love to wallow in it. But for some reason Mama doesn’t like it.
Delilah: Whatever, she’s such a prude. Honestly we have no idea where her sense of humor and fun come from.
Sampson: Our friends Koly and Felix from Kol’s Notes have gotten together with our friends Sherman, Leroy and Plunger over at My Brown Newfies and have this great blog hop called Human Shaming.
Since Mama has no shame when it comes to putting pictures of us on the blog, we figure she won’t care if we put pictures of her up.
Mama: Excuse me? That’s why you had me holding signs and posing for pictures? So you could humiliate me on my own blog?
Sampson: You catch on quick Mama. Use the clicker Delilah, give her a treat.
Delilah : You should have thought about that Mama when you put a picture of me pooping, yes POOPING on the blog. Where’s your sense of dogcorum? How would you like it if I put a picture of you on the toilet?
Well? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Nuff said Mama.
Anyway, we thought it would be fun to show you a couple of pictures of Mama and our thoughts that go along with them.
Sampson: Here’s Mama all dressed up for our walk.
Ooops, wrong sign Mama, that sign was for the basketball hoop Dad is giving away.
Try for a minute to follow along okay, Mama?
Embarrassing isn’t it? Why can’t she dress like the other dog’s moms? Honestly Mama you’d think we were part of some kind of freak show.
You really need to wonder why I snap at other dogs? I’m not being mean, I’m defending your right to dress like a freak!
Okay, I’m turning this over to Delilah now.
Delilah: Here’s the picture I want to share with you.
And she laughs at me when I fart.
Really Mama? If you laughed every time you farted you’d sound like a laugh track for a sitcom.
The honest truth is this woman’s pipes leak more than the BP pipes in the Gulf of Mexico.
Huh, and she say’s I’m a pig!
Well that’s all the pictures we’re sharing today. Sampson and I held back a couple just in case our friends at Kol’s Notes and My Brown Newfies decide to do a little more human shaming.
Thanks for tuning in, we’re turning the blog back over to Mama.
OMD you guys, I’m so, so sorry about this. I really am hanging my head in shame.
Have you been seeing a lot of human shaming today? What did you think of it, did you enjoy it? Did you participate? What do you think your dog would shame you about?
This is the human shaming blog hop hosted by Kol’s Notes and My Brown Newfies.

Ok, you dress like my momma when she walks us. It is embarrassing. It’s like she has no clue. And… we walk far ahead of her because we don’t want to be seen with her…
She gets mad when we run off, but geez, who wants to be seen with someone like that?
Ok – THAT was fun!!!! I have LOL and smiled the entire read!!!! Treats for everyone . . . NON-gas producing treats!!!! 😀
LOL Laura, it was a very fun write. 🙂 I enjoyed it immensely.
LMAO…I love it
Thanks Deb. Glad you enjoyed it.
LMAO! I knew yours were going to be good, but I had no idea they would make me laugh that hard, I almost choked! Deliah and Sampson you have out done yourselves!
If it makes your mom feel any better, I fart a lot too, and I have blamed my share on the dogs!
Thanks Jen, it must be a human thing eh? We don’t fart a whole lot, well Delilah’s the one who makes the noises when she farts, mine are usually quiet.
Delilah: Whatever, Golden Boy.
Great job Delilah and Sampson,
I bet you’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!! You sure had me chuckling!!
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Snoopy dude, you know where we’re coming from right? She deserved it, the stuff she puts out there about us. Jeessh.
ha ha ha — good shaming there, esp that last one (*someone* in this house may be guilty as charged with that one as well)
Ut oh, you have one of those too? Why do we always get blamed for that stuff, is it because we can’t talk?
That was way too funny!
Thanks. 🙂
Way to go Sampson and Delilah – Get her back for all those Butt Pictures!
Right on Tobster, that ought to teach her, right? Honestly, I don’t know what she’s thinking most times.
Hahahahaha! Sampson and Delilah should take over more often, they are hilarious! 🙂
By the way, I think you look great in your dog walking outfit. I always feel so awkward with a treat bag like that but you make it look quite stylish. The dog walking look, it’s very in vogue these days. Well, at least in my world it is. 🙂
Thanks Kristine, maybe I will let them have the keyboard on occasion. 🙂
That was the only treat bag they had when I went to purchase one, it works fine so I don’t see the point in purchasing another.
I’m the only weirdo that dresses like that around here. 🙂
Oh dear, too funny 😀
About time the dogs got their own back though! That’s quite a dog walking kit you’ve got going there.
LOL thank you, it was an enjoyable post.
Best. Shaming. Yet.
The photos are funny, the dog’s comments make it hilarious!
Awe thank you, everyone did a great job with this, it sure was a lot of fun.
I love this post!
I love this post! You are super funny!!!
Thank you Mary Ann, it was so much fun to write.
Lol – I too dress a little weird when I walk Blueberry. You are in good company. 🙂
Well heck we gotta protect ourselves right?
I’m still laughing.
Thank you a lot!!
Now I’m leaving the office with a smile now, thanks!
Thanks Leo, glad we could put a smile on that face!
I don’t get it. That looks like a perfectly stylish outfit for dog walking to me. And everyone knows women don’t fart, they “poof.”
Well thank you Jan, I appreciate the support!
Delilah here Jan, let me tell you that woman does NOT “poof.” If she was any louder, the neighbors would think she was setting off fireworks.
Oh no that is too funny. Guess they got you back, but good. Have a nice weekend!
Yes, they got me back alright. 🙂 Have a good weekend yourself!!
OMG. I do both of these too. This hop is making me realise how similar us dog owners are, wherever we are LOL.
P.S. I got you back on google reader. Whew 🙂
Glad the google reader is back on track!!
Do you really? Now I don’t feel so bad. 🙂
You two have out done yourselves and that first photo your mama looks like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar…lol
Sampson here: Thanks Misty, Delilah and I had to really think about it and narrow our choices down. When you have someone like Mama well, it’s not an easy task that’s all I’ll say.
BOL! I guess I’m not the only one complaining about how my mom dresses today! You’ve actually made me feel a little better about my own situation! You guys really have it rough!
Thanks for the support, we don’t run into many people in our area that dress like our mom, do you have a lot around where you are?
You mean that’s not fashionable?! But a grey poop bag dispenser goes with everything!
Well done guys!
Thank you Dawn! Grey is the new black, right? 🙂
Sampson and Delilah, you are both very witty and did a good job at shaming your mom. The good thing about being a cat is my mom doesn’t take me outside and embarrass me by her pathetic wardrobe. I’m not sure I’d defend her like you do with your mom.
Thank you Indulged Furries, do you get to go outside at all? I kind of have to defend her because she takes pretty good care of us. 🙂
The “Free to Good Home” photo is TFM!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!! Mazzie is always on the look out for my replacement, so you better tell Sampson & Delilah to think twice before they post something like this again.
Thanks Tanya!! I hope they don’t replace me! LOL
Too funny! What an awesome human shaming post!
Thank you!
Bwa ha ha! But don’t laugh too much, Sampson and Delilah, at the Mom’s dog walking uniform. If she dressed swanky like a cat person, you wouldn’t get to go for nearly as many long walks. 🙂
Thank you Pamela, I would think it’s smarter to dress practically when walking. Yeah too dressed up equals no walk. 🙂
lol Love Love Love the Human Shaming idea. Also really love the Dog Shaming website, it is so absolutely adorable.
I thought it was a cute idea, time the dogs got a little revenge! 🙂
This post is FANTASTIC Jodi. Delilah and Sampson made fantastic comic foils for your writing.
You really got Mazzie’s attention with the “Free to a Good Home” sign. As you know, she’s always looking to upgrade to a better and brighter assistant, so she was THRILLED to learn that you might be available!!!!
I loved this so much I had to comment AGAIN!!!! I’ve shared it with so many dog owners and each and every one has gotten a real kick out of it.
Thanks so much Tanya!! It was a super fun post to write and I’m glad it was well received. 🙂
OH MY GOD. Oh my god. I finally got around to this one and–wow. Just, wow. LOL.
Oddly, this is my favorite part: “You catch on quick Mama. Use the clicker Delilah, give her a treat.” That clicker part killed me. I actually did LOL.