For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
Dog’s Can’t Add – Update
I didn’t start all the way back to square one with Delilah. Last week she was up to being off-leash for about 95% of our walk. This week she’s at about 30%.
She’s been okay with being off-leash, but just okay. Not spectacular, in fact there have been a few times when she had completely ignored me calling her.
In that instance once she returns to me she stays on leash. I also keep her on leash when we are in our danger zones.
I said once before if she has to stay on leash her entire life I can live with it and I stand by that. I will keep going back to what works as many times as I have to.
Drama King – Update
Sampson hasn’t been licking his paw quite so much. I try to wrap it when we aren’t around (or awake) to keep track of what he’s doing. I had Hubby look at it with a magnifier and it looks like he has a small bump, which could be a bug bite or an ingrown hair.
He’s not scheduled for his annual exam until the end of October so I’m on the fence as to whether I should take him or not.
Here’s what it looked like this morning, what do you think?
W.T.F./Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Update
Do you remember the dog that was shot and dragged? Well apparently a man has come forward and explained what happened.
He says he found the dog in his yard and the dog was hurt, he thought the dog might have been hit by a car. So he shot her to end her suffering. He then left her in his yard but when she began to smell he wrapped some wire around her legs and dragged her out of the yard. He has people who confirm his story.
I don’t know about you, but I still have a lot of questions on this. Did the dog have a collar on? If so, why didn’t he call the dog’s owner? Did he know whose dog it was? Why wouldn’t you call a vet and see if the vet could help you find the owner? Why not call the sheriff’s office to begin with and let them know you have a hurt dog in your yard? And most importantly, why was a nursing mother outside, unattended, without any identification on her?
And PETA sucks. I think I’d like to add that to my footer or something.
This ‘N That Thursday – Author’s Note
Just a reminder, I will be taking the redirect off for a week, beginning tomorrow. Please either update your google reader or subscribe (please subscribe so it looks like I have more than 12 readers.) 😉
And a quick side note: I’m struggling to write a blog post, read and comment on your posts and then answer my comments. I still intend on getting to them, I’m just a bit behind so please bear with me. 🙂
Happy Friday!!

how do I subscribe? looking for button to click??? and a share button would be nice too…..
Did you find the button? It’s on the side, in a box right under ‘recent posts.’
Great follow up Jodi!
I am so behind in all my blogging duties too, no matter how hard I try I just can’t catch up! I’m going to subscribe again since I am not getting the emails. (You already have more subscribers than me:)
Thanks Jen and no I don’t! You had 15 yesterday and I only had 13. I did subscribe to your blog. I have to figure out a way to attract sponsors….:-)
Oh poor Sampson – I hope his paw feels better soon – I’m sorry I can’t help as to what may be wrong, seems like another one of those medical mysteries?
Wags to all,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
What’s up with these medical mysteries Snoopy? We sure hope you are on the mend as well!
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jet here. Hi Miss Jodi.
Mom’s up to her ears trying to keep up as well, we all do our best and know that we all mean well. So no worries over here at Casa Jet! 🙂
It’s tough Jetty, I do like to respond to comments but sometimes I just don’t have the time!
PETA does suck. A footer note is an ingenius idea.
Sampson’s paw doesn’t look too bad. If you are worried, you could try calling your vet to see if they think it’s worth bringing him in early. But since he is improving, you may want to keep doing what your doing and seeing if it doesn’t get better. It’s a tough call, isn’t it? I hope whatever it is goes away soon!
Thanks Kristine, I may just give him some Benadryl for a few days and see if that helps. I haven’t noticed him licking so much lately. I guess this weekend will be the test.
Hi guys!
We have a little something on our blog for you! You can find it here:
Hope Sampson’s paw is okay and it clears up soon!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for thinking of us! We will write about the awards very soon!
Okay I have a really hard time swallowing that guys story and that’s all I will say on that subject.
Those darn deaf ears of retrievers, I love how they think you are talking to another dog and just ignore you, been there, done that to many times to count 🙁
Hmmm I am one of those better safe than sorry kind of people so if you see a lump on Sampson’s foot it could just be some scar tissue but it could also be something else, not to make you panic but I would probably take him in just to have it looked at but that’s just me being paranoid 😉 I couldn’t really see it in the photo and it doesn’t look like there is any drainage but better safe than sorry, call your vet and see what they say.
Oh yes and PETA really sucks!!
Misty, there is more to this story and I am following it closely. Now they are saying it was a different dog he shot…let’s just say the plot thickens.
It is a teeny, tiny bump that could be a bite or an ingrown hair. I’ve been using the witch hazel and the EMT gel and am keeping a close eye on it. If it is not better by Monday I will call and see what they say.
Yes PETA really sucks. I love that!
I was one of your email subscribers who wondered what happened! Thanks for doing this post to let us know 😀 Now I’ve got your blog all nice and correct in my Google reader (easier for me).
Have to say that the dog dragging case…. the guy’s story just sounds “off” to me. Plus, I agree: what was that dog doing out and about loose?!
Our Lab, Rudy, has lately had great fascination with licking his paws… we think it has to do with some kind of allergy to something in what’s left of our crispy (due to drought) grass. We don’t see much in the way of bites, but we’re washing his paws when he comes in from outdoors. That’s stopped the licking.
Whew, glad you are back Sue!
Yes, I’m checking on that dog dragging case every day, something is off and the sheriff’s office has reopened the case.
I never thought to wash his paws. He usually goes in his little wading pool but I don’t ‘wash’ them so to speak. It might be worth a shot. We walk in the woods and there is lots of moss and I’m sure other types of allergens. Thanks for the suggestion!
Your Friday post was on GR just under the Thursday post. Strange…
I wonder if that’s a google issue or a blog issue? I wouldn’t know the first thing about trying to fix that! LOL
i don’t like the signing in every time here..just sayin’
I think it’s a blog thing Deb, I’m not sure I can do anything about that. 🙁
I would have Sampson’s paw looked at if there is a bump.
I bet there is more to the dragging story. Hideous.
I think you are right on the dragging story. I’ve been trying to keep tabs on it. It is a teeny tiny bump and the fur looks like it’s grown back. I’m watching it.