Today we’re joining our friends over at 2 Brown Dawgs Blog on This ‘N That Thursday. As 2 Brown Dawgs says, This ‘N That Thursday is for times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post. It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!
Many thanks to 2 Brown Dawgs!!
Blog Re-Direct.
I was so excited to move the free wordpress blog over here to this new site. I kept it all very hush-hush (with the exception of my cohorts in crime, Kari Pike, Jules Melfi and Jodi Chick) and one morning I simply redirected the wordpress traffic over to the new blog. If you type in the old address it will simply bring you here.
That’s great right?
Some of my readers who only get this blog through their e-mails have no idea that the blog moved because that blog is no longer posting!
I’ve decided I’m going to take the redirect down temporarily.
Don’t sweat it, I will continue to post my daily posts here, I will simply be posting a hey we’ve moved post up on the free WP.
All daily posts will continue on THIS website.
I just want to give you fair warning, just in case you are still in the habit of typing in the old blog address.
If you haven’t signed up for the subscription yet, please do, so you won’t miss anything that’s going on here. 🙂
Champion of My Heart
The very first dog that I ever remember being in my life was named Washy. She was a beautiful border collie, who looked a lot like Lilly over at Champion of My Heart.
I know many of you are following Lilly’s story over at Champion of My Heart. If you haven’t heard about it, Lilly, an eight year-old Border Collie had an adverse reaction to a routine Rabies vaccine back in the beginning of the year.
She’s been fighting for her life since then. Her human parents are trying desperately to save Lilly and their medical bills are very high, they’ve already spent over $15,000, and there is no end in sight at the moment.
Her current treatment program is costing them anywhere from $200 to $400 MORE per month, in addition to all her other medications and treatments.
Yesterday Sue over at Talking Dogs Forum had a guest post and put Champion of My Heart’s chip-in widget on the blog, I thought that was a wonderful idea, so I thought I’d throw it up here too.
Except when I add the code, it doesn’t show up as a widget. So I would ask if you are inclined to help with Lilly’s expenses, please pop over to Champion of My Heart.
Please don’t think any amount is too small, because small amounts add up and every little bit counts. And if you can’t contribute monetarily, I would ask you to share, because you never know who will see your post. 🙂

Bummer about the redirect. I hope the change straightens things out. It is almost like starting from scratch!
Too bad about Lilly. Sounds like a rough road for her.
How awful that a routine vaccination could cause that! I can’t imagine. I’ll head over and donate.
Hi Y’all,
Love the idea of This and That Thursday, but won’t be joining y’all since it’s always been my Petfinder adoption day every week. Would love to join y’all on “follow friday” though.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I feel to terribly for Lilly and her family. The stress and sadness of the whole situation is more that anyone can and should be asked to bear, but to have such an extraordinary financial burden on top of all of that. Ugh and WTF. That is so sweet of you to promote the chip in. I will definitely check it out and pass on.
I hope you can get it all straightened out with the redirect. I was going to link to my website address but now I don’t know. Maybe it would be different since I already own my domain name there. Good luck!
That is very sad about Lily I hope they can get her on the mend.
FYI – Passed on an addictive award to you today:
Your posts sometimes shows up on my GR and sometimes not. This one popped out literally a second ago, but I see it was for Thursday. Hmmm. Also, are you AHEAD of Australia in timezone? I don’t think so, yet your posts seem to be dated that way. [They weren’t before.] I’m confused 🙂
It’s Saturday here and i’m getting your Thursday post. Or maybe I’m hopelessly behind the world.
I’ve never heard of a rabies shot causing so many problems. Another dog-thing to worry about.