Please note this post is not meant to make light of the deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts.
Town wants family to get rid of pet bunny, New Haven, CT
Yeah, apparently New Haven has a zoning law that says rabbits are not allowed on properties if the property size is less than 2 acres.
I have one question.
What’s the reasoning behind not letting a seven-year-old keep one little rabbit? I can understand why you wouldn’t want tons of bunnies hopping about but what’s the harm in one?
What can I say about this? It’s a bunny people, it hops around, chews wires and leaves little pellets of poop.
Oh and once a year it delivers eggs. (Why does a bunny deliver eggs? Wouldn’t that be better from a chicken? I guess here comes the Easter chicken just doesn’t sound right.)
I’m a little nervous for New Haven’s Easter Egg hunt next year. I hope the site they choose is over 2 acres.
Dog Abandoned in Mountains, Colorado
I first saw this post on My Girlz Got Paws, and followed her linkage to the LOST AND FOUND page. I’ve had this song stuck in my head all day.
Rocky Mountain High.
Yeah, someone is high in Colorado all right.
You don’t take your dog hiking, let it walk to the point that its paws get torn up and then leave it on the stinkin’ mountain.
You’ve been hiking too long and the altitude has gone to your brain.
Have you ever seen the picture of the person wading waist deep in water with their dog on their back?
Grab a vowel Vanna, there are ways to move your dog if you need to.
I often think about this while I am out in the woods with my dogs.
What if one of them became ill or were injured? How would I get them home?
Yes, I’ve actually thought about this. I would remove my shirt or pants if necessary and drag my dog if need be.
Relax, I’m pretty sure Hubby would be able to help me to prevent that, but I reserve the right to keep my options open. 🙂
Puppy Stuffed In Bag Thrown Out Of Moving Car In Brentwood, West Islip, NY
A three-month old puppy was thrown out in a plastic bag from a moving car.
The puppy named Joey, broke his neck, bruised his lungs and has chest trauma. The vets are not sure if he will ever be able to use his front legs again.
The puppy also showed signs he may have been used as a bait dog for dog fighting.
Honestly what kind of sub-human species does this?
I hope they find these sick SOB’s and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Better yet, I like the idea of a Bully Beatdown.
Have you ever watched this show? It’s on MTV.
I know who watches MTV anymore?
This former UFC fighter takes on people who bully others and puts them in the ring with professional fighters.
Yup and then they get their asses kicked.
Oh to live in Jodi’s world. 🙂
Miami-Dade Residents Vote to Keep Pit Bull Ban Tuesday, Miami, FL
I had hopes that Miami-Dade would be my Whoo Hoo segment but sadly ignorance still abounds in Miami.
Tuesday just over 63% of the voting population chose to keep the 23-year pit bull ban in place.
Disappointing? Yes.
Surprising? No.
Unfortunately even though we live in the information age, many people are misinformed about this breed of dogs, mostly because of the ignorance and cruelty of a small, select group of individuals.
Let’s not take this as a defeat but as a lesson learned.
Educate and advocate. That should be our battle cry. Together we CAN defeat BSL.
Whoo Hoo
After all that awful shit I had to leave you with something beautiful.
John Unger and Schoep, Bayfield, WI
You’ve all seen the photo on facebook.
A man standing in the water cradling his dog.
A dog that has been his companion for 19 years.
A dog old-age is creeping up on.
When John carries Schoep into the water, Schoep finally gets relief from his aches and pains. The comfort of his human, the rocking of the waves and the lack of pressure on his joints allows him to finally get some sleep. Sometimes they stay there for hours.
After all the ugly and sad WTF stories, it restores my faith in humanity to see someone taking such care of their geriatric dog.
How was your week? Anything exciting to add to this Woo Hoo post?

Ohh boy, the post about the man and the dog in the water it’s just too good, too good that sorta makes you forget about the WTF.
you are on a roll this morning…and while i was laughing i got this sensation of goose bumps… good and bad for sure. but i enjoyed you take on the things that destirbed me most this week…YAHHHOOO WTF WEDNESDAY..
One of my precious childhood memories is of a bunny that my parents bought me for Easter. I know we’re not supposed to do that, but he lived for over ten years hopping around in our yard not harming anything. Often i think lawmakers must stay awake nights trying to think up stupid things to impose on us.
I can’t believe that people in New Haven, CT have the time, energy and resources to get so bent out of shape over a child’s pet bunny rabbit …. This makes me think that New Haven, CT is a bit of a scary place!!!!
And for the sick individual that threw the puppy out of a car in a bag, don’t you worry Jodi, he’ll get his. We might not hear about it or be able to inflict it upon him ourselves, but he’ll get his. And Bully Beatdown sound amazing – can’t wait to check it out!!!!
The horrendous happens all the time but there are always the good people of this world, who make us realise that not all human’s are bad, or ugly, or bullies.
What if the bunny is kept inside the house? Is that not allowed? I don’t get such a bizarre law but I guess it’s not for me to understand.
Thanks for continuing to call out these creeps. There was a report yesterday of a dog being shot 50 times before he was brought to a shelter. Amazingly, he is still alive. When you hear these stories, it really makes you question humanity.
I can’t imagine making a family get rid of a pet bunny. Why in the world would the inspector turn them in for something like that?
I loved that picture with the dog and his owner. So sweet. Perfect thing to highlight for a Woo Hoo!
Hmmm can’t quite figure out why a bunny would need 2 acres, a horse yes a bunny :/
I really think they have nothing better to do than think up stupid stuff.
I too loved the picture of the man with his dog. There’s a lot of love there!
Hi Jodi,
It sounds like the Bunnies in New Haven sure seem to need a lot of garden to hop around in, I’m bigger than them and my garden is way smaller?
Hope you’re having a fun day 🙂
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Stupid BSL laws murdering our dogs!!!! I am still just so upset!
I know you are and I don’t blame you. It is horrible, but we can over-turn it. It just won’t be this year. 🙁 So, so senseless and such ignorance. That is what I don’t understand, the ignorance.
2 acres? That really is ridiculous. Absolutely wonderful about John and Schoep.
I’d add to your Woo Hoo the eight strangers who came together to rescue the dog lost in Colorado. The dog’s people might have problems (hopefully not having fallen off a cliff themselves) but the climbers who helped the dog are real mensches.
The story of the dog in Colorado grabbed my attention. That thread went on for 45 pages and I read most of it. It sounds like the owner made some very poor decisions for which he is paying a price. I will admit that I am a bit torn on this one. I think it is awful that he did not go back for the dog, but it sounds as if circumstances of his job did not permit. Of course I guess I would be standing in the unemployment line if I were in his shoes, because I would have gone back to get my dog or hired someone.
However, as for leaving the dog in the first place, it he had little choice with injuries and a younger hiker to care for and a storm approaching. I remember there was a news item a few years ago about two brothers who were out hunting with their Chessie in late fall. Chessie went out on the ice and fell in. Poor decisions by the brothers put the dog in an unsafe situation. The brothers went out to rescue the dog and drowned. Chessie made it out OK. As heartbreaking as it may have been, they should have left that dog.