For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
Please feel free to grab the badge and join me in recapping or wrapping up your week. It doesn’t matter if you do it every week or just once in a while.
Drifting – Author’s Note:
This week I was back at work and found I did much less drifting. I was more focused on getting done what needed to get done.
I caught up on the blogs in my google reader, managed to get most blog posts up in a timely manner.
Walking the dogs wasn’t too bad. Monday I gave them a quick walk after work. Tuesday was training class so I left Sampson’s walk up to Hubby. Wednesday was too hot to walk during the day so Hubby and I had a quick walk around the block at dusk. Last night we ran into our walking friend and her dog and ended up going to check out her house, where the dogs got some swimming in.
This time my friend was able to show Delilah how to get into the pool. Her first couple of returns were a little panicked as she tried to find a way out, but by her third time in, she knew right where to go.
Here is a little video I took of her fetching a toy.
I’m not sure if you can see in the video but she opens her feet so wide, it almost looks like a duck’s foot.
Here Here! – Author’s Note:
When Delilah and I were at training class on Tuesday, our instructor commented on how well she was doing.
Yes she really is.
I really have hope.
Did You Ever Have One Of Those Days – Author’s Note:
When you are having a day like I was, it is sometimes hard to spin it and find the positive, but somehow you need to. So here is how I spun that.
Work – The little rush to clean the office resulted in me finally getting the majority of my desk cleaned off. I finished it up yesterday morning. I switched my phone and calculator and found that I like it much better. The phone cord is no longer interfering with my mouse which is causing me much less stress.
The Screen – The best thing is that Delilah did not hurt herself in her frenzy to get the cat and the bonus is I get a new screen out of the deal. The best part is Hubby recently learned to repair screens and the cost will be minimal.
It’s all about the positive here at Stone Manor.
How was your week?

Staying positive is a great way to get through the tough days!
Glad that Delilah did not hurt herself going through the screen! I thought of you last night because I opened our sliding door, which has a ripped screen that needs to be repaired, and Leroy walked right it out onto the deck! It has been repaired several times but I think we need a new one now!
We joined Follow Up Friday today!
LOL oh Leroy!! I thought Sherman was the tax? As long as they are safe, it’s just a screen. The point to me was that it could have been prevented! :-0
Glad you joined us, thanks Jen and have a great weekend!!
Haha Delilah did all of the work and the other dog tried to steal the toy! Yes she does open her feet wide to swim. That is where the webbing comes in handy.
One of these days, I am going to join Follow-Up Friday. Someday soon when I am not so far behind…lol.
My friend noticed it first, I thought wow she really does!
You join FUF whenever you are ready, this is one of those features that is not going away! It is an easy post for me. 🙂
Oh what fun in the pool!! I wish I could go in a pool too it looks great!! 🙂
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Talk to your peeps when they come back Snoopy!
I like your term “drifting.” It’s less insulting than some terms people have called me.
LOL Jan. I’m sure no-one would dare call you anything but wonderful!
Great way to spin and otherwise crappy day. My whole week has been nutty and I find myself running out of patience for everything. But there has to be a positive somewhere, right?
Love the video of Delilah swimming! She looked so happy to be in the water, doing what a lab is meant to do. It’s great you have a pool you can “borrow” to get a little extra exercise in. I love how happy you sounded in the video too. 🙂
Good for you keeping it positive!!
Love the video, she looks like she is having a great time 🙂
Love the video of Delilah swimming Jodi!
Yip, sometimes we need the unwanted “kick up the back side” to get things done that, afterwards, we are really pleased we did.
look at her feet as she swims back…look at those spread out toesies!!! Nice doggie paddle!! paw pats, Savannah ( I hopped over from Jet’s blog to check out Follow Up Friday…I do that on Monday…but may try to move that to Friday, nice idea!)