Please note this post is not meant to make light of the deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts.
My boss was on vacation last week, as is sometimes the case when he is on vacation I am in charge of driving him to the airport and then making sure his car is there when he arrives.
I’m an admin, it’s part of the job description. 🙂
Hubby followed me to the airport.
Here in CT we have this awesome little connector called 291, it connects I-84 to I-91 and makes traveling to the airport about a 20 to 25 minute ride from my house. The length of the ride is determined by my mood. 🙂
I digress.
As I was making the turn from I-291 to I-91 I noticed a car pulled over on the side of the highway. The passenger door was against the curbing and the driver’s door was on the traffic side. The driver was standing at his door looking up the hill and his hand was pointing down. I chanced a quick look as I drove by and saw what he was looking at.
It was his dog, doing its business.
Apparently his dog had to potty and so this fucktard idiot pulls over on a busy highway and lets his dog out of the car without a leash! It all happened so fast (and I was going at a good clip with cars behind me,) I didn’t think to stop and chew that piece of shit scum out.
WTF is wrong with you letting your dog out, off leash on the side of a highway!!
Do you have any idea what could have happened to your dog if something frightened it? Do you have the brains you were born with or did you leave them on the side of some highway?
After I dropped off the car and Hubby and I were riding home he asked me if I saw that car on the side of the highway.
Ooops, Hubby got an earful!
That POS was lucky I didn’t stop. What’s the penalty for stealing a dog anyway?
Animal Rights Group Seeks Punishment For Men Involved In Throwing Dog Down Manhole, Malaysia
Honest to God you can’t make this shit stuff up.
Apparently these two guys were supposed to be taking care of this man’s dog.
Why agree to take care of a dog if you don’t want to?
Wait, it gets worse.
Not only did they shove the dog in a manhole, but apparently someone videotaped the incident and put it on youtube where it went viral.
WHAT? Why would you put it on youtube instead of turning the video over to police?
I went to youtube and searched for dog put in manhole to see just what kind of asshole idiot does this shit stuff and you know what I found?
Videos of dogs breeding.
One video “Dog Breeding…..AND THEY GET STUCK” has had 341,724 views.
Really, there’s nothing on the telly and nothing you can be doing besides watching two dogs….wait how did the intelligent being who created the video phrase it…..ah yes, “bumpin’ uglies?”
And we wonder why the world is in such a mess. Look no further than youtube my friends.
I don’t know about you, but that’s about as much WTF as I can handle for today.
Michigan dogfighting bust results in 46 dogs seized, 2 men behind bars, Kalamazoo, Michigan
I won’t lie, dog fighting is horrific and barbaric and in my opinion anyone caught participating in it should be subjected to the same treatment they gave the dogs. (That’s how it would work in Jodi’s World.) 🙂
But I digress again.
The pictures of the dogs are heartbreaking, but as I scrolled through them looking at the dogs, I saw love. Those dogs that were chained, abused and neglected still reached out tentatively at the outstretched hand of man and took a cautious sniff. I can’t help but think what a different world this would be if we all had the heart of a dog.
Another feel good about this story is the local humane society connected with a pit bull rescue to help treat and assess the dogs. Petsmart provided food and vaccinations for the dogs.
That gives me hope. A national chain, who could put their resources wherever they wanted, donated to abused dogs.
Warms the cockles of your heart, eh?

I could not get that last story to load because there were so many pop-up ads. But I agree with you on dog fighting…horrid.
Of course I had to go see the youtube video. Guess they didn’t care about the welfare of those dogs. Sad really.
I wouldn’t watch the video. Personally I don’t care to give people like that the fame. Just like the OctoMom, I won’t read anything about her! LOL
People are horrid, I really don’t know how some people live with themselves 🙁
The video was not that bad. It was a natural breeding. Just a very childish approach to the situation. There are things you can do to make it easier on the dogs, instead of giggling like a five year old.
Probably exactly what I would have expected from someone that would call it bumpin’ uglies. LOL
Definitely agree on dog fighting, what is the matter with people! I would have like to read that the HSUS is giving them money for the welfare of the dogs but sadly I did not read that anywhere.
No I didn’t either Misty. 🙁 It would have been nice to see some kind of assistance.
I know you probably already know this but just in case I will share that only 1% of every dollar they take in goes to animals…1%, that’s only 1 penny. That’s why I encourage people to only donate to their local humane society (which is not affiliated to HSUS) and other local shelters.
It amazes me the risks people take with their dogs… sometimes it’s just ignorance though, they simply don’t realize what could happen in a second… or don’t know someone personally that had said exact accident happen. Wonder what they would do with their kid??
And yep, everything is pretty much on youtube, not sure why people would bother to post it. Leave that for the scientific sites maybe? But it all comes down to how you handle it though, breeding is normal and honestly I would prefer a dog get a natural chance at it than AI if at all possible… but you don’t see me recording them doing the deed lol.
Speaking of breeding though, we shall hopefully have some more GSP puppies here very soon!
It seems like the intelligence of some YouTube contributors is slightly lower than celery. I have ridiculed some of them through the years and shamed them into taking the videos off.
And, yes it would be nice if HSUS would give the money for animal welfare that people think they do, but they have a political agenda that is quite expensive to maintain.
I suspect Stephen Colbert is not normally your cup of tea. But this is such a good example of “making fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts” that I just had to share.
I think you two show a similar sense of humor here:
I know plenty of people who would be offended by this very approach of ridiculing these foolish statements. But I thought you might get it. If I’m wrong, please forgive me. 🙂
I am very sad I can’t see the Colbert video in Canada. 🙁 I haven’t seen his show on television for a long time but it always cracked me up.
That was brilliant Pamela, I actually love Stephen Colbert, but admit I mostly forget he is on. That is one man I would actually like to see in polititics. His skit on Palin’s “the British are coming” is one of my all time favorites.
Kristine, that is a boo hiss for you, why isn’t it available, can you watch it on the web?
PetSmart is such a great company that supports many animal related charities across the continent. I am not the least bit surprised they helped out here. There will be one finally coming to my city this fall and I am looking forward to showing them my support.
As for all the WTF stories… I think I need to go cry now. Has anyone reported these videos to Youtube? You’d think they’d take them down.
Kristine, youtube is about the almighty dollar too, how sad that people put money above morals. 🙁
Yay for you getting a Petsmart, I tend to favor my smaller pet store, but have no problem whatsoever with Petsmart.
Oh my, what a lot of crazy people you fitted into one post. I cannot believe what humans can get up to. Cannot agree more, that the world would be a better place if people thought more like dogs. Then again, as you say, there are the fantastic people, who go out of their way to help the animals in need. Thank you for ending it on an uplifting note.
During our trip to Florida over the winter we saw two Labs off leash at a very busy rest stop, and I was thinking the same thing. Who does that? I don’t care how well trained your dog is, when there is that much traffic, you don’t take the chance.
(Plus, I admit, there was a bit of jealously, as MY Lab can’t be off leash anywhere, but that’s another story!)
So glad they shut down another fighting ring. I hope all of them are able to be rehabilitated and find good homes.
what is the matter with ppl? sigh…..
I can’t believe that you didn’t go back and chew the idiot out on the highway!
I was on the freeway when my pup had to potty. I exited the freeway and drove around till I found a nice suitable strip of grass for him to do his business. I’m scared to get out of the car on a freeway or highway!