I’ve frequently written about how different my dogs are. Not just in coloring, but in personality as well.
Delilah is an in your face, demanding type of dog, if you won’t give her what she wants, she’ll figure out a way to get.
Sampson on the other hand has learned or was born with the art of patience.
Case in point. Yesterday we had a family function. I won’t bore you with all the specifics, but will tell you that I failed epically on the grill.
How can there still be fire in the grill when you have shut off both the burners AND the gas tank?
Beats me.
All I can say is good thing my sister likes her hot dogs burnt.
Anyway in typical Delilah fashion, she kept wandering over to the breakfast bar where the food was and attempting to scarf what she could. Yes she eventually was successful and managed to get the top bun off a cheeseburger.
Sampson in his typical laid-back fashion went in a different direction.
In my typical fashion I got up and got him some watermelon. 🙂
Persistence pays off, just be the dog.

It’s nice to have a variety in life, like you have with your puppies!
I love it! Samspon sounds like Cheyenne, even right down to the watermelon and Delilah and Riva are so much alike I think they were sisters in another life lol
If you you burnt the hot dogs I wouldn’t call that failing but grilling to perfection, love my hot dogs burnt too 🙂
ps Maia is just like her mother so now I have two counter surfers and I think the next generation got better at it 😉
We are lucky that Cali has never even looked toward the counter. She is great at cleaning the floors and once took a bite of our 5 year old nieces pb & j sandwich (she was sitting on the floor and holding it out to the side . . how was Cali to know that she wasn’t offering it to her??) Those counter surfers really keep you on your toes!! I love the picture of Sampson – he’s just willing that watermelon to jump off the counter!
I’m always amazed at how puppies even from the same litter can start to develop totally different personalities when they are just a few weeks old. They may be the same breed with the same genes, the same parents, but they are little individuals from the beginning. Just one more thing that is fascinating about dogs.
I hope I didn’t use any words that your blog will censor. 🙂
So true. Every one of us, 2 and 4 legged, simply has our way of going about things. I wish that Mazzie and I were more patient like Sampson. She and I are both very willful and just like your Delilah, we’re not waiting around for something we want. While being this way has its perks, it can also be a bit exhausting and we’re both working on being a little more mellow yellow.
I love the photo of Sampson just waiting for that watermelon to fall into his drooling mouth!
Good boy Sampson. Toby would have been up there on all fours, gorging himself. I think even though he LOOKS like Sampson, he’s ACTUALLY more closely related to Delilah.
Sampson should be rewarded for sitting so nicely and waiting…lol. What a good doggie!
Sounds like Sampson knows the Jedi mind trick!
Sampson has it all figured out! : )
Ah that Sampson has you very well trained. 🙂
LOL… so true. Sampson knows what works! 🙂
Does he really like watermelon? What a fun dog treat!
Hahaha! Chalk and cheese! (an English saying) 🙂
ha ha ha! I once read an article that suggested that border collies were smarter than golden retrievers because they figured out themselves how to solve a food puzzle. but the golden retriever figured out how to get his human to help him.
which one do you think is smarter? 🙂
glad no one got hurt on the grill besides some hot dogs.