For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
Please feel free to grab the badge and join me in recapping or wrapping up your week. It doesn’t matter if you do it every week or just once in a while.
Another Post About Poop – Update
Delilah’s little peeper hasn’t shown itself again. All subsequent poops have been normal. I guess it was me, just being…..well me.
Tasty Tuesday – Author’s Note
Sampson and Delilah get a snack every single night. A long time ago it used to be a rawhide twist.
I’ve heard some people say it’s bad and others say it isn’t. I don’t really know, what I do know is that using the rawhide was
1) Expensive and
2) Well let’s just say you wouldn’t want to be around Delilah as she’s trying to swallow a 4 inch x 4 inch strip of rawhide. Once she got it stuck and if she hadn’t been smart enough to use her paw to dislodge it….I was just getting ready to reach in there and remove it.
I decided switching to stuffed Kongs was a little more work on my part, but better for them in the long run. I can stuff it with whatever I want and both dogs enjoy it.
Since they get one every night, I like to try to think of new and different things to add to the Kongs, or different ways to change it up. Hence the occasional white bone.
W.T.F./Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Author’s Note
I’m completely outraged at this story, I can’t believe people can be so disrespectful and hurtful to others. I do hope United checks into this and I do hope they take the appropriate action.
There are too many choices and too many media outlets for disgruntled customers to express their displeasure. I think if I ran a company in this day and age my focus would be on customer service.
Training Tidbits – Author’s Note
I do agree with those of you who pointed out that you don’t always want to use treats with your dogs. I totally get that and I hope at some point to begin weaning Delilah off the treats. When you are beginning to train/teach/shape a behavior you tend to reward for every small success, but as your dog gets better and quicker at responding you begin to treat less.
As for Jersey’s dad, well I have no idea what his training methods with her are. I have no idea if he has been training her for a long time or has just decided to take part in her training recently.
It’s really not fair for me to judge him without knowing all the facts, but it did provide my inner bitch with some amusement and thought it would be nice to share.
While I will be weaning Delilah off the treats, I may never wean her from treats on a recall. Honestly if giving her a treat when she comes back to me keeps her coming back, then I will treat her each and every time. 😉
Lastly before I wrap this up I want to let you know I’m very behind in responding to your comments. I do like to respond to as many as possible but you also may have noticed I’ve changed the scheduling of my blog posts.
I’m still working on getting into the rhythm of the new schedule so I ask you to please bear with me.
Thank you and have a great weekend!

I am always impressed that you are able to summarize and review. Thanks
Awesome follow up! Glad that Delilah’s peeper hasn’t shown itself again:)
I am way behind on responding to my comments to, I’ll catch up one of these day!
I actually had time to respond to comments the last couple of weeks. Usually…well you know…lol.
I am glad it was nothing serious with Delilah!
I loved the Poopy Delilah story–this from the girl who runs her hand over Honey’s head wondering if that bump is a tumor or just the way her skull is shaped. 🙂
You are all guilting me into examining my dogs’ poops. And I am seriously considering doing it. Soon.
Am I the only one who doesn’t examine dog poop? Does this make me the worst owner in the world? *guilt guilt guilt*
I bet Delilah’s glad that there have been no more embarrassing issues that might end up on the internet. 😉
Good luck adjusting to your new blog schedule!
I’m very happy to hear about the peeper 😉
So glad to hear there has been no reappearance of the peeper 🙂
LOVE the poop update!!!!
I am pleased to hear that Delilah’s little peeper hasn’t shown itself again 🙂