You may have noticed a new badge on my side-bar. Since I really lack creativity in the designing department I struggled with this, but finally decided on a simple theme for Follow-Up Friday. Please feel free to grab the badge and join me in recapping or wrapping up your week. It doesn’t matter if you do it every week or just once in a while.
For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
2012 Goals – Check Point – Author’s Note
You were so kind in your comments and I really appreciate that, I am however extremely critical of myself and while I reviewed these goals I realized I have a tremendous amount of work left to do in the last half of the year.
I think Bob Harper might be out of the question as no amount of tweeting, or facebooking has even garnered a I’m sorry I don’t follow fans from him.
Really, who needs someone like that following them? I can concede defeat on this goal and I shall do it gracefully, without adding Bob Harper to WTF Wednesday. 🙂
For the rest of the goals, I really need to step up my game.
Bloggers Unite For Dog Rescue – Author’s Note
Rescue is near and dear to my heart as you all know. My dear sweet sometimes trying Delilah came to me via rescue. This was not the BTC that I had planned, but I do so want to shine the light on these sweet dogs who through no fault of their own end up in shelters. If I can help save one dog, that would be incredible.
Monday Mischief – Update
This mischief was totally my fault. I could leave a plate of food on the floor and tell Sampson to leave it, but that is not the case with Delilah. I need to make sure anything that might even resemble food to her, is put away. 🙂
The Correct Way – Author’s Note
Most of you knew the correct way to hold a leash. Why were you holding out on me? 🙂
Julie said, I think I need you to take a picture . . I’m a visual person. I’m with you in that boat Julie. So here it is.
As of the writing of this post I am still sitting in my pajamas (don’t you love vacations) so I cannot show you how the other arm helps control your dog. I promise to get a picture of that later. 🙂
W.T.F./Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Author’s Note
Unless the Arizona officer was like Jim Belushi’s character in K-9, I’m fairly certain he didn’t deliberately leave the dog in the car. I still however question his ability to remain calm and cool in stressful situations.
As for the Whoo Hoo portion, well I think Officer W serves as a wonderful example of what we as dog owners SHOULD expect from our law enforcement.
Thoughts From A Walk – Author’s Note
I can’t say with any certainty that is what the dogs are thinking, but you can be sure my thoughts are accurate.
That’s it for me, I’m off to walk the dogs. It is currently raining and cool so I’m hoping there will be no bugs and no sweat on this walk. 😉
Any takers and thoughts on the Follow-Up Friday badge? I’m open to any suggestions from you very creative types.

I love the badge – very cool! 🙂
Thank you. Feel free to use it if you’d like.
I like your Follow up Friday badge – it looks cool and, with the paw prints all moving off to the right, it takes us nicely into the weekend.
I didn’t think of it that way, but I like it!
Great idea! I’ll have to see what happens when I rearrange my blog a bit, right now I have so many subjects I need to cover I’ve been posting 6 days a week, arggggg!!!
I hear you! Follow-up Friday and WTF Wednesday are my scheduled posts. The rest usually just happens. I can’t wait to see how you rearrange your blog.
We don’t hold the leash like that either. Is that how the instructor said to do it? I guess I misunderstood. We do hold it accordion style (and we use leather), but we don’t loop around anything. I really do not need a broken thumb. You should be able just to hold the lead and if not use two hands. You don’t keep it around your thumb like that do you? Gosh I know too many people who have ended up with broken wrists, hands, fingers from holding the lead wrong.
Unless I misunderstood her, that is the way the leash should be held. I might hold the leash like that in class, but when we are walking I usually wrap it around my wrist or hold it like a handle. 🙂 I’m sure one of these days I’m going to break something. 🙂
Forgot to say how much I like your button. 🙂
Your badge looks great. You should be proud of yourself for learning a new skill. I have absolutely no idea how to make a badge. 🙂
Thanks Pamela, it was a basic as I could do it. I googled how to make a badge but then ended up using it in paint. 😮 You could do it, you’re very creative.
Your badge looks great! Nice job!
I totally loop the leash around my thumb, but then I wrap it around my wrist a million times. I really can’t believe that I have never broken my thumb or my wrist before!
Thanks Jen, I admit I wrap it around my wrist too. I’m expecting to break something. 🙂
Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jetty here. Hi Miss Jodi.
Wowee, wow, wow! Your badge creating abilities ROCK!!! Congrats…
Thanks Jettie, you are free to use it whenever you want!
Your badge looks great and I love the colors you chose.
I don’t hold the regular leash that way but I do hold my show lead like that, I have good control but a show lead is much thinner and easier to work with. The regular lead I put my whole hand through the loop.
Thanks Misty, I was trying to go with my blog color scheme.. I think it’s slightly off but hopefully it will work with the new blog.
I usually have my hand through it, looped around my wrist.
Cool badge Jodi! I think you ought to try different ways of disguising “anything that might even resemble food” – that could be an interesting project 🙂
She is so food focused Bassa, I could use a stone and if she thought it was food she would eat it. 🙁 Glad you like the badge, feel free to use it.
Love the new badge Jodi! Also, I wanted to pop by and tell you I passed on an award to you today. 🙂
You can check it out here:
Thanks Donna, I appreciate the award. I will work on that post soon!!
Hey Jodi,
I really like your Friday Badge! 🙂
Btw, Delilah says don’t be too tough on yourself about putting away ALL food, she’s fine if you occasionally slip up!! Tee Hee
Have a fun weekend
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
LOL Snoopy, you are such a mischief maker! Feel free to use the badge.
I’ve always loved the idea of doing a follow up post – especially if I can’t get to reply to comments like I always intend- but it always felt like stealing your idea before. Now that I have your permission, I won’t feel nearly so guilty. Thanks!
PS. I don’t think I got a chance to comment but I loved your “Thoughts” post. Boy can I relate!