For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
Why My Vet Shouldn’t Give Me Her Cell Phone Number – Author’s Note
This was a really fun post to write, even funnier because well…..I could actually see it happening. Like I said, I like to have direct access to people who are important to me, but sometimes I can be a little obsessive.
I know you’re shocked. It’s ok. Sometimes it takes me by surprise too.
What’s Right For Your Dog? – Author’s Note
I firmly believe that all dogs, like all children and husbands, (Ok Big Al!) and all wives are different. Dogs have unique and individual personalities just like people do.
Not everyone likes step-aerobics, right? So why should all dogs like agility?
Don’t feel guilty about how much exercise your dog is getting. Just enjoy your dog and enjoy doing things with him/her.
WTF Wednesday – Author’s note
I signed the petition and shared it here and on my facebook page. I wrote to every e-mail on that list as well as to the two Senators from Indiana.
The last time I checked they were 443 votes away from meeting their goal of 20,000 signatures. I googled the event to try to find out if any action had been taken to stop the event.
I found more than one site that was dedicated to eradicating this horrific event. Apparently opposition was very close to stopping this event last year.
Won’t you please do your part by sharing and signing?
As for Kingston, well I have no answers there. You can talk until you are blue in the face to some people and you just can’t get through. I feel sad for this dog because they are not doing him any favors and are really putting him at risk for injury or worse.
Thwarted Again – Update
I thank you all for hanging in here and helping me through this process. When it comes to writing I can be somewhat creative, but coming up with witty names just isn’t my forte. Notice the ingenuity regarding the name of this blog.
I have to confess, I really got a case of the giggles when I came up with “” and I still think it would be funny, but it’s just not a great name for googling, you know what I mean? 😉
I did have two FABULOUS ideas from two different commenters.
Al said, Jodi, how about
Then Peggy said, I’ve seen it done like writerjodistone or jodistonewrites.
I like both of these ideas and they are both available.
Since I wanted to include my name in the title I am currently leaning towards
I’m still considering calling the woman who owns, ‘Be the Dog’ and perhaps collaborating with her on a tee-shirt.
Anyone interested in a tee-shirt?

Woof, woof. No matter what you call it – it will be good.
Thanks Sandy! It is a tough decision.
You could even expand the line; Be the Poodle, Be the Great Dane, Be the Bitch
I like Be the Bitch Jan! LOL
jodistonewrites is good. You could also have jodistonewritesandbytes 🙂
That’s really clever Bassa!! I like that one. 🙂
LOL I am just now reading most of your posts from last week.
PS Please don’t sign any petitions to get rid of our hunt tests. 🙂
I won’t sign petitions for the hunt tests. Just don’t tell me what they do and I won’t get my panties in a wad. LOL
Awe but some day I hope to get you out to one. 🙂
If writing was easy, everyone would do it. So you’ve got a tough task of naming yourself. I like JodiStonewrites. But, given the other Jodi Stone writers, it might not set you apart enough.
True Pamela, it is definitely not easy.